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Ufo and Aliens
05:10:48 May 2nd 07 - Mr. The Viking:

Why is it that so little is said about it on tv, and why do some people deny, or just don't believe in aliens? After all, the universe is big, are we the only ones in it? Or is there other extraterestial livings apart from us?

On the first question, I suspect that the United nations must have had an agreement on this. Maybe that big chain televisions that are financially helped (big money) by the government have restricted content(There was and still are cases like this today) .In countries like UsA and Russia, They have very detailed documents on how to behave with ufos or extraterestrials - not to touch, etc.

 There are documentries about ufos and aliens that I've seen in the past, now it comes back to me again. I'll give you some video links of short UFO videos that I found without much effort. Additionally, if you search for UFO images on google, or go to a UFO/Alien website, you might be very impressed by how many cases, witnesses and how many pictures and videos there was about that. Here are some that I found that are more impressive, since there are tons of videos and pictures.

1. Helicopter get*beep* by An UFO  

2. Turning UFO

3.Dissapearing UFO . One belief of Einstein I think was that you can teleport    yourself with some of his non-understandable forumulas(actually not sure if he had one for teleportation).

4.First Video you see on this website


Ok, those were some of what were the best UFO videos I've seen. We can see that in those videos, UFOS (Alien spaceships) tend to get away when they're seen. In one documentry that I've seen, there were 4 friends in their 50's that talk about when they were 10 and used to see a seemingly extraterestrial creature for a few seconds, and all could see the same thing. They saw that extraterestrial a couple of times because they were coming back to the same place in the woods. At one time, there was a spaceship that flew over the Alien, and kinda sniped it inside in a flash, the spaceship then left and they never saw anything after that.

In my opinion, the US government or secret forces knows a bunch more than we do, and I suspect that some experiences have already occured with aliens in area 51 int texas. Also, some think that the US are using technology from aliens to make their military planes that now have a weird shape.

Edit: Would anyone like to share their opinions on this matter?

05:42:54 May 2nd 07 - Lord Oya:

its not that aliens don't exist its just its unlikely they have come here....we've only been transmittting radio waves for 100 years so the sound waves wouldn't have got very far....i doubt there is any intelligent life which is more advanced than we are in such close proximity to our own solar system...

if it has happened then cool, but i wouldn't bet on it :P

11:22:05 May 2nd 07 - Sir Salar The Stingray:

mmm im to scared to watch anything which might try to prove aliens exist it gives  me the ba-jeevas.

but you have a point tho, you dont see much things on tv like that at all

14:18:51 May 2nd 07 - Mr. Killstone:

well there is this new planet orbitating around another star that is a TON like earth its tempature is about 32-100 degrees farinheit and it probobly has water and land and everything so it could support alien or even human life and it is about 20 lightyears away

18:06:05 May 2nd 07 - Sir RA Enlightens You:

maybe earlier civilizations have prospered already, maybe they have withered and died already, maybe we are not looking the right way, etc, etc ... 

there is a good chance that we are not alone, however, the true question is, is anyone else alive at this moment and capable of making contact?

the ufo-footage is most likely fake ... and i suspect the stories are used to cover up secret testings whenever it suits the government,  so completely the opposite if what viking is saying (you can dig up the studies and reports yourself, just try to be somewhat critical(?))

19:25:54 May 2nd 07 - Mr. Half Baked:

They are out there somewhere, problem is the Earth is like that bad area you never drive through.

21:58:39 May 2nd 07 - Mr. Crash:

I have a teacher that says she was abducted...

00:25:23 May 3rd 07 - Sir Borazon:

How come when people think of aliens they always see them as uber smart and so much more technologically advanced than us humans here on Earth? 

00:46:43 May 3rd 07 - Mr. Cobra:

Maybe because if they manage to get here by space ship they are? We don't have a technology level to which space travel is useable.

02:44:29 May 3rd 07 - Mr. Half Baked:

Maybe you dont, but here in my house, space travel is possible whenever I want.

