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The 10year Club
14:58:47 Jan 29th 14 - HorusPanic (Mr. Father):

Second Era, Beta 8 (see Mr Rowan)

When did you start?

15:03:34 Jan 29th 14 - Ms. Bromance Afk:

15:16:14 Jan 29th 14 - Ms. Jasmine:

Does this mean I started 33 eras after you guys?
This is my first:

Lived in Era 33, got 1 heir(s) (Jasmina) and was a member of Odyssey

15:17:41 Jan 29th 14 - Ms. Bromance Afk:

no. more than.

15:25:28 Jan 29th 14 - The Real Josh (Prince Binhius Maximus Destroy of):

Mr. Angelus

Lived in Era 25 and got 1 heir(s) (Angelus).

03:38:25 Feb 5th 14 - Mr. Sacredone:

I started Second Era of Draiken era 23. I was noir death at like 106 or something. Its when all the good kingdoms were around. Baccus Monks, Illuminati Empire, Legacy(the real one), Abydos, Spaghetti, Freedom Fighters, The Jesters, Phi and of course the Brotherhood of the Wolf. Etc.... I still remember the one era where freedom fighters made that huge scout spam of like 40+ scouts an posted pics of what they did with it for all to see.

08:09:03 Feb 5th 14 - Polydeuces (Lord Valkyros XXIII):

4th Era, 22 Era of Isabel

Mr. Wiggy

Lived in Era 22 and got 1 heir(s) (Wiggy).


Mr. Wiggy

Lived in Era 22, got 0 heir(s) and was a member of Brotherhood of the Wolf

12:29:08 Feb 5th 14 - Fordius (Mr. Khorne The Blood God):

Second ERA BETA 4 is when I started playing.

20Sir William
Total colonies:1
Total armies:1

13:35:27 Feb 5th 14 - Polydeuces (Mr. Siberius Phenom III):

Dude, you were a beast back then... what happened?

18:28:33 Mar 26th 14 - Mr. Toblokai:

Afaic Ford is the oldest still active.

Thread over.

19:08:38 Mar 26th 14 - Prince Pesterd:

Yeah - Jet and Rox are also pretty old.

I started Era 16

19:31:27 Mar 26th 14 - SunWarriorKing (Mr. Isogod):

I started around Era 36 I think. I even remember the era. It was the Era of Elsin.

20:11:13 Mar 26th 14 - Stirlin (Prince Brannigans Law):

LP is the oldest still playing

21:02:01 Mar 26th 14 - Mr. Toblokai:

Dunno who LP is supposed to be but if he aint Drunken, Draiken or Timberbain he aint older than Fordius. And Jet and Rox are just "pretty" old, not as old as Fordius or Ponsa.

21:04:57 Mar 26th 14 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Poofed Face):


21:09:39 Mar 26th 14 - Mr. Toblokai:

Yeah right, that douche. Forgot about him and also didn't know he was playing. 

You generally dont notice him anyway since he's not all up in your face like Ford and becouse he sucks(but not as good as Bieber).

22:01:03 Mar 26th 14 - Mr. Bad Bell Mate:

Total colonies:2
Total armies:2
 Member of the Utopia Temple kingdom.

Era 2, Beta 5. Nobody else matters.

01:07:27 Mar 27th 14 - Wilberforce (Mr. Roxburys Sex Slave):

Pretty sure we have this debate over who is longest every couple of weeks.

04:01:29 Mar 29th 14 - Mr. Joebob The Magnificent:

I do not think I quite make the 10 year club but I found my original character looks like I died haha 

590.Mr. Darkagess
Total land: 281Battles won: 0Cities captured: 0
Total killed: 103Science lvls: 11Total troops: 3
F: 0%M: 0%Z: 0%S: 0%N: 0%V: 0%A: 0%T: 0%M: 0%

12:59:41 Mar 30th 14 - TheBornLoser (Mr. The Dung Beetle):

Length of time played is one thing. Level of play is another.

Consistent quality era after era > quantity.

14:00:45 Mar 30th 14 - Kobuskan (Sir Gigger):

Mr. Kobuskan

Lived in Era 24 and got 1 heir(s) (Krathor).

16:55:07 Mar 30th 14 - Dragon (Mr. Odin The Warrior God):

Holy Goddess, I dont thing I make the 10 year club But seems like a life time ago when I started in era 36 Era of Elsin

How long ago was that?

08:05:29 Mar 31st 14 - Mr. Spankylicious:

"Length of time played is one thing. Level of play is another.

Consistent quality era after era > quantity."

Well that's good then, because by both of those metrics you're still a nub.

12:37:56 Mar 31st 14 - TheBornLoser (Mr. The Dung Beetle):

14:05:29 Mar 31st 14 - Mr. Spankylicious:

Well that's good then, because by both of those metrics you're still a nub.

Yes :)

13:32:31 Mar 31st 14 - Grandmaster Of Imperia (Duke Kathandrion of The Imperium):

been playing about 8-9 years 

21:39:55 Mar 31st 14 - Ms. Balanced:

im not sure if its sad that some people think they are in the "elite" area of players out of like.. 100 players?.. this game needs to die. 

22:28:19 Mar 31st 14 - Dyrness (Sir Dyrness):

I have no idea what era I started but it's been 7-8 years since I started.  The first kingdom I remember joining was called Freedom on some lower world and then I left them to join Kev when he first created Royal Order of Claidhmore.  

10:30:35 Apr 13th 14 - Fire Lord Crazy (Fire Lord Entwood):

Era 16-17 . Remember kingdoms like FEAR, BORG,THREE MUSKETEERS, (kingdom i was in At the time) Also went by the name Mr. Reaper or Rrreaper

10:33:48 Apr 13th 14 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

none of them KDs were around back then.

15:59:42 Apr 13th 14 - Fire Lord Crazy (Fire Lord Entwood):

When was it , im not sure what era it was?  im trying to find out, but i cant find the info anywhere?  Those kingdoms did exist thought.

16:28:06 Apr 13th 14 - Mr. Hamish The Third:

Think I came in 3 age of Rambo?

16:35:09 Apr 13th 14 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

FEAR was created era 45

17:02:01 Apr 13th 14 - Stormy (Lord Stormcrowe):

oh look a circle jerk, me wants to join!!!

truthfully i would say since era of Jeroen but i want to beat you fukers so i will say....

i've been here since before zeta even built the damn game!

Stare and Wink

17:08:01 Apr 13th 14 - Fire Lord Crazy (Fire Lord Entwood):

was that around 8 years ago ?
45 what, im so confused i remember being in the musketeers(era 29-30 it says )and that was like way after i started.
but fck it.
all i know is that it was a longtime ago in between 7-9 years ago. Good times non the less.

I will never know :"( Since i have no clue what my name was, unless hanky can remember,I was a little shit that spammed level 1 troops back then.

17:09:47 Apr 13th 14 - Fire Lord Crazy (Fire Lord Entwood):

Mr. Stirlin F E A R22

17:54:31 Apr 13th 14 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

Trio/Three Musketeers was way before FEAR (Forget everything and run)

that F E A R you linked was many moons ago and was a Mant KD with a few friends

11:34:07 Apr 14th 14 - Prince Erythnul:

08:39:55 Apr 1st 14 - Ms. Balanced:

im not sure if its sad that some people think they are in the "elite" area of players out of like.. 100 players?.. this game needs to die

you need to leave , so we can have 99 players who actually like the game 

05:03:30 May 18th 14 - King Charley Deallus:

All we need now is Zeta to hop and on and say "I made the game" and just leave it at that...but he won't.  Elusive little guy. ;)

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