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Server down due to SPAM
21:32:01 Sep 10th 08 - VU Admin:

Yep, the server was down today due to hard drive getting full. We get around 4-5 mails every second so in one year we get around 160 million *beep* mails.

21:48:19 Sep 10th 08 - Mr. Dakarius:

lol so vu's capacity for *beep* does have its limits :)

21:53:05 Sep 10th 08 - Mr. Lewatho:

wow 4 to 5 a second never realised we were so busy.

22:36:47 Sep 10th 08 - Sir Stirlin:

wow must be boring deleting them all :P

22:38:53 Sep 10th 08 - Sir Hades God of Underworld:

.........who deleted my post????/ Thats mean.

YOU BIG MEANIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


22:44:35 Sep 10th 08 - VU Admin:

What about I buy all those penis enlargements and viagra and come visit you?

22:48:12 Sep 10th 08 - Mr. Opportunity:

Wow admin, too far ; )

22:50:45 Sep 10th 08 - Sir Brannigans Law:

lol admin isnt allowed to have fun :p

23:12:14 Sep 10th 08 - Sir Epyon:

Zeta does not need penis enlargements! he is the mighty penor :D

23:17:39 Sep 10th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus: wonder Zeta hates the word sp@m ....he gets it in his mail all the time O_o

05:31:43 Sep 11th 08 - Mr. Mad Mage Pesterd:

lol i thought zeta actually has a life... cmon guys dont make him erase 160 million sp@m mail a yr! its not fair after all his hard work!!
Hail Zeta!

05:33:54 Sep 11th 08 - Mr. Yoshi:

Just a question do have any sleep or are you up all night clicking the deleted button?

16:44:02 Sep 11th 08 - Sir Lelouch VI Brittania:

Zeta, that was a great comeback man.

18:45:24 Sep 13th 08 - Overlord Tango:

hrm..  Text takes up such little amount of HD space, how in the world did it fill up so easily?

18:53:29 Sep 13th 08 - Mr. Bananaman:

It's not space, but bandwidth.

00:07:47 Sep 15th 08 - Mr. Brain:

1 email = around 1-2KB.
160million KB = 160.000.000 KB = 160.000 MB = 160 GB

and 160GB is now a 'regular' HD...

01:15:55 Sep 15th 08 - Mr. Uttkarsh Bhardwaj:

lmao....memory is like the cheapest thing these days....and never thought vu admin would use such words....shame on him...=(

01:32:13 Sep 15th 08 - Mr. Sloop:

Yeah lol :P

01:45:29 Sep 15th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Zeta can talk however he wants...if you don't like it...he can kick you ass :p
(Also noticed how the sp@m in this thread was removed =(  )

02:48:11 Sep 15th 08 - Duke Salamon:

Mr. Brain


9/14/2008 6:07:47 PM1 email = around 1-2KB.
160million KB = 160.000.000 KB = 160.000 MB = 160 GB

and 160GB is now a 'regular' HD...

Thats stating that Vu's been running for a year only :P but in truth its been up more like 3-4 years now :P so more like 640 GB :P (which is not your avg memory space for a computer :P unless you add some :P - i think avg mem space is now about 400-500)

02:57:09 Sep 15th 08 - Sir Doomsday:

just hit the delete all button, its not hard.

03:13:11 Sep 15th 08 - Princess Arien:

/sees some things never change


03:17:09 Sep 15th 08 - Mr. Uttkarsh Bhardwaj:

umm...yeah the "Delete All  Button" is a great tool....=)

16:22:13 Sep 15th 08 - Prince Tiber Septim IV:

*Septim wants at least one undeleted post in this thread.

16:30:55 Sep 15th 08 - Duke Slade:

hahah well i think your the reason it crashed Septim

you most likely sent 50% of them Sp@m messages :P

03:43:42 Sep 16th 08 - Mr. Arvious VII:

spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam

Hmm, not just Septim. :-P

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