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The story of Starta
23:27:24 Aug 3rd 13 - Mr. Hellosmarttoownneverever:

Hello my fellow VU'ers, ZLZ here, and I want to tell you the story of starta.

Our story starts in Ancient Greece, where a secret meeting was taking place. Jangsta and SFD sat on wooden stools around a campfire.

"Dark times Jangsta, business for dendarii mercenary corps isn't going well" Commented SFD as he held his mushroom soup over the campfire.

"Well, we could always move" replied Jangsta. "And we could sail away."
"we don't have boats." sighed SFD
"How about we rob the blacksmiths trading boat?" 

SFD picked up his bowl of mushroom soup and took a sip, "Great, I mean, what could possibly go wrong?

SFD crept upto the blacksmiths boat, using darkness as his cover. Jangsta following his footsteps. "Ah, the bugger's tied it up." Whispered SFD As he picked up a steel sword resting, quite convieniently, on the boat. Jangsta climbed up the ladder, walking towards the helm. "Let's go" Said SFD, as he climbed on.  --------------------------------<~\Write more tomorrow/~>------------------------------

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