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UN hope of the people
17:54:33 Jan 25th 09 - Mr. Quiner The Dwarf:

What do you thing about United Nation do you thing  that they are peace keepers or is just a organization that only fights for EU intresstet.And explain why you thing so.

Could you also write about paste mistakes and failours of UN?

Has UN done good things if so then what?

Does UN fight for the human rights as they promised they would ?

Do you thing that UN has become corruptet?

17:59:15 Jan 25th 09 - Sir Stirlin:

sounds like this guy us struggling with his homework :)

18:11:06 Jan 25th 09 - Sir Darkmarsbar:

the UN is mainly around to stop another world war

every one makes mistakes and failours.

18:11:48 Jan 25th 09 - Prince Valan Septim:

U.N. Peterson stole my pants...the bastard...

18:50:29 Jan 25th 09 - Mr. Mistoffelees:

Seems to me like you need to go do some research for your homework.

18:54:26 Jan 25th 09 - Mr. Gingerbread Man:

The UN Humanitarian side has made good strides I think (you can argue the same money with Red Cross/Crescent would have done the same...*shrug* dunno that detail)

The UN Resolutions are a joke though...they are just a way for peeps to sit back and make proclamations and legitimize whatever they wanted to do anyways.  It's just a publicity device more than anything...

The peacekeepers are a joke (not their fault, they just are not given much power).  In Darfur, they are allowed to protect only very limited camps.  Step out of camp by 5 feet, they have to watch as you get shot/raped.  Congo?  That's a joke.  They are supposed to protect the villagers...just last week Congo and Rwanda wanted to destroy a village and the UN tried to get the troops there.  4 Congo troops stood in the road and said no.  UN troops turned around.  Village now gone.

19:10:46 Jan 25th 09 - Duke Argyle:

I thing tha most important stuff about UN is that they have unlimited powars and nuclear weppons! The are like big and um nazguls and sheit!

UN made misstake when they go against russia and america and stuff, they should keep it real!

I thing UN do good things when the kill rapists and murderers of our 3third world!(porr pepple)

All things with power becomes corrupted, its about time, most democratic governments and authoritys is becoming corrupt about now, you notice how alot of civil and democratic rights are beeing put aside to fight "terrorists".

Keep it real!

19:13:59 Jan 25th 09 - Prince Valan Septim:

[obvious sarcasm] The USA is not corrupt at all, I have no idea what you are talking about. Politicians don't steal money and use their power to further their own goals!

19:14:25 Jan 25th 09 - Mr. Aphrodite:

So you are making a school project and you want the VU community to do it for you? Thats not nice of you and i ORDER YOU TO STOP IT NOW!

Do your own homework.

19:36:27 Jan 25th 09 - Mr. Trohs:




19:40:33 Jan 25th 09 - Mr. Linetwist:

the UN is just a coalition ... with very slow *erm, how do you call that* ...

it is bassically too slow, too undecisive, too hesitant to act to make much difference, too many factions that bicker or veto, or do whatever is in THEIR best interest ... it is too soft (in flemish : "zachte heelmeesters maken stinkende wonden")

the resolutions are often unrealisable, because ... well sometimes you have to consider reality ... and/or follow up on things, and be given enough power (read : a good mandate to actually be able to do something usefull in the field)

(you could check out how they acted during the yugoslavian civilwar ..., and many other conflicts)

19:42:58 Jan 25th 09 - Sir Crimson Xtc:

Ummm the fact is the UN only has power cause the US jioned had they not it would have failed long ago just like the first time but since the US did jion other nations followed suit. This is when people liked us though XD but we got a new president that might change it back to people liking the US instead of hating its guts :)

19:49:01 Jan 25th 09 - Mr. Linetwist:

hating it's guts? arrogance is a better word, i'd say ...

19:52:53 Jan 25th 09 - Mr. Quiner The Dwarf:

well still UN  has not the right to call them self Peace keepers and they canīt say that they fight for the human rights when there are alot of countries that breake does rules and they watch

i am talking about Bonsien,Rwanda ,Burma ,Irak and USA that has broken many rules that has to do with human rights

Peace Keepers that only has keeps Europas countries intresst is useless

Sure has UN done good things but still there mistake is much more and there good things that they have done

Peace is not something i can see

Why do they have peace tropps when they dont use them

19:56:30 Jan 25th 09 - Mr. Quiner The Dwarf:

if you dont like this plz dont write is not like i forced you to write and i am di

20:25:38 Jan 25th 09 - Mr. Blood Frenzy:

