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To all George Bush haters
19:42:35 Jun 27th 07 - Mr. Drognilz Balixmon:

19:46:00 Jun 27th 07 - Mr. Sakaal:

LOL, man, where is the news?

G.W. has been giving that finger to American voters and the rest of the world for quite long now. Thanks for the fitting image!

This is exactly how the world will remember him. :)

19:58:28 Jun 27th 07 - Mr. Drognilz Balixmon:

Shut up commie!

20:15:44 Jun 27th 07 - Mr. Sakaal:

Oh the hatred. By the way, I am an entrepreneur and vote for a right wing party in my country. I believe in mostly free market economy with certain exceptions like the military business I believe should be more controlled. In all civilized business free market is great. Hows that for a commie?

Thanks for the other fitting image too. G. W. really is and has some sick supporters, man... I know another good use for that rope. I should give you a good spanking and teach you some respect.

20:56:22 Jun 27th 07 - Sir IM Shyers Who The Hell Are You:

ok, ok, ok....can we grow up, just a little? boys you should be more respectful...serously.

01:21:45 Jun 28th 07 - Mr. Ganondorf:

Bush is a *beep*.

03:04:33 Jun 28th 07 - Sir IM Shyers Who The Hell Are You:

....hopeless. children not even old enough to vote yet they are politicians.

09:16:20 Jun 28th 07 - Mr. Mbeidas:

dude maybe his finger is ill so he showed it to camer man cuz his father was a doctor

dude without that belefon we didnt saw how sadam was excute

what they put thats on head thats what america do even when they excute it was the worst i think

09:16:59 Jun 28th 07 - Mr. Mbeidas:

did george bush really did this ..i..

or its photo making

i bet he did it

10:19:01 Jun 28th 07 - Sir Bruto Cikayson:

"what they put thats on head thats what america do even when they excute it was the worst i think"

1000 gold to whoever can translate this into normal talk XD

"or its photo making "

I'm guessing photo making.

15:22:44 Jun 28th 07 - Mr. Ithakan:

no he actually did it when he thought the camera's werent turned on. You can even find the video on the internet

15:25:24 Jun 28th 07 - Mr. Rubyian:

That makes him the coolest president yet lol.

16:13:51 Jun 28th 07 - Mr. Anatoliy Grushkov:

i'll bet that none of you even know what communism is

16:41:45 Jun 28th 07 - Mr. Ithakan:

real communism or communism in the SU and china?

17:11:13 Jun 28th 07 - Sir IM Shyers Who The Hell Are You:

i bet your a fool A.G.

true Communism is the best government, however due to human greed it will never truely be established.

17:39:03 Jun 28th 07 - Mr. Sakaal II:

Any system that cannot actually work, but is otherwise great, is actually rubbish. Anyone can imagine some utopia. I wouldn't call anything "true" that has not actually existed anywhere. Besides, communism is out of fashion nowadays. Thirty years ago we could have had interesting debates on that topic, but today the climate change, emerging markets (especially China), and of course the G.W.Bushido-wars-on-terror-or-any-other-excuse are more hot topics. Also things like alternative energy sources, space tourism, Russian corruption, and Middle East politics are popular. Coummism is kind of a thing of the yesterday.

Any one of us can invent some new world order that does not actually work because people don't behave like we wish they did...

18:45:34 Jun 28th 07 - Sir IM Shyers Who The Hell Are You:

sakaal, he just said he didn't think anyone knew what it was. I didn't want to debate it, really. Your very right, it's rubbish as is anything that won't work.

I really don't care, i just think it's foolish to sit here and down other peoples governments when without first hand knowledge you can't say one is better than another cuz the are all f-ed up

20:45:18 Jun 28th 07 - Mr. Arthion:

For one Bush wasn't the greatest president of all time, but he wasn't horrible. I think he spent to much of the nations income.
Just remember America was attacked first and over 3000 people died. Now that Bush went after those who attacked us and Saddam people are getting all made because US solders are dying. But I guaranty in no instance did 3000 solders die in one day. I think thats pretty successful. And on top of that their has been no successful terrorist attacks on American soil since this war. That success for Bush right their protection of innocent American lives.

