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Suspicious Player in Valhalla
10:05:06 Dec 21st 20 - Mr. Seaweed Capn Salaajar:

ZeTa could you cross check this player, he is very suspicious. First of all he's tagless, and he's targeting Pirate members only by sending small naz armies again & again (when his core is far away from us & he probably not settled welly). He could be a possible multi or banned player like Kath. Very very Suspicious, as we're just 2-3 players in Pirate KD.

Please check his Account History. Thank you.

Seed IV

Army Info
Commander:Mr. KarmaticKingdom Banner
Kingdom:*No Kingdom*
Size:Battalion (500-1500)

We have not attacked them and they have attacked us.

We own more than three times as much land as this ruler.

Attacking this army will not count as a hostile attack because it is currently attacking one of your cities.

10:06:00 Dec 21st 20 - Mr. Seaweed Capn Salaajar:


Current date: 2020-12-21 14:06:01 (VU Day 91790)

  • Seed IV who are commanded by Mr. Karmatic are preparing an attack on Strumpetland
Our Wenching successfully defend Asdd. Seed IV lead by Mr. Karmatic attempted to burn and destroy Asdd. We lost 0 Swordsmen, 741 Hammerthrowers, 0 Axemen, 0 Runemasters, 0 Cavemasters and 0 peasants in the battle and 1066 of our soldiers got injured.
Seed IV lead by Mr. Karmatic attempted to burn and destroy Asdd. We lost 0 Swordsmen, 0 Hammerthrowers, 0 Axemen, 0 Runemasters, 0 Cavemasters and 0 peasants in the battle.

10:07:39 Dec 21st 20 - Stewie Griffin (Prince Stewie Griffin):

Cheaters complaining about other cheaters? Lmao

10:12:11 Dec 21st 20 - Mr. Seaweed Capn Salaajar:


Just because i did cheat once, doesn't make me a cheater Knob. Jasmina got banned for +10 players same ip address matchings. Owwww... You remember? I don't think you were even around that period of time. 

Stop accusing me after i have apologised on Public Forum, or I'll REPORT your message from next time. You CANNOT attack me like this without proofs (I'm not Gladiator, don't try that on ME).

10:20:18 Dec 21st 20 - Stewie Griffin (Mr. Napoleon Bonaparte):

Oh no, please don't report me. I'm so scared.

10:23:37 Dec 21st 20 - Mr. Seaweed Capn Salaajar:

Yup, I'm waiting. Go for it.

11:25:05 Dec 21st 20 - Lord Jellybean (Mr. Karmatic):

You should really learn to use the /whois command :)

11:53:11 Dec 21st 20 - Mr. Seaweed Capn Salaajar:

Damn Jellybean!! ROFL.

That was a very unusual name like Karma XD. 

Alright, i take my words back. He's good :P

12:02:17 Dec 21st 20 - Stewie Griffin (Mr. Stewie):

Looks like it's time for another public apology, Cheater.

12:08:14 Dec 21st 20 - Mr. Seaweed Capn Salaajar:

I don't apologise for such stuffs.

Its always great to keep things posted.

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