UN isnt in EU interests, besides it's based in america, new york i think. But anyways, they're an organization that is spread thinly over tons of land. They dont have the manpower, they dont have the funds, and they dont have the decisive leadership to actually take any real kind of action. It doesn't really matter what they want to do, they have to be realistic, theyre a force that is meant to keep peace throught the world, now lets just count how many countries in the world are in a middle of a crisus...Well...Probly half of africa for one thing, but anyways you get my

20:48:59 Jan 25th 09 - Mr. Quiner The Dwarf:

yeah but they have they power to change the world but i wonder why have they not done something

20:54:18 Jan 25th 09 - Mr. Linetwist:

one word : politics

21:34:42 Jan 25th 09 - Mr. Santa The Returned:

One word: Democracy.
Democracy is the fairest form of goverment, but it also one of the slowest and weakest forms. They simply can't be decisive enough.

And btw.
Blood Frenzy said: They dont have the manpower, they dont have the funds, and they dont have the decisive leadership to actually take any real kind of action.

Quiner Replied: yeah but they have they power to change the world but i wonder why have they not done something

I guess they aint on the same channel ;)

22:15:54 Jan 25th 09 - Sir Pesterd:

jesus u made like 15 topics with the same idea

22:17:36 Jan 25th 09 - Mr. Mistoffelees:

He really needs the homework done.

23:13:18 Jan 25th 09 - Mr. Santa The Returned:

Maybe he is Ban Ki-Moon in disguise...

01:25:56 Jan 26th 09 - Mr. Roxbury:

UN is a tool that the US uses to advance its economic and geopolitical agenda, in the sense that when they need someone else to pay for their wars, they go to the UN for backing (see Gulf War 1), or when they need legitimacy for trade blockades (see Iran), but they constantly stop the UN from doing international justice in countries like Palestine.. and then have the audacity to claim that the UN is a useless institution.

The UN is a dream, and an illusion.. but maybe one day when China becomes #1.. The US will prefer to have the UN as a world leader rather than China.

01:42:46 Jan 26th 09 - Praetorian Wyzer:

ROFLMFAO!  "UN is a tool that the US uses...."  Please stop, I pee'd a little on that one!

01:48:15 Jan 26th 09 - Mr. Sloth:

The UN is a waste of time. Nuclear deterrance has done far more for world peace. I guess all of those people who graduate with degrees in "International Relations" need somewhere to work, I just wish they weren't paid for by me.

02:42:31 Jan 26th 09 - Mr. Gingerbread Man:

@Rox, I conquer with Wyzer, haven't laughed that hard in awhile :|

@Sloth, +1

11:45:26 Jan 26th 09 - Mr. Linetwist:

you might want to look up when and where the US used their veto, when and where the US started a war against UN-advise (Irak? and others) ... the US is a part of the UN, but they can ignore what it says? how do you want the UN to hold any credibility?  (ofcourse it's not just the US, that's why i said : politics) 

so, what roxbury said.

11:52:16 Jan 26th 09 - Mr. Mistoffelees:

"ROFLMFAO!  "UN is a tool that the US uses...."  Please stop, I pee'd a little on that one!"

"@Rox, I conquer with Wyzer, haven't laughed that hard in awhile :|"

Clueless americans are clueless. Rox hit the nail on the head, the UN was is and will be at least in the short term a US controlled institution, to be used when they need it and ignored when they don't.

05:04:21 Jan 28th 09 - Mr. Frankie:

Very true all of this really. I mean the UN which was once League of Nations failed because the US didnt enter it. Not until we could control it did we actually enter. For a building with a big room that world leaders sit in and to discuss world issues and how to prevent wars is a total failure. And yes UN doesnt have the man power but thats why the US is called the World Police at times. We are the UN power when the Peackeepers cannot handle a situation hence Iraq which is pathetic. Turned from a war against a Dictator to guarding F*cking oil. We have our own we should just use it for christ sake. Mainly the UN is only around to prevent a World War III which i doubt they will be able to do. Everyone in there can break the rules and ignore them w/o punishment, its pathetic. We in the US abuse it all. We find the loop holes in all the rules. Any who my 2 cents im ready for the " Frankie your a dumbass" flames.

06:05:23 Jan 28th 09 - Praetorian Wyzer:

Clueless americans are clueless. Rox hit the nail on the head, the UN was is and will be at least in the short term a US controlled institution, to be used when they need it and ignored when they don't.

Look who's clueless.

The UN is nothing more than a failed hope of World Government.  The only reason the US has "ignored" UN policy is the fact that the UN has no inclination of doing ANYTHING other than being a "All for One, and One for All" institution with failed ideals and impotent actions.

If your not willing to back your actions, then you don't deserve to adhered to.  Just look at every "sanction" they have "talked about" and what actions they have done to enforce them.  NONE.