20:57:08 Jun 28th 07 - Mr. Sakaal II:">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">

20:57:09 Jun 28th 07 - Mr. Breadlord:

.............. sometimes i think its hopeless.
DONT belive waht people tell you? think for yourselves

20:59:02 Jun 28th 07 - Mr. The Mighty Hammer:

So useing your logic, had only 2999 people died in 9/11 would that be the US's success.. I don't really think so. THe US whipped them conventionally but that doesn't mean anything if the country goes into a worse state then it was before we came. Also, Saddam had NOTHING to do with 9/11, that was Osama.

The fact is George Bush mislead his people by taking advantage of their fear of terrorists, he made it sound like Iraq was involved, that Saddam was the worst man alive, that they had WMDs and posed an iminant threat to the US citizens lives. None of these things were true at all. He was horrible.

"I think he spent to much of the nations income." I agree with you, seeing as the richest country (the US) in the world is 8 TRILLION dollars in debt thats like 12 zeros.

Arthion, I love you but I disagree with you

21:07:04 Jun 28th 07 - Sir Bruto Cikayson:

" he made it sound like Iraq was involved"

The funny thing about this is that it's gotten MORE involved in anti-American terrorism, not less... and the CIA told this to Bush, too.

I definitely agree with the misleading thing.  By attacking Iraq America hasn't really gained a whole lot, other than to show a flexing of muscles and a disregard to international relations.

21:09:38 Jun 28th 07 - Mr. Sakaal II:

In a way Bush did not just burn those trillions. He just transfered them from the US government to the M.I.C. including his own happy family of course. Halliburton is just one name on the list.

Here is the Bush's strategy:

1. Take from your people (others too if possible).

2. Put in your own and your friends' pockets.

3. Make some excuses to cover it.

4. When you get busted, deny everything. Replace the puppet. (Bush steps down, next puppet steps in.)

5. Go to 1.

Through all these steps the American voters will buy it over and over again.

21:13:11 Jun 28th 07 - Mr. Sakaal II:

Here is another:

Q: How do you recognize an antiwar American president (or anyone who might rise to become one)?

A: Half of his head is blown off.

21:36:05 Jun 28th 07 - Mr. Arthion:

Bush didn't say Iraq was involved in 9/11. He was just finishing his dads war, but Iraq did at one point have WMDs but our media gave them plenty of warning that we were going to attack, so he got them out of his country.

22:38:17 Jun 28th 07 - Mr. Arthion:

Its all good mighty hammer

23:35:08 Jun 28th 07 - Mr. Mbeidas:

i mean is it fake

23:36:56 Jun 28th 07 - Sir Bruto Cikayson:

Sakaal, that's pretty much all politics in a nutshell.  Not unique to America.

02:12:39 Jun 29th 07 - Mr. Ganondorf:

For one Bush wasn't the greatest president of all time, but he wasn't horrible. I think he spent to much of the nations income.  Yes actually he is a horrible president.
Just remember America was attacked first and over 3000 people died.

Yes, we were attacked before we invaded Iraq.  However they had nothing to do with it, and we had been planning on attacking Iraq long before we were attacked by the terrorists.

 Now that Bush went after those who attacked us and Saddam people are getting all made because US solders are dying

Bush didn't send anywhere near enough men after the people who actually were responsable for our being attacked.  Instead he'd rather have his war with Iraq for personal reasons.

But I guaranty in no instance did 3000 solders die in one day. I think thats pretty successful.

You have a poor sense of success.  Even losing 10% of that during the entire war is bad.  Especially when there was no reason for the war to begin with.

And on top of that their has been no successful terrorist attacks on American soil since this war.

Had Bush and his administration been doing their job in the first place, the 9/11 one wouldn't have happened either.  Believe me, when terrorists are good and ready to attack us, they will.