04:50:35 May 3rd 07 - Mr. The Viking:

New technologies used in those airplaines along with other impressive ones are abnormally advanced in short time, and it is thought that those technollogies have been borowed from aliens. In one documentry that I've see about UFOs, there was a case about a family that saw a dozen american combat airplaines that were following an alien spaceship with blue lights. Anyway,there's been so manywitnesses, photos and videos that we can't deny it.

The single problem is that we don't know much about aliens, and that army generals that work in area 51 won't speak anything about it and neither about that area. In my opinion, It would be because if everyone knew, there would be economical issues. Oh well, I would like to see the day when we can see an "alien" or an alien spaceship that would be analysable and not in area 51(because then of course it would be kept secret).

Any comments on the short videos I posted In my first post?

05:20:01 May 3rd 07 - Mr. The Viking:

Quote :    "Future aircraft might be substantially stealthier than those of today, even able to make in-flight improvements to their shape and appearance." From Usa airforce engineering.

In the year of 2008 - 2009 they want to have a prototype of an airplaine that will reach mach 7 speed (7700 km/hour  4780 mph/ hour) .

Now you tell me, we're still getting better and better at car technologies every year and basic airplane technology, and they want to make us believe that we're now getting to mach 7 speed?  5000 mph an hour ? And also that the plane would burn out in about 14 hours. Seriously, I'm more to think that this is alien technology...

05:28:57 May 3rd 07 - Lord Oya:

how fast do you think rockets fly?

......why is it always something underlyning everything these days, religion...conspiracy theories, alien technology.....we can develop our own technology....quantum mechanics has been around nearly 100 years im sure we know alot more about physics now than we did when the germans started using rockets eh

05:51:32 May 3rd 07 - Mr. The Viking:

Dude, this is way too advanced for human technology this early... Why is it that there was a crashed alien spaceship on area 51, and it's a coincidence with where they test out things and make concepts...

Even specialists today are impressed when we find new car technologies such as self parking car lexus, and how could an airplane that goes 5'000 miles an hour can be controlled by a human so it shoots missiles with only a few inches eror margin. This is just crazy.. and an airplaine that would go that fast would also be able to change it's shape and appearance in air...

06:22:03 May 3rd 07 - Lord Oya:

lol....its about computers and logic, nothing to do with aliens. self parking car not that amazing to be honest. the aircraft that crash landed was in roswell and as we don't no for sure if it was home made or alien all of this is just speculation. the concord could fly at 2k an hour not rele that impressive that 30 years later we've added a few thousand an hour etc. think rationally about it and don't assume the things in the sky are immediatly alien, there are other countries in this world other than usa who can produce high tech air craft, the harrier is british and used by americans, the concord is british though now out of service, the bullet train that travels around 300 an hour and uses magnetism is japanese....i could go on and on about the technologies people have come up with

06:28:09 May 3rd 07 - Mr. The Viking:

Have you seen the videos I posted on my first post? I dont think that any human technollogy is advanced at this point to dissapear like this, ar an alien spaceship to lightly hit a helicopter at such high speeds..

07:15:07 May 3rd 07 - Mr. Stormcrow:

<grows nervous and shifts eyes side to side>


Damn, Viking is on to our colonization plans Oya, we need to contact the motherbrain about this one......

07:39:28 May 3rd 07 - Lord Oya:

dammit stormcrow!! ><

Fizban keeps coming up engaged....sigh....those damn sex lines hes on, really ruining our plans

19:37:03 May 3rd 07 - Mr. Spartacus:

Remind me of a USSR documentary in WW2 that shows someone disecting an alien, and some soldiers inspecting an alien spacecraft crash site. Well I think that video is bogus though. We got this wierd religion that gets their "Good News." telephatically from aliens.

20:22:21 May 3rd 07 - Sir RA Enlightens You:

viking, have you ever heard about a 'scram-engine'?