This will be my last post in this thread, because its already turned into an "anti-american" bashfest, and that's were I was "clueless" in actually responding to troll-bait.

06:29:39 Jan 28th 09 - Mr. Frankie:

Usually every serious world issue turns into an American bashing thread. I mean we get blamed for BS. I mean come on we ended world war II. IF we havent had thrown our poorly trained military into combat. Just a quick question. But how can highly trained veteran russian soldiers lose 15 million soldiers to our poorly few week raw recruits of 400k? I mean it amases me. We gave Britain and most of england OUR money to rebuild their countrie*beep*ler, if we wouldnt have gotten involved woulda taken over the world. yes this is getting off topic but im turning the American Bashing thread into a european one. Now we may be in trillions of dollars in debt but call in our loans from england and other European countries that we gave them to rebuild their countries after world war II and we will be rich. Export instead of import and the national debt dramatically reduces. Use our own oil and export it(yes believe it or not we do have enough for it). We do all three of those and we will whipe that national debt clean. So stop american bashing. We are the world police. we save those who need saving. we dont sit back and watch innocent ppl get hurt. If we get into debt then so be it but with the loans we could call in debt would be gone. Oh and another thing that would fic it is if the stupid congress would stop spending our money actually our gold persay. Its not the president who spends our money or sends them to war or writes the laws so dont say it is for those who hate bush. Congress has to pass the bills to give money to start wars. They have to approve a decleration of war. And they are the ones that write the laws. The president can only veto it and then that veto can be veto with a 2/3 voted from the all powerfull CONGRESS. So its not us who are f*cking us over. its congress with all the power.

10:55:47 Jan 28th 09 - Mr. Mistoffelees:

"The UN is nothing more than a failed hope of World Government."

Perfect example of clueless, the UN was never meant to be anything related to World Government, it was meant to act as a forum for nations so that wars and other such problems could have a diplomatic solution.

The UN wasn't, isn't and at least in anything related to its current form will never be a World Government. The failure to understand even these simple facts makes you worse than clueless, it makes you ignorant.

"We gave Britain and most of england OUR money"

Britain and most of england? Do you even read what you write? Please tell me you're a troll acting like a *beep*tard.

By the way the money the US gave to Europe at the end of WWII under what is now known as the Marshall Plan, the money was lent with interest, so please don't play the generous person, the US made good money with that plan.

"Use our own oil and export it(yes believe it or not we do have enough for it)"

Well I'm sure the oil companies will pay lots of money for that information.

"We are the world police. we save those who need saving. we dont sit back and watch innocent ppl get hurt"

Don't make me laugh, how about that 500k iraqies that died from US bombings? Or newer yet the 1k Palestinians killed by your good friends Israel, or perhaps you'd like to explain what you did to stop the killings in Darfur, or Tibet or Burma or Zimbabuwe. Been sleeping on the job world police? You don't police the world, you advance your economic interests and ignore the rest.

"Congress has to pass the bills to give money to start wars. They have to approve a decleration of war"

Please point me into the nearest Declaration of War on Iraq, oh wait... you can't since there never was one.

"The president can only veto it and then that veto can be veto with a 2/3 voted from the all powerfull CONGRESS. So its not us who are f*cking us over. its congress with all the power."

I must have missed when a party had 2/3 of Congress to overwrite a veto.

14:54:35 Jan 28th 09 - Mr. Blood Frenzy:

The thing about the loans to europe, you were in no way being GENEROUS there. You were doing what any other country would have in your position, you saw a way of making easy money, and you took it. Those loans BANKRUPTED TONS of european countries and set us back years. UK didnt get the loan paid off until 3-7 years ago.

And in WWII, even if you didnt come, germany would have EVENTUALLY been beaten, with many more lives lost and probly the soviet union in control of half of europe, but you forget about all the rebellions and systems set up incase of invasion. Britain for one had planned out the whole rebellion if we were to be taken over.

 But, yes you did save MANY lives, but you could have saved MANY more if you had intervened earlier, but you refused. Every single call for help from UK, france etc. were denied until you got bombed by japan and got FORCED into the war. I'm not against the USA, and I'm not saying I'm not thankful, just don't make out you did anything for anyone without seeing any gains for yourself... It's american patriots I just really can't stand sometimes...Besides, americans THRIVED because of WWII, the war was miles away from you and the loans and empty economies of the former war-zones is what enabled you to become the #1 superpower. Before WWII, there was still alot of countries in the brittish empire, but because the war was so close to home we went bankrupt and had to let go of the remaining lands. WWI came close to finishing us, but WWII was the death sentence lol.

