Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / Simply Curious

Simply Curious
02:45:46 Nov 5th 15 - Nayoke the Kid (Sir Nayoke The Kid):

How many of you think that a $5 a month subscription to this game for VIP benefits would be worth it if you were seeing actual updates being made on the game? 

02:46:37 Nov 5th 15 - Kevin (Kushlord Kev):

I'd pay it in a heartbeat.

02:52:23 Nov 5th 15 - Hentai Taste:

I'd donate 5 a month if he used it on advertising

07:35:33 Nov 5th 15 - Mr. Todd L Fondler:

Well we need some fine tuning. Making fantasia the place to be and then just advertise the fekk outta ourselves.

6 months since i came back and fantasia gets better every era.

09:00:05 Nov 5th 15 - Kevin (Kushlord Kev):

Hentai Taste:

I'd donate 5 a month if he used it on advertising

Really the only thing this game needs.

09:22:09 Nov 5th 15 - Quirinus (Mr. Quirinus IV):

Let's be real, it needs much more than just advertising, but we still love it. ;P

I'd pay $5 if I had a job and played VU, to show my support. I wouldn't even need the VIP things, but that would be a nice bonus.

11:23:45 Nov 5th 15 - Prince Pure The Caring:

Does VIP status mean what upgraded accounts get now?
If not we can jot down ideas like
VIP status should say give you 1 bt every 24 hours or every 2 days or 1 week or something that goes straight to your chracter. Things like this that dont give a massive advantage but is an incentive to buy.

16:59:30 Nov 5th 15 - Nayoke the Kid (Sir Nayoke The Kid):

"Does VIP status mean what upgraded accounts get now?"

Yes that is exactly what I was thinking; however, that does take away from the incentive for players who already have an upgraded account to partake in VIP or whatever Zeta could theoretically call it. At this point maybe cut the price by 1/2 for them and then give them one BT every however many days or something?

17:48:36 Nov 5th 15 - Stephen Ben (Mr. Shizel Fritzl):

If he goes back to 3 worlds and reduces characters to 2 then I think this would be a great idea. 

1 BT every day could be too influential though, especially if 30-40 people are getting them. 

Maybe every 3 days.

With 2 characters people could play Fant and Mant. Experienced people can commit to Fant and help new players on Mant and Zeta. 

If some sad sacks go to Mant and Zeta to bully new players then there will still be experienced people there half committed to thwart them.

19:46:18 Nov 5th 15 - shyers (Grandmaster Shyizerhammersmith):

Man....I was hoping this thread was like bi-curious 

08:26:28 Nov 6th 15 - Prince Pure The Caring:

Stephen Ben I thought that as well, but wouldnt it be a good incentive too purchase it? Or you could be left behind (I dont actually think 25 ticks is "that" much of a bonus over 24)

Also maybe set it up so 1 month is $5 3 months $13 6 months $22  1 year $35 or so. Award people who plan to stick around for a while. This will also act as an incentive to people who go for the cheaper option to continue play as they dont want to lose out on money.

12:51:08 Nov 6th 15 - Stephen Ben (Mr. Shizel Fritzl):

You are right, 25 over 24 ticks isn't bad. But very few people will use the BT immediately once they get it. However when people stock pile BTs and make 3 BT moves every 72 hours that can be influential. A naz army could decimate a core with 3 BTs. 

13:38:09 Nov 6th 15 - Prince Pure The Caring:

Have it as a "members" bt which you can only store 1 of and until you use it you cant start the timer for another. Say I use it at 6pm on monday Ill get it on 6 pm tuesday but lets say I hold off on tueseday and let it sit till 2 am wednesday morning I'll get the next one at 2 am thursday  morning.

13:41:46 Nov 6th 15 - Mr. Todd L Fondler:

You shouls get a new one 24h after usage. Dats not as abusable.

14:19:30 Nov 6th 15 - Stephen Ben (Mr. Shizel Fritzl):

I can't see an issue on that. Gives members a 4 tick boost over OOP at worst. The question is could it be implemented that way?

