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Studies On Life
03:12:33 Feb 22nd 08 - Duke Indicated Undernourishment:

So there are things in life we can't control, such as feelings, emotions and hope.

Well, we should be able to, most of the time it puts us through trouble rather then happiness, you have 10 seconds to think about good thinks that have happend you due to those human "abilities" and 10 seconds to think about bad things for the same reason, the list becomes rather long in the wrong end I'd guess.

Boys and girls, learn that life sucks. Cause that's the meaning of it.

Want a nice little red house with white corners on the countryside with a wife/husband, children, cats and dogs? Won't get it, you might have the luck to live in some stupid suburbia-town with a cracked down "until-death-due-os-part"-partner, you're children commiting theft and you're cats and dogs since long shot by you're rabid neighbour.

Want a high-paying job where all you're qualifications are needed and you feel needed? Guess what, you won't get it, you won't get a single good job, if you are lucky you will have to beg for social welfare each and every month for the rest of you're life, until they realise you ain't doing anything good for the productive society you live in, only taking up space, and then they'll put you to sleep if you haven't already gone crazy and now live the remaining days of you're worthless life in a mental hospital.

Kids, kids, here's todays lesson, there's no hope, there is a destiny. This "destiny" a powerful, or a few powerful, people command over and they make sure you're life becomes just as important as trousers on Britney Spears, doesn't matter.

So, for lesson 1 in "Studies on Life", learn that life sucks, once you know that we can go on to lesson 2.

Kind Regards.

03:46:25 Feb 22nd 08 - Mr. Ffhheero:

People like you are thw ones with a sucky life. Giveing up like a  little *beep* is gona get you real far.

03:57:03 Feb 22nd 08 - Mr. Plato:

You have to work for it, that is the only way to get acheivemnet

The REAL Chapter 1

There are things you can't control, like emotions.

You always have hope, and the only way you truely give up hope, is when there is 0 percent chance of something of happening.

Repeat thing about listing good and bad times.

Boys and girls think life sucks until they finally find the piece htat makes them happy, like a gf or bf or a new puppy or a golden retriver.. (mostly a gf or bf)

Want a nice little red house with white corners on the countryside with a wife/husband, children, cats and dogs? Won't get it, you might have the luck to live in some stupid suburbia-town with a cracked down "until-death-due-os-part"-partner, you're children commiting theft and you're cats and dogs since long shot by you're rabid neighbour.

This is all nonsence.  You have to work hard to acheive your goals.

Want a high-paying job where all you're qualifications are needed and you feel needed? Guess what, you won't get it, you won't get a single good job, if you are lucky you will have to beg for social welfare each and every month for the rest of you're life, until they realise you ain't doing anything good for the productive society you live in, only taking up space, and then they'll put you to sleep if you haven't already gone crazy and now live the remaining days of you're worthless life in a mental hospital.

You work hard at school and colledge, you get a good job, you will find a job with most qualifications and do well.  The dream job, so to speak.

Your hope gets you your dreams and you will achieve if you keep working hard at what you want.

04:03:08 Feb 22nd 08 - Duke Indicated Undernourishment:

"Kids, we have a special lesson today, as Mr. Ffhheero said, the ones giving up are the ones with a sucky life.

Now kids, todays question: Is it true that no one who keeps struggeling has a hard time, and that no one that hangs on and keeps fighting has it bad?"

"Oh, I know, I know!"

"Yes Oliver?"


"Indeed, there are people out there struggeling, working their butts of, trying to make the best of things, fight medical illness, unfairness and bad tempered lovelife, but no matter how they try, they still have a life thats more then just a little bit sour, or..?"

"Yes, that's true. Also, you never said you nor anyone else had given upp."

"Oh, haha, my dear pupil, so true, so true. Anyhow, Ffhheero, good point, I'll give you a little star at the end of the term."

"Sir, sir! Plato enterd class just as you had finished speaking."

"Oh, hey Plato, nice to see you, got your pencil and you're paper? Good. Oh yes, you are true so true, but you've entered the wrong classroom I'm afraid, the "Going Strong"-lessons are the next door."

04:09:06 Feb 22nd 08 - Mr. Ffhheero:

If someone says you need to learn life sucks thats the green light they have given up. Everyone has hard times. Bad *beep* happens? Try even harder. You remined me a lot of emos. my word to emos is stop *beep*ing and try and make your life better or kill yourself and get it over.

04:26:56 Feb 22nd 08 - Duke Indicated Undernourishment:

"Sir, sir! Ffhheero just called you emo! I heard it, I heard it!!"

"There there Oliver, we have free speech, if he'd like to call he's teacher a emo, that's ok, I'll send his folks at home a note and they'll take it with him, that's not my area. Ffhheero, let's not talk about such things as killing ourselves in class, remember, there are younglings here, alas, that is a way to get rid of you're troubles, it's true, altough that is a very cheesy way, and the way of the emo's, the kind you have already brought up.

"But sir, is it true, ahve you given up?"