Anyways, once again, I'm NOT against america, just don't make out you're saints.

01:17:18 Jan 29th 09 - Mr. Frankie:

OK so there were 2 countries trying to produce the atomic bomb, Germany and USA. Now we beat Germany to the punch but what woulda happened if Germany woulda made it way before like they did with the machine guns, tanks, etc. Your precious little russia woulda been destroyed. Europe would have been destroyed. If they successful would have made that bomb every rebellion against Germany would have failed.  Yes we denied to help you technically. Only due to congress tho. Hence while the president found a loop hole inside the peace decleration. We sent 50 battle ships to the aide of Britain. Then when we got congresses heads outta their asses when Pearl Harbor got bombed then we finally entered a BS war. We sent the greatest and largets fleet the world had ever seen straight to japan. The U.S.S. Enterprise aka Lucky E and her task force destroyed the japs while Eisenhower conducted the greatest land invasion of Germany.

01:40:44 Jan 29th 09 - Mr. Frankie:

But in all technicallity im an anarchist. I hate every type of government. Its all corrupet and should be burnt to the ground. From time to time the tree of liberty must be replenished with the the bloods of tyrants and patriots. Well the tree of liberty is corrupted by tyrants here in the USA.

01:54:01 Jan 29th 09 - Mr. Ftutctktytotu:



02:48:40 Jan 29th 09 - Sir Hirgon Sadron:

But how can highly trained veteran russian soldiers lose 15 million soldiers to our poorly few week raw recruits of 400k?

Are you sure you've got the right war?  The Soviets didn't lose 15 million soldiers to the Americans in WWII - they lost between 10 or 12 million to the Vehrmacht.  The Soviet soldiers weren't trained all that well, either, but despite the losses, they turned the Vehrmacht back...kind of.

03:00:08 Jan 29th 09 - Sir Hirgon Sadron:

But, yes you did save MANY lives, but you could have saved MANY more if you had intervened earlier, but you refused.

That's a slightly ridiculous statement, because it's true, but has no purpose.  I noticed you mentioned that more lives would have been lost if the Americans had not intervened.  Also, the bombing by Japan did not force the USA into war against Germany...

It's american patriots I just really can't stand sometimes...

Does this make you feel as though you should criticize what the country has done?  Would you like me to begin criticizing the European powers for starting WWI, and the deaths that went into "killing off the sick man of Europe?"  Oh, and shall I mention the debts accrued by Germany in that war, and their influence in Germany's support for Hitler, and support of another war in Europe?

Besides, americans THRIVED because of WWII, the war was miles away from you and the loans and empty economies of the former war-zones is what enabled you to become the #1 superpower.

One could argue that without that new source of income for the States, the Depression throughout the world would have continued after the Wars.  I'm not going to, but I've heard the arguments for it - just something to think about.

 Before WWII, there was still alot of countries in the brittish empire, but because the war was so close to home we went bankrupt and had to let go of the remaining lands. WWI came close to finishing us, but WWII was the death sentence lol.

Ah yes, the British Empire.  Would you like to discuss the glorious Empire's role in tumultuous events in certain regions of the world today?  We could also discuss how the Americans opposed much of those acts (although now the Americans would not be so likely to do so).

My point is that you don't really have a point, unless your purpose is to troll. 

03:04:53 Jan 29th 09 - Mr. Frankie:

Sir Hirgon Sadron


1/28/2009 5:48:40 PM
But how can highly trained veteran russian soldiers lose 15 million soldiers to our poorly few week raw recruits of 400k?

Are you sure you've got the right war?  The Soviets didn't lose 15 million soldiers to the Americans in WWII - they lost between 10 or 12 million to the Vehrmacht.  The Soviet soldiers weren't trained all that well, either, but despite the losses, they turned the Vehrmacht back...kind of.

I wasnt saying it as they lost it to us. I was saying as a comparison of how much they lost compared to our loses of WWII. I mean the russians were better trained then we were. We were just trying to get soldiers into the war so we could attack non-stop not training worth a damn.

03:04:55 Jan 29th 09 - Sir Hirgon Sadron:

"The president can only veto it and then that veto can be veto with a 2/3 voted from the all powerfull CONGRESS. So its not us who are f*cking us over. its congress with all the power."

I must have missed when a party had 2/3 of Congress to overwrite a veto.

Party lines are not definite - members of Congress do not always have to vote with their party.  Even if there was no declaration, impeachment is a viable option.  Frankie's point about Congress not vetoing the 'war' stands.  Be careful that you do not confuse American government and Americans; the general distrust of America abroad is of the government, not of the people (at least that's the impression I've got), and despite the 'by the people, for the people' adage, the two really are separate.  Just something else to think about.

