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US find 1 trillion Afghanista
04:58:04 Jun 14th 10 - Mr. Roxbury Redux:

U.S. Identifies Vast Riches of Minerals in Afghanistan

Turns out Afghanistan has $1 trillion worth of mineral deposits such as lithium (needed in cell phone batteries etc) and the US "just now" discovered it.

Was there ever any doubt why the US kept fighting in Afghanistan.. after the Al Qaeda was gone?

05:26:36 Jun 14th 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Lol, yeah the US is totally gonna take all that lithium.  This is great news I say.  This will give the Afganistani economy a big boost.  Ofc there are down sides to this as well, but I think on the whole this could be used to make Afghanistan a much better place, if it's dealt with correctly.

05:52:44 Jun 14th 10 - Mr. Sage Salamon:

:P likes to point out that 1 trillion was about the amount US was in debt a while ago :P.... hahha >.< coincidences? :P maybe :P who knows :P

09:33:53 Jun 14th 10 - Mr. Exodus:

would really help thats only 1/8 of our national debt now so thats nice but not really that helpful

10:18:34 Jun 14th 10 - Mr. Heimdall:

Does anyone really belive that american officials let such valuable data "gather dust" for years? Obviously this has been discussed by (afghan and) american officials for years to be able to prepare the country for an extreme mining raid before any of the other supernations lays their dirty paws on the wealth.

Well played america.  

16:43:40 Jun 14th 10 - Mr. Path:

Yeah, like everyone is lining up to go send mining teams into Afghanistan, lol.....dolt

There could be giant pockets of diamonds under the ground that you could reach with a shovel and most companies will never take the risk until the area is pacified.  Even then, its a considerable risk considering the large population of people in that area of the world who have no job skills besides conducting warfare.

17:23:27 Jun 14th 10 - Mr. The Binh Loser:

A total $1 trillion of  mineral deposits?


$ billions / year worth of oil?

*thumbs down*

People... nothing beats a drug trade of $1 trillion PER YEAR. Nothing beats a military budget of $500 billion PER YEAR. THAT's what the US wars are for!!! To get free land and cheap labour for the planting of poppy, and to get an excuse to buy all those drones and missiles. Real cash is made on a per year basis, not just on one lump sum of assets.


Learn about business lads. ^_^

00:08:38 Jun 15th 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Actually I was wrong earlier, well kind-of

The White House lied to us on this one.  Apparently there's an official report by the US talking about these deposits in Afghanistan, from 2008!  This is not a "new find"!  And you guys are idiots, lol the US is NOT gonna mine this lithium and such for money!  LOL!!!  hahah, no.  This is just a reason our government put out to keep us in this war in Afghanistan.  They want the war so they can have power and increase the power of the executive branch as a whole.

"People... nothing beats a drug trade of $1 trillion PER YEAR"
What are you talking about?  Maybe the drug trade in Mexico or America is that much, but it has nothing to do with Afghanistan.  The total income of Afghanistan is 12 billion dollars, lol.  But yeah, THAT's based on drugs and narcotics.

"THAT's what the US wars are for!!! To get free land and cheap labour for the planting of poppy"

Haha, I actually laughed on this one.  Yeah no.  poppy is a very small portion really of any economy.  The wars are because our government wants more power, it's not the people of America, it's the people in charge.

" and to get an excuse to buy all those drones and missiles."

And why the fuck would we want drones and missiles?  Are you saying the whole reason we went into this war is to get drones and missiles?  You make little sense.

02:02:46 Jun 15th 10 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

Arthur, just ask yourself how much money are into weapons manufacturing in US, who are the sharehoders of those institutions and and what's would happen with those companies if there won't be consumption of weapons (and thus wars).

Then you'll think from a different angle.

02:17:09 Jun 15th 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Trust me, I know some people are making big bucks on these wars.  But that's not the main reason.  There are multiple reasons we are in these wars, the biggest one is more control of the government.  Ofc there are a few weapons manufacturers making a lot of money who want to stay in this war, but again, that's no the only reason.