"Oh, haha, no no Oliver, that's for quitters, I have still things to share, I actually had a talk with Mr. Death earlier today, even tough I never knew he had gotten msn and talked alot about poo and elephants and was so kinky, but apparently it wasn't my time yet, so I simply asked him to come back when it really was my time and then we could talk."

04:47:36 Feb 22nd 08 - Mr. Ffhheero:

Its pretty sad you hide behind a fake classroom of kids.

09:00:46 Feb 22nd 08 - Mr. Overcome:

allways look at the bright side of life *whisle*

i think its mostly about your life philosophi.

i have a great home, living with my beatifull wife and have a excellent job=)
the thing is, that you must learn to appriciat what you gat and stop focusing on the bad things in life. you allways have a choise=)

you break your neck, you can lay down and be sad forever. or you can stand up, be happy that you are alive and do the good things that life has to offer.

i am getting a little bit annoyed with people that goes around and says that life sucks, cause they don't know what they are talking about. if you go around saying things like that, then you don't know what life has to offer.

13:02:53 Feb 22nd 08 - Duke Indicated Undernourishment:

Mr Overcome, that was probably the best sentences I've heard this year:)

Perhaps a explanation, last night/morning, life did suck, since no one I knew were up half past four in the morning and I needed to get it out from me somehow, hey, why not use the forums.

So that's what I did, and even tough the things I wrote didn't have anything to do with what had actually happend it felt alot better to write that then talking about love, that subject is so old, especially this love-subject. Won't even bother reading through what I wrote, it's only "Hate-Everything-In-The-World-For-The-Moment" kind of thing.

Kudos to the three of you tough. :)

Anyone else feel pissed, hit you're pillow, or write what ever sheitty things you feel like in here, helps in a great way.

Kind regards, hooja!

16:52:50 Feb 22nd 08 - Mr. Overcome:

well life has its ups and downs offcours=) and i think everyone need to express there sad/angry feelings sometimes.

17:04:52 Feb 22nd 08 - Mr. Twamao:

Life is what you makes of it.  If your life sucks, then its what you are making out of it.

18:04:55 Feb 22nd 08 - Sir Iwasfrozen VII:

I'm 15 and was looking forward to life.

Now i'm down :(

19:54:29 Feb 22nd 08 - Mr. Clamps The Dishonoured:

Meh, you won't be down tomorow. That's the good thing about even severe depression, it passes. Life is good and gets better for some people even after they have given up. In general though not giving up makes improvement a lot more likely.

20:20:21 Feb 22nd 08 - Sir Iwasfrozen VII:

I was only down after reading that post....

Dang, i'm down again.

20:56:05 Feb 22nd 08 - Duke Indicated Undernourishment:

"Life is what you makes of it.  If your life sucks, then its what you are making out of it."

By the love of God you must be kidding? Sure I'm not to found of life as it's right now, but that statement is just wrong in every way, not only for me, but that's not how it is for anyone.

Frozen, life is good.... Sometimes, I'm just very pissed and confused to enjoy it for the moment, I am in fact looking forward to turn 70 and walk around town, I just wanna skip 25-69... ;)

"That's the good thing about even severe depression, it passes."

Naah, gotta chew that medicine... ;)

21:36:44 Feb 22nd 08 - Mr. Twamao:

how is it wrong?

21:47:43 Feb 22nd 08 - Duke Indicated Undernourishment:

People don't choose to have bad lifes, not all, that's how it's wrong.

23:24:35 Feb 22nd 08 - Mr. Twamao:

yes they do.  not everyone is gifted with a beautiful life.  but you can choose if you want to stay that way or you want to improve your life. 

23:37:18 Feb 22nd 08 - Mr. Plato:

Clamps, I'm willing to overcome our differences in Did Jesus Exist for what you just said.  I still beleive God and Jesus exist, but I will not argue anymore with you.

*grabs the clearly annoyed-at-this-man's-rambleings-and-lies boy and gets him out*

23:43:18 Feb 22nd 08 - Duke Indicated Undernourishment:

How can you believe that people choose to have bad lifes? They aint born and get a paper with two options on; "So son, you want a good or bad life? Oh gee dad, I don't know, I think I'll go with a bad life."

You're life turns out in different ways, all we can do is try and make the best of things.

23:44:48 Feb 22nd 08 - Mr. Plato:

They choose this because they don't work hard when something happens to him, don't listen when It's time to listen...

I strongly suggest your 'class' leaves now...

23:53:20 Feb 22nd 08 - Duke Indicated Undernourishment:

Oh jesus, another one who believes that everyone with a bad lifes chose it. You don't think there might be a reason for them to not have the energy to try again, to try harder? You don't think there are people trying again, trying harder, but who still has a bad life?

No sir, no way this class is dismissing just as the discussion is started, you don't like it, skipp class.

