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Surgery update...
12:05:31 Sep 22nd 07 - Mr. Fordius:

Hi guys!

Ford/Ates/Whateverhecallshimselfthesedays asked me to pass on a message for the ones of you who are curious about how his surgery went last friday. He canīt post himself because heīs still in the hospital after the surgeons struck a nerve during the operation. Heīs temporarily paralized from the waist down! :(

Heīll be moving to a revalidation center soon and itīll take about a year to recover fully. He said the engagement and wedding plans are on hold for now as well.

I talked to him on the phone and he actually sounded like he was accepting his situation as just the way it is. Or maybe things just didnīt sink in yet. Either way Iīm sure heīd appreciate any support from his buddies (and enemies ;)) at vu very much, so donīt be shy about dropping him a message if you have his phone number.

Alright thatīs it for now. Everybody take care!

Greetz, goek & Ford.

13:26:11 Sep 22nd 07 - Mr. Rock Hard Reginald:

get well soon mate. we love you!

13:30:15 Sep 22nd 07 - Mr. Spoon:

Get well Ford man!

And be glad I don't have ye number! Spoon would go and stalk you :o

14:33:22 Sep 22nd 07 - Sir Frederick:

Not sure if you still have your old number from like 2 years ago. If so, i could send you a SMS. :)

Good luck and get better fast.

14:40:27 Sep 22nd 07 - Mr. Roxbury:

Scary *beep*. Get better man!

14:41:22 Sep 22nd 07 - General Ezatious:

Sorry to hear mate

All the best !! :)

14:46:34 Sep 22nd 07 - Mr. Spankylicious:

*beep* !

Get better man! <3

14:50:40 Sep 22nd 07 - Ms. Quietone:

we miss ya....  yes i did say that :P

get better fast

15:01:10 Sep 22nd 07 - Mr. Seloc:

Get well soon!

15:03:39 Sep 22nd 07 - Sir Jack Frost:

i don't know him,

But i wish him the best of luck. ;-))

15:05:02 Sep 22nd 07 - Mr. Elsin:

That's... Disturbing.


15:55:53 Sep 22nd 07 - Mr. Brannigans Law:

yeah, i dont know you, but its still worrying to know you are unwell!!

get well soon

23:12:13 Sep 22nd 07 - Mr. Soccermage:

ford!!!!!!!!!!! i have missed u! come back! hope u get better bud, its truly sad not having u here! hope all goes well and u get back to 100%!

scary *beep*.............

23:59:52 Sep 22nd 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

Get well soon. Ford. You've beaten me too many times for me to hold any grudges...

01:09:45 Sep 23rd 07 - Lord Arzun:

Ouch, that's horrible :(

Wish him the best of luck from me : )

19:21:41 Sep 23rd 07 - Mr. Lassie:

I sincerely hope you get well my friend,
all the best!

19:32:46 Sep 23rd 07 - Mr. Firestorm:

Paralysis or no Paralysis, id still have some bum fun with you old buddy.
Get well soon.


20:19:17 Sep 23rd 07 - Mr. Messiah:


12:02:14 Oct 5th 07 - Mr. Fordius:

Ey Guys ,

I'm in revilidation center in Enschede now and managed to get on a computer since I can sit and run around in my wheelie :P

well the thing is I won't recover for the full 100% but Im doing my best to get as good as possible ;) as every1 knows in vu that I'm no quitter in bad times it counts for the real world as well :) I won't take no for a answer if they would tell me I could never walk again I would try my best to show them otherwise :)

I've accepted how things went in the beginning it was hard cause of the many plans I had like the wedding etc but soon I realised that thinking about the negative things wouldn't make it easier I than made it so that I wanted to concentrate on the recovery for the full 100% in the meanwhile I won't be playing vu as you guys know :P


but I will comeback soon to pwn your asses again ;)

things are going well for the moment I'm paralyzed from the middle and cant stand for now but hopefully things will look better soon :)

also thnx every1 for supporting me ;)

I will come here and post once in a while and see if I can get mirc running when I'm here :)


Cheers Fordius

12:15:10 Oct 5th 07 - Sir Frederick:

Woah, i was in the center of Enschede this midday, doing a bit of shopping. Give me your address etc in (Im guessing youre in het Roessingh) Roessingh and ill send you a card for Team LGC! :D

12:21:29 Oct 5th 07 - Ms. Elsin Your Dead:

Hey, i'm sorry to hear about that, but don't give up on trying to walking again. And get better soon!


16:47:57 Oct 5th 07 - Mr. Soccermage:

even when he is paralyzed, he still using moe smileys than anyone ive ever known! way to be optimistic ford, and if i know u at all, ull never give up and will be walking shortly!

p.s. i cant wait for u to come kick my @ss again!!!! :)

17:27:39 Oct 5th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

good luck, and I'm afriad it will your ass that will get kicked if we ever meet ^_^

18:07:27 Oct 5th 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

Good luck, keep trying, you should be walking soon.