03:10:23 Jan 29th 09 - Sir Hirgon Sadron:

Frankie, the Soviet Union's military was not as well-trained as you seem to think.  The front-line soldiers were often conscripted peasants, some without firearms.  If you look at what Germany threw at the Soviet Union compared to what it had left to throw at the Allies in the west, there's really no comparison.  Also keep in mind that the Soviets were advancing from the east as the Allies advanced from the west, and the German army was defending on more than one front.  Comparing the two based on troop losses ignores a ton of extraneous variables, and there are reasons that the Soviets lost so many more troops than the Americans.

03:14:43 Jan 29th 09 - Mr. Frankie:

OK i stand corrected Hirgon.

03:16:55 Jan 29th 09 - Sir Hirgon Sadron:

One word: Democracy.
Democracy is the fairest form of goverment...

Says who?  Name one truly democratic government in all of world history; you can try ancient governments if you'd like.  Democracy today is nothing but a word - a clever catchphrase used to keep the masses in line, and to play upon their ignorance.  Let them vote, and think they're being represented - then they'll think they have democracy.

03:29:57 Jan 29th 09 - Mr. Frankie:

Ooooo low blow Hirgon. But very true. Democracy is just a word for us voters to feel safe. Like we actually have a say in what goes on in this country. Not even the elections for presidents are fair. They go by electoral votes not the ppls votes. Who cares if it takes longer, count the freaking ppls votes not the electoral votes. It doesnt matter if tehy got one more then the other person in votes the entire state shouldnt be able to vote for that president. All of our words should count but they dont. Instead ppl who we vote in gain the greatest power we could give them and some of them stunk. Honestly the only president i like is Harry S Truman. He always did what he thought was right and what the American ppl wanted not what these rich, scum, dumb politicians that we send to let our words be heard when its what they want not what we want.

03:36:41 Jan 29th 09 - Sir Hirgon Sadron:

I don't know enough about American Presidents to say, but I think some of the early ones may have been alright (if you ignore the whole oligarchy thing).  In the democratic republic that is America, I am of the opinion that the government serves the interests of the capitalists, not the voters.  In the 'democracy' that is the UN, the 'government' really consists of a conglomeration of governments serving the interests of their own people - it's more an attempt at a republican approach than a democracy.  But now I'm rambling...I didn't mean it as a low blow, although maybe it was.

03:52:42 Jan 29th 09 - Mr. Frankie:

lol i was saying low blow as a good thing. Honestly in the USA our constitution is slowly disappearing. All our rights of freedom of speech, press, assembly, etc are gonna be gone soon. I mean we wont be able to talk about against the government or talk bad about the reps we send to congress even if its the truth. Idk slowly our government might turn into a communist government.

04:14:26 Jan 29th 09 - Sir Crimson Xtc:

I dare them take my rights away I'm sure with a little help we could get our hands on a couple nukes and send them to congress as a present.

04:20:19 Jan 29th 09 - Mr. Frankie:

WOOOOO AOD <3!!!!!!! Lol then we would need to go to russia. But what im saying is go to china, speak against the government and then tell me what music you want played at your funeral cuz they will shoot you. This country will soon turn out like that if we arent careful.

haha and AoD were would we put the capital after that? Washington DC will be the most quite place in the United States for the next 10,000 years lol. Put it in the middle of the country so its not accessable from sea and they would have a lot of air and land to go through to get to it :P.. Yes i plan this sh1t out lol

05:26:00 Jan 29th 09 - Mr. Roxbury:

This is like the room filled with plastic balls at McDonalds.. let the fat american kids loose in there and eventually they will tire eachother out and both go to sleep ;)

My question remains tho, with the US weakening as a world power what would u rather see, the UN as a world police or communist China?

07:31:09 Jan 29th 09 - Mr. Gingerbread Man:

Also remember, Russia had another advantage....much like Napoleon found out's pretty friggin' cold in Russia (esp. when your mad dash towards the oil fields you needed stalls out)

A benevolent dictatorship is the most efficient gov't out there and produces the best "results" for the people...

Last gov't I would call a true democracy was ancient Greece...Rome afterwards kinda garbled some of the democratic ideas into their Republic, but even then it was caste based...

I think it is awhile before the US will have to worry about handing off the reigns of world police to China...US will have to learn in the coming generations it's not the ONLY police, and to confer more...but it will not be weakening as a world power, others will simply be stepping up as peers.

And I still maintain the UN in it's current state is a POS xD  It's a great idea, but it doesn't DO anything (again, excluding humanitarian side...)

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