16:41:45 Nov 6th 15 - Prince Pure The Caring:

Stephen Ben if I remember correctly youre aligreat?
(Could be wrong) if you are they do it in TLK with the heal turns (Which is where I am loosely basing the idea off)

17:24:15 Nov 6th 15 - shyers (Mr. Shyzilla):

You've gotta remember that zeta wants the game to be free, he doesn't want to give large bonuses to people who pay to play. I understand this is a capitalist society but it's a slippery slope. 

17:25:39 Nov 6th 15 - Nayoke the Kid (Sir Eros The Fess):

Zeta, if you are out there somewhere, any input? 

18:12:18 Nov 6th 15 - Bran (Mr. Branny Branbrann):

is this a texan arguing against proft??

23:26:30 Nov 6th 15 - shyers (Mr. Shyzilla):

We make our $ the old fashioned murican way.... By robbing from the low and middle class and stepping on the heads of others... But zeta has higher morels

23:29:05 Nov 7th 15 - ZeTa (VU Admin):

I will happily take your hard earned money shyers :P

Unless it makes the game unbalanced, I got no problem with it.

While a little money is better then no money, I don't think any business model at this time would have enough affect on "new players from advertising" or "development time for updates" to turn the tide. 

What currently keeps me from spending time on the game is foremost the old code base from the 90's and the fact we have two versions of it, PC and mobile, makes it very cumbersome to work with. And secondary, while I have cool ideas, I have no clue on what needs to be updated because I no longer play the game more then testing things.

The solution to this is to make a new API for the game, using the latest and greatest technology, witch would make it fun to work on again, but would require around 300 work hours. And then have you guys, especially those of you that usually don't say anything to "speak up" and tell me what needs to be done.

I would also make the client side open source, and hopefully get some help with making the game work on all the devices out there, witch takes up most of my developing time. For example, fixing the move armies bug on iPad mini.

02:26:27 Nov 8th 15 - Nayoke the Kid (Sir Eros The Fess):

So what if you started this subscription option and reopen advertisements while keeping an open tab on how much money would need to be raised before development began. Making the tab viewable to all players in the News Panel or something like that. Upgraded account purchased also being included in this.

Btw how much do you think an overhaul onto newer technology would cost? You said 300 working hours, but I find that a little vague... 

Given time I feel like the existing VU community could farm up the resources to make this happen ;)

07:27:54 Nov 8th 15 - Prince Pure The Caring:

ZeTa if youre serious about doing an overhaul I can and will create a shortlist of things that need to be fixed by talking to the influential members of the community. But only if you will be serious about it, otherwise it will be a waste of time for me :P

I do think you need to generate another source of income like what we had discussed here.

10:00:56 Nov 8th 15 - Quirinus (Mr. Quirinus IV):

Haven't played VU for like 5+ years, came back this era. I can speak up about some of the problems that I see, and I feel well placed to talk about this because I'll probably end up #2 on Fant.

I can talk about game mechanics with a relatively fresh set of eyes, and the user interface/client improvements that need to happen. I can even propose some changes and code bits for it (from my dabbling with a userscript), when it's time for discussion.

17:06:48 Nov 8th 15 - Teirdel (Saint Teirdelmech):

I am currently in school learning some small things here and there. If need be I would have no problem assisting in whatever capacity is deemed necessary for a new version. Just message and let me know.

19:05:26 Nov 8th 15 - shyers (Mr. Shyzilla):

You could get help, chade knows a lot about coding, I'm sure there are other dorks here too. I work at Hewlett Packard, I could ask some geeks there. Y'all could have a big nerd party.

19:06:55 Nov 8th 15 - Quirinus (Mr. Quirinus IV):

I know PHP quite well, JS/jQuery as well, CSS/HTML, MySQL etc.

21:15:38 Nov 8th 15 - Mr. Sladd:

As for game balancing etc I'm at your service as I have been almost since the start /Augh

18:28:43 Nov 9th 15 - HorusPanic (Mr. Round Mound):

i can't help on the back end, but i'd like to be a helper in the revival effort

13:04:27 Dec 18th 15 - Cloutier (Ms. Halflingfirst):

this game is made in .asp

19:37:59 Dec 18th 15 - Mr. Richard Childs:

Instead of a BT / 24h, what about just increasing the efficiency of the normal ticks? Ie, 10% quicker armies, 5% "hidden" scibonus in each science, 20% longer vision etc. Would still be a good bonus but wouldn't give the same tactical advantage as BTs.

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