20:09:00 Oct 5th 07 - Mr. Soccermage:

seloc obviously doesnt know the fabled ford...........

20:11:56 Oct 5th 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

The only time I ever beat Ford, it was 3 ticks till the era ended and he had just come out of protection. I had an army of 2k Archmages and 20k Riders and I took a city of his...

This happened in good ol' era 14. (Back then, troops didn't need peasants to train. Just money. Those were the days of people going around with 2 million lvl 1's...)

15:45:26 Oct 10th 07 - Mr. Fordius:

I got new updates :)


This weekend I'm allowed to go home from saturdaymorning till sundaynight :)
I'm so happy cause it's been a while since I've been home now :P

I can move myself into a car from a chair and get in the toilet etc.
not that a toilet has any use for me :P as I can't feel when I have to *beep* or pee :P
I wear dipears and have some bag every 5 hours to empty myself :P

also I've heard today that they have good doubts about me being able to walk again ( they are not sure how good and how long ) so it might turn out liek my old lvl or way worser :P so that's what we have to wait for :P

I hope my MANHOOD will start working soon aswell would make me happy :P and I wanna *beep* normally :P cause roxy dumped me now :( he said he doesn't like people that can't *beep* normally :( ( he loves people that can *beep* on him :P )


Sorry Roxy :( It slipped my mouth :P


15:48:21 Oct 10th 07 - Duke Tiber Septim IV:

Not walk again!? Damn Fordius, I feel sorry for you, and I never feel sorry for anybody! I hope you get well...

16:15:30 Oct 10th 07 - Mr. Spankylicious:

I'll rape you Ford =))


16:16:02 Oct 10th 07 - Mr. Soccermage:

i miss ford. he never farmed. and he was always happy, even when news is bad! good ol ford!

16:19:33 Oct 10th 07 - Mr. Spoon:

You wear diapers! So do I! <3

16:50:00 Oct 10th 07 - Mr. Verll:

Don't know him....but GET WELL SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and just for the fun of it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

16:57:21 Oct 10th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

Diapers are in fashion!

16:58:32 Oct 10th 07 - Mr. Verll:

I gotta go get myself an diaper!!!!!

11:51:50 Oct 11th 07 - Mr. Oamawt:

Get well soon fordius.  :( 

11:00:09 Oct 12th 07 - Duke Mielo:

wow ford, just read all this ... you got my mouth shut, only thing I can say is hang on, take care and get well soon (zo cliché) Serious, my mind is with you :) ;)

13:08:46 Oct 12th 07 - Mr. Dead Dying:

It's all been said really, best of luck with getting better and I hope we see you on here again soon. Nice to see so many people on this thread maybe it is only a game after all :)


14:17:30 Oct 12th 07 - Mr. Nemo:

We (I speak for myself and a couple of multis) hope you get better soon and that your manhood starts working again.

Where do you buy diapers? are they good?

18:12:22 Oct 12th 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

Get well soon Ford. I look forward to getting slau, errr, fighting you again!

10:30:06 Oct 13th 07 - Mr. Brashen:

Good luck and keep the spirits up!

12:14:53 Oct 13th 07 - Sir Scientist:

Ford you sexy beast, get your manhood working soon. I'll be waiting for you on IRC.........I've missed you :'(

01:42:28 Oct 14th 07 - Mr. Draven:

good luck ford, and sorry to hear this man. you can take my cities whenever you want, just get better mano :P

03:10:26 Oct 14th 07 - Mr. Stickman:

07:09:14 Oct 14th 07 - Sir Drunken:

All the best Forddy <3

07:33:41 Oct 14th 07 - Lord Epyon:

ah I feel so bad for ya man :( sad to say I didnt really know ya since Im kinda new, but you have my support nonetheless!!

get better!! =) all of your buds here at VU have faith in ya! you'll get better, I'm sure of it :)

01:04:38 Oct 16th 07 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

miss ya ford, get well soon

i miss recieving the death threats from you :(

20:44:54 Oct 16th 07 - Mr. Ignorentia:

hmm, just discovered this thread :-(      never thought your surgery would be so serious.

think about marc herremans and you'll be on your feet in no time. ;-) maybe you can win an ironman like he did :-)

the upside, like you said ... it won't hurt when they kick your ass ... (attempt as a joke)

ask some nice nurse to work on your manhood, i'm sure your fiancée will understand :-p  (another attempt)

anyway, good luck man, and i really hope it will keep going better.


04:27:31 Oct 17th 07 - Duke Meganeura:

Get better Ford, can't wait to take you up on your offer to kick all of our asses ;-)

16:59:36 Oct 17th 07 - Lord Cobraisasuckynick:

Damn, this really is not what you deserved.

I mean, you're a nice, talkative and fun guy...

Sorry man and hope those doctors are *beep*ty enough to be wrong and not *beep*ty enough to make you better.

Good luck and good health.

12:53:24 Oct 21st 07 - Mr. Dark Knight:

good luck and health :)

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