That success for Bush right their protection of innocent American lives.

We are actually less safe that before. Not only have we failed to get the people responsible for the attacks, we have created more terrorists that hate us and managed to piss off several of our allies.  I feel soo much safer now... NOT!

Let me just recap here:
1.) The people responsible for the 9/11 attacks have not been brought to justice.
2.) We started a war we can't win.
3.) We weakened our Armed-Forces.
4.) We pissed off some of our allies.
5.) We have made more terrorists due to our actions.
6.) We've spent billions of dollars to make our country weaker.

If you define that as success, I'd hate to see a failure.

About the WMDs, the people who were sent there to look for them (long before 9/11) reported there were none.  So saying he moved them out when the media started going on about is bs. 

02:25:54 Jun 29th 07 - Mr. Arthion:

Maybe i used a bad choice of words, but in no instance has 3000 people died like they did 9/11 since The war on terror started. So we have "successively"  repelled the enemy into their own lands.

"Had Bush and his administration been doing their job in the first place, the 9/11 one wouldn't have happened either. "

Bush had just got into office, and hadn't changed any of the security polices left by the Clinton administration.So blame them.

"Believe me, when terrorists are good and ready to attack us, they will."

they did try at the Kennedy airport which would have led to more causalities and deaths than 9/11, But the bush Adm changed the security policies of Clinton and they were able to stop it from occurring.

"We are actually less safe that before."

before the war 9/11 happened. during the war Kennedy terrorist attack prevented, and we were safe.

02:58:29 Jun 29th 07 - Sir Bruto Cikayson:

"1.) The people responsible for the 9/11 attacks have not been brought to justice."

A good branch of Al-Quida has been paralized or destroyed.

2.) We started a war we can't win.

It's not really a war we're fighting now, though.  We won the war easily.  The hard part is occupation and reconstruction.

5.) We have made more terrorists due to our actions.

But now we can catch them far more easily, or are simply aware of them.

"6.) We've spent billions of dollars to make our country weaker."

This is hardly fact so much as opinion.  I agree, 430 billion dollars probably could have done a lot more on helping America in its domestic issues than paying rich men more money for their war gear and oil.

"About the WMDs, the people who were sent there to look for them (long before 9/11) reported there were none.  So saying he moved them out when the media started going on about is bs.  "

Inspectors were not given full access to inspection sites.  Bush demanded that Saddam comply, but no answer.  It is indeed quite possible that he moved or destroyed the weapons.

03:06:35 Jun 29th 07 - Mr. Ganondorf:

Bush had just got into office, and hadn't changed any of the security polices left by the Clinton administration.So blame them.

Don't go blaming Clinton for Bush's mistakes.  Bush had been in office long enough and had been warned several times.

they did try at the Kennedy airport which would have led to more causalities and deaths than 9/11, But the bush Adm changed the security policies of Clinton and they were able to stop it from occurring.

So they stopped one attack, where the terrorists were complete *beep*s.  Don't go thinking we're safe, we are just as much at risk now than ever before.  Probably more at risk since we've managed to give them more reasons to hate us.

before the war 9/11 happened. during the war Kennedy terrorist attack prevented, and we were safe.

So what you're saying is that Bush is 1-1.  Not bad I guess 50%...

Maybe i used a bad choice of words, but in no instance has 3000 people died like they did 9/11 since The war on terror started. So we have "successively"  repelled the enemy into their own lands.

If we have repelled the enemy into their own lands, why was there an attempted terrorist attack?  Please quit calling it "The War on Terror" that's about as stupid as "The War on Drugs".  Both are impossible to win.  Also if it's a war on terror, why did we invade Iraq?  A country that has never attacked us and was not the country the terrorists, nor the people responsible for the attack were from.  Sure we sent a few men into that country but when our troops actually had a very high chance of success in killing the main guy responsible for the attacks, they were told to stand down.