04:08:50 Jun 15th 10 - Mr. Exender The Nacre Samurai:

none of it US property
it is all owned by the Afghan gov't.

No doubt they will let some greedy Euro-Capitalists in there to get rich from it. Europeans have mismanaged their own wealth so badly, they could really use some extra cash!!

06:10:59 Jun 15th 10 - Mr. The Binh Loser:

Tut tut Arthur. You're still young. You don't know much of the world yet... :P

06:13:36 Jun 15th 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Ok Bihn ;)

19:39:53 Jun 17th 10 - Mr. Kamikaze:

Afg already had over 5 trillion in Oil lmao guess what it caused... it caused WAR this Mineral thing will also cause WAR unless America takes over and keeps troops there forever

18:46:18 Jun 20th 10 - Emperor Palpatine:

just to point out that the US government doesn't really mine anything....that the largest mining companies are shareholder companies....two of which are Australian technically, one is swiss and the other is brazilian....nobody else is the ballpark of these four.

define 1 that profit after extraction cost...or total value of the minerals itself which means the mining company gets a fraction of this(and then pays royalties on it)...still it would be a lot of money if there was no sovereign risk involved....but making the report public just makes it more likely China will go in and snap it up themselves, since they don't have shareholders to worry about risk and return and they can provide the security for the project too.

in a means nothing.

06:17:11 Jun 21st 10 - Lady Megan Fox:

20:02:46 Jun 14th 10 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

Arthur, just ask yourself how much money are into weapons manufacturing in US, who are the sharehoders of those institutions and and what's would happen with those companies if there won't be consumption of weapons (and thus wars).

Then you'll think from a different angle.


00:10:59 Jun 15th 10 - Mr. The Binh Loser:

Tut tut Arthur. You're still young. You don't know much of the world yet... :P

Report have much yet to learn Glad and TBL :)  The US defense budget has largely remained static during peace and war; The same amount of money goes for troopsies and new toys...the more troopsies you have to pay (ie. now with the wars), it actually means LESS money for new toys for 'em (I was in the defense industry for half a decade :P). 

The one way wars help the military industry is actually as a proving ground/demonstration for other countries to buy, but by and large none of the other nations that spend a lot of money on equipment by from US manufacturers anyways.  The amount they gain in additional sales pales in how much less of the US budget they get.

08:46:48 Jun 21st 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Hey my name's underlined... Cool.

10:14:15 Jun 21st 10 - Sir Ophiucus:


17:14:41 Jun 21st 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

On both of Lady's copy&pastes my name is underlined in yellow.  It might just be my computer.  But it's a little weird.

22:21:31 Jun 21st 10 - Sir Ophiucus:

Yer it might be your computer cause I cant see any yellow underlined Athrur words

22:43:00 Jun 21st 10 - Lady Megan Fox:

It's b/c u have Skype, it installs a common name highlighter so that'll it'll automatically highlight/link based on certain just messed up in this case, linking to straight back to the VU home page not takin' ya anywhere:

onmuseout="leoHighlightsHandleMouseOut('leoHighlights_Underline_1')" leohighlights_keywords="arthur" leohighlights_url_top="http%3A//" leohighlights_url_bottom="http%3A//" leohighlights_underline="true">Arthur</leo_highlight>

00:22:50 Jun 23rd 10 - Mr. Bruiant:

I dont have Skype and his name is underlined for me. So that cant be why.

01:54:56 Jun 23rd 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Only cool people can see it.  It's too sexy for everyone else s eyes.

18:17:34 Jun 26th 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

That can't be right cuz i can see it.

00:35:53 Jun 27th 10 - Mr. Bugger:

Fools! everyone can see it! yup i always been known as the party crasher :D

16:29:47 Jun 27th 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

Oh.. for a second I thought I was cool... :(

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