Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / TheCenterforNarrativePractice

04:16:26 Jun 10th 14 - Mr. Pol Pot:

So this is an organization run by my brother-in-law Scott. They are doing great things and could use your help. Check out the page see what it's all about.

Reference: Christie Sparrow

"Over the last ten years, the team behind the Center for Narrative Practice has been involved in a growing, innovative program at an Ivy League academic medical center that uses narrative in the training of healthcare professionals, bringing humanity back to healthcare practice through close work with stories of all kinds. Our expertise for applying narrative and creativity in the healthcare setting has achieved a global reputation. We have seen, again and again and again, the power of applied work with the arts, and we have come to believe that the next step is to branch out from healthcare.

We want to reach more people; we want to build a movement, and to spread the power of this work to the farthest corners of the world; we want to bring people together from all professions, fields, backgrounds, and interests, and to offer a program for learning that is accessible for as many as possible. The greater the diversity of the cohort, we have learned, the more powerful the result, and the farther the reach.

To this end, the vision of the Center for Narrative Practice was born, and to this end we need your help."

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