Try to defend Bush as much as you like, he will always be a worthless president.  We would have been just as well off with a trained monkey.  Hell at least the monkey wouldn't have started a war w/ a country to further his and his friends' own interests. 

Back to Clinton, if he had been in office when New Orleans had been hit by that hurricane, he would have had FEMA there before it even hit, regardless of what the governor or mayor wanted.  The only thing Clinton *beep*ed up with was getting a blow-job then trying to deny it.  Which is funny because the republicans tried to get him impeached for that, yet with all the *beep*-ups (that are far worse) not to mention stealing an election (it actually falls under treason) Bush has done he (and his dwindling number of supporters) get upset if someone offers up even the slightest critism of him.  Then start calling them names etc. 

03:12:45 Jun 29th 07 - Mr. Ganondorf:

Inspectors were not given full access to inspection sites.  Bush demanded that Saddam comply, but no answer.  It is indeed quite possible that he moved or destroyed the weapons.

I'm not talking about the inspectors, there have been CIA (rather ex-CIA)agents (those who were actually in charge of monitoring Iraqs weapons situation) that have stated there were none and hadn't been any since shortly after the first Iraqi war.

03:20:36 Jun 29th 07 - Sir Bruto Cikayson:

"Don't go blaming Clinton for Bush's mistakes.  Bush had been in office long enough and had been warned several times."

It's always easy to blame someone, in retrospect.  The facts are Bush didn't have immense cause to worry about a huge attack, and neither he nor much of America was expecting it.

"Try to defend Bush as much as you like, he will always be a worthless president.  We would have been just as well off with a trained monkey."

Sheer opinion.

"not to mention stealing an election (it actually falls under treason)"

It was a supreme court decision to hold the vote and declare a winner.  Treason?  That's rather excessive.

"Bush has done he (and his dwindling number of supporters) get upset if someone offers up even the slightest critism of him.  Then start calling them names etc."

Not really.  All tons of criticism have been launched at him since Iraq began (though not so heavily before.)  So far Bush has done what he does best--ignore it.

"that have stated there were none and hadn't been any since shortly after the first Iraqi war."

And then there were those said stated that there probably were.

03:23:51 Jun 29th 07 - Mr. Arthion:

"there have been CIA (rather ex-CIA)agents (those who were actually in charge of monitoring Iraqs weapons situation) that have stated there were none and hadn't been any since shortly after the first Iraqi war."

Ok. finding a few "ex-CIA members", and taking their word, which has a lot more chance of being false than the official Pentagon reports of the situation by real CIA inspectors put into a report checked by the pentagon, sounds like your trying to get evidence wherever you can find it

03:27:39 Jun 29th 07 - Mr. Ganondorf:

Actually I believe them to be more reliable than our Pentagon.  For many reasons that I'm not about to get into at the moment.

03:34:35 Jun 29th 07 - Mr. Arthion:

And by people at the pentagon are you still referring to the ex-CIA agents.
And their was plenty of time after "shortly after the first Iraqi war." for Suddam to build WMDs He had all through clintons(not aimed to dis clinton in this post) era to build them.

03:37:20 Jun 29th 07 - Mr. Ganondorf:

Grr edit didn't work...

Btw some of these ppl who you imply were not real CIA members are listed in the reports as sources saying there were WMDs, yet they claim they said there weren't.  I find it far more likely that the Bush Administration would have reports changed to fit thier personal goals than CIA agents lieing about what they said in a report.

04:41:31 Jun 29th 07 - Mr. Arthion:

Your the one who said they were ex-CIA members not me remember.

"there have been CIA (rather ex-CIA)agents "

05:01:21 Jun 29th 07 - Mr. Ganondorf:

Yea, they are.  However, they were still CIA agents when we went into Iraq the 2nd time.  Bad wording on my part.  In anycase you can't prove there were WMDs I can't prove there weren't.  Neither of us can be 100% certain if our government thought there was or not.  I guess we might as well drop that part of the arguement.  There's plenty of other reasons to dislike Bush :)

08:55:30 Jun 29th 07 - Mr. Sakaal II:

Bruto Cikayson, yes that is politics in a nutshell already since the Roman times (or surely since the dawn of civilization), but today it is not that brutal in many civilized countries. A great majority of politicians for example in my country are not that corrupted.