00:11:10 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Plato:

*mumbles to himself*

-insert a name from 'Did Jesus Exist' that was used here-

00:29:59 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Killer:

Well, I sort of disagree with the first post. You could say that for about 3/4 of the world's population, as they won't get any education, so on, so forth. However, I reckon most of the people playing VU have a computer, and therefore aren't THAT poor. However, the other 1/4 have a fair chance, but your life won't mean much to anyone but yourself and some others maybe, but you can still get a high-paying job, and have a good life, if you start off in the right part of the world. If you don't get a good job and manage to get through life from a fairl well-off background, it's your own fault, usually, though circumstances can f you up anyway. You can't say everyone is going to have a bad life, people well-off  have generally made their living off others, but everyone having a bad life if going a bit far... Someone has to become those rulers at the top. No such thing as destiny, unless your going to say it has to happen, and it does, as there is only one future, so I suppose so... There is hope however, everyone hopes, whether they want to or not. You can't not hope, it's against human nature, any nature. If you start off fairly well, you usually end up fairly well. You could say crime is increasing, blah blah blah, but ultimately, you can't continue with crime unless there is people to commit crime against, and eventually people will come to their senses. They'll probably f up the eco-system first, or make the climate change. That won't happen for a while yet(or affect us a lot), maybe 50 years or so, and then the human race will dwindle, then other species will grow, then humans will learn to survive again, maybe, and then the developing countries will get further ahead, or the same, and then, who knows?

00:42:37 Feb 23rd 08 - Duke Indicated Undernourishment:

Well, as said above the first post doesn't really have anything to do with anything, I was just pissed and confused at the moment, therefore writing whatever slipped into my mind. However, some things you've said I just can't not take notice to.

"if you start off in the right part of the world." - Yes, if.

"If you don't get a good job and manage to get through life from a fairl well-off background, it's your own fault" - Que?

"usually, though circumstances can f you up anyway." - Exactly what I've been trying to say the last few posts, we don't have the power to choose if it will f  us up or not, unless we are being suicidal, but that hasn't been the subjet on the question.

"You can't say everyone is going to have a bad life, people well-off  have generally made their living off others" - This one you will have to explain by what you mean exactly?

"You can't not hope, it's against human nature," - I know, that's why I and hope aint friends for the moment, my hope has it's own life, it doesn't obey me.

" If you start off fairly well, you usually end up fairly well." - And the ones not starting of "fairly well"?

"and then the human race will dwindle, then other species will grow" - Kudos to you however for making the leap from "people playing VU and to poor" to starting a question about evolution :)

09:21:14 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Overcome:

i disagree almost everything you say Killer:P

"You could say that for about 3/4 of the world's population, as they won't get any education, so on, so forth. However, I reckon most of the people playing VU have a computer, and therefore aren't THAT poor"

Its not all about the material. Those who live in Africa and other poor parts of the world still gat joy in there hearts. You see people all around dancing, playing drums and having fun. some gat a really bad life including getting raped, getting knocked down or have alot of deseeses. Even tho they live under this sercomstances, many goes around smiling and enjoy life in there own way. Its so different all over the world.

Do you know that here in Norway we are complaining more then africa? it came forth in a study of happiness all over the world.
We gat visiters from Africa on our school and they said the same thing

I think its because in the rich contrys, its all about status and material.

We are to busy trying to get the best computers so we can run the best games, getting the best job so we can make enough money to spend on things we really don't need. Half of America are overweight and walk around buying products to get thinner. Well, why can't just those who are fat go to Africa and get thinner:P Then we can send all those money we use on uneccesery things to Poor contrys, so they can get education and medicin.

When i was 10, i did not have a computer. I did not have Internet either.

While people walked around me asking how i could survive without internet, i had one of the happiest times in my life. Cause i was not stuck with that computer all the time, i was out playing and having fun like i think all kids should do.

15:00:48 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Clamps The Dishonoured:

I remember being down like this when I was younger but it's like now I can't even remember quite what it was like. I don't even know what happened but I can't put myself into those shoes anymore, of being just negative for the sake of it. I suppose that tells me that I really never had a reason and that it was just hormones working themselves out or something =p

22:58:33 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Killer:

Circumstances can benefit you as well as harm you. For the 3/4 of the world population, I meant that they wouldn't have as much control over their life, not that they would all have a bad life, however they do have less food and get more diseases. I wasn't really referring to happiness, just against people not getting a good job and such. I wouldn't say having a lot is better than having nothing, living in the world now as it is is pretty *beep*, people don't have as much to live for, they have to work, usually in jobs they don't like, and just get through life and that's pretty much it, having lots of worry and stuff. You generally just live through a pretty dull life and have good or bad things happen to you now and again. Sorry for referring to the first post, for some reason I managed to scan through all of them apart from where you said 

"So that's what I did, and even tough the things I wrote didn't have anything to do with what had actually happend it felt alot better to write that then talking about love, that subject is so old, especially this love-subject. Won't even bother reading through what I wrote, it's only "Hate-Everything-In-The-World-For-The-Moment" kind of thing."

but anyway. "You can't say everyone is going to have a bad life, people well-off  have generally made their living off others" I meant that there would be someone around to exploit the work of others and have a lazy easy life. " If you start off fairly well, you usually end up fairly well." As for the ones not starting well off, I wasn't referring to them, though they can lead good lives, they mighn't, I was referring to what was said in the first post about everyone having a bad life.

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