It will be interesting to see how the situation develops over time. I'm not sure how low corruption can be maintained or is it bound to increase over time.

Political assassinations these days are extremely rare e.g. in most European countries. Sure they still take place in certain countries where more polarized opinions exist. I'm not sure which assassinations are more common now: ideological motives (radicals killing anyone), or economic power and money (conservatives killing competing conservative or radical leaders). I guess in the end the two are the same, because the ideological groups typically want the economic power for themselves.

Anyway, I wouldn't be too proud of living in a republic (or any so called "democratic" country) where assassinations are still used to help people elect the right leaders and to remove mistakenly elected unconvenient people. Elections don't work very well when combined with that kind of violence. When people bend and break the rules too much, everyone will soon lose faith in the system. That in turn promotes rebellious spirit. In other words, you cannot stay in power forever with foul play.

Maybe all this only means they cannot assassinate too many democratic presidents in a row... But surely, if you can't blow the president's head off, you can always blow the president and sink him in some sex scandal or other dirty story. Just try to keep your own puppets clean and replaceable. Buy, smear, or kill the other party's candidates--before or after elections.

09:13:44 Jun 29th 07 - Lord Crom:

other tyrants are worth!

10:02:17 Jun 29th 07 - Mr. Mbeidas:

Mr. Arthion


6/28/2007 4:36:05 PM
Bush didn't say Iraq was involved in 9/11. He was just finishing his dads war, but Iraq did at one point have WMDs but our media gave them plenty of warning that we were going to attack, so he got them out of his country.




10:04:48 Jun 29th 07 - Mr. Mbeidas:

Mr. Arthion


6/28/2007 4:36:05 PM
Bush didn't say Iraq was involved in 9/11. He was just finishing his dads war, but Iraq did at one point have WMDs but our media gave them plenty of warning that we were going to attack, so he got them out of his country.



10:06:56 Jun 29th 07 - Mr. Mbeidas:


12:45:04 Jun 29th 07 - Mr. Messiah:

Mr. Drognilz Balixmon
6/27/2007 7:58:28 PM
Shut up commie!

I didnt bother to read the whole thread since I am in a hurry. But just a little FYI. Hussein was put to power by CIA becouse he WASNT a commie. Actually, the man butchered thousands of commies. Then again, you probobly think its jolly good to kill people on the ground of them having the wrong ideas. Its amazing how the USA with Bush in office(and the rest of the western world) is becoming more and more like Soviet. To protect our citizens freedom we we are taking it away from them, exactly what happened in Soviet.

00:25:13 Jun 30th 07 - Mr. Ganondorf:

But just a little FYI. Hussein was put to power by CIA becouse he WASNT a commie

Yup, we also are responsible for training Usama and giving him weapons and money.  We have a bad habbit of doing that.

00:36:37 Jun 30th 07 - Mr. Ghouma:

Its not important who did 9/11 or whos responsible for it, if america stoped killing millions of innocent people they might have more friends in the world.

Capitalism is a bad system, can we please go on?

01:52:14 Jun 30th 07 - Sir Bruto Cikayson:

"A great majority of politicians for example in my country are not that corrupted."

Which country is that?

"Anyway, I wouldn't be too proud of living in a republic (or any so called "democratic" country) where assassinations are still used to help people elect the right leaders and to remove mistakenly elected unconvenient people."

I acknowledge that America had its fair share of dirty business in central and south america during the cold war, but what assassinations are being carried out today by the US?

03:53:05 Jun 30th 07 - Mr. Game And Watch:

"you cannot stay in power forever with foul play."

In America you can for 8 years, as good ol' G W is demonstrating

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