20:28:55 May 3rd 07 - Duke Erunion Telcontar:

Oh joy. Aliens and consipiricy theories. You think we've been borrowing technology from aliens? There are smart humans you know... You might not be one of them, but they are out there.... Gunpowder was amazingly effective when it was first invented. Maybe The Vikings (Mr.) made contact with them, and then shipped gunpowder to China? I geuss our steps were guided towards electricity by E.T.? Maybe gasoline's use was invented by an alien? It probably was. Alien implies someone or something unfamiliar or strange, therefore someone unfamiliar or strange to you (someone who had a half-decent brain) invented it's use. Therefore we can claim that aliens invented everything not made by someone you personnaly know, and you'd be correct! I have proven that aliens invented our technologies! Go me!

BTW. Aliens probably invented photoshop and conspiracy ET videos.

Signed, Duke ET*.

*whispers to Oya* "I think were duping them, but be more careful next time."

04:25:36 May 4th 07 - Mr. The Viking:

Do you think you're being smart with those jokes? 


On another subject, do you all think that Aliens come from a pretty distant planet, and that the ones that we see here are explorers? Maybe they would have a big populated plantet like we do.. Future is pretty bad I think, back in the days when people fought sword to sword, I once freamed of being a gladiator, and was one of my best dream ive ever had!

04:41:53 May 4th 07 - Lord Oya:

all other habitable planets/satalites are yes....

and yeah there was more honor fighting with a sword......but times change, there isn't alot of honor left in the world.... such dreams aren't likely to be reality unless you truely desired them

08:20:36 May 4th 07 - Lord Senturu:

ET is an alien. ET= Extraterrestrial. alien. get him

15:57:21 May 4th 07 - Sir RA Enlightens You:

sorry for the desillusion, viking, ... but, ... i'll be honest with you ...  there are no aliens (not in the way you mean) on earth ...

16:47:41 May 4th 07 - Mr. Cobra:

"Maybe you dont, but here in my house, space travel is possible whenever I want."

Getting high is not what I was talking about when I said space travel.

18:37:18 May 4th 07 - Mr. Iwasfrozen:

that is well cool

21:22:07 May 4th 07 - Mr. Iwasfrozen:

the video that is

(to late to edit)

20:49:30 May 5th 07 - Ms. Erica Brahmins:

lol... Elvis Presley... ^.^ umn... Aliens... Yeah!... Hell yeah they do!

They've been handing out blueprints and schematics for weapons of mass destruction. They even influence the young the art of war. Theyre driving us to self destruct. They've been handing us technologies that will facilitate theyre near coming. Its too obvious for anyone not to see, so naive of you all...

10:21:10 May 6th 07 - Sir Wolf Ruga:

Of course the aliens are handing us plane schematics so when they invade we're simply that much more advanced in a military fashion... Right...

If you think about Area 51 hard enough, and an alien spaceship really did crash, don't you think the aliens first priority would have been to get that kind of technology out of our hands or something? Were they just like, "Oh, look, Ol' Farmer Jack crashed his spaceship into a foreign planet again... Anyone up for some vodka?" or something? I don't understand how an alien spaceship can crash into a planet and the aliens just shrug it off.

Come to think of it, if the aliens were that much smarter, how did they crash in the first place? I'm not denying the existance of other intelligent life in the universe, of course not, but like someone else said, their are such things as intelligent people in the world...

200 years ago there was no internet and we all read either by daylight or candlelight. Were the aliens responsible for that as well? As technology progresses, so has our ability to progress it.

10:59:39 May 6th 07 - Ms. Erica Brahmins:

Hell yeah they did... They gave de plan to agapito flores and tomas edison!

17:57:54 May 6th 07 - Mr. Iwasfrozen:

Ms. Erica Brahmins


5/5/2007 7:49:30 PM


They've been handing out blueprints and schematics for weapons of mass destruction. They even influence the young the art of war. Theyre driving us to self destruct. They've been handing us technologies that will facilitate theyre near coming. Its too obvious for anyone not to see, so naive of you all...


Who the Americans?

18:12:43 May 6th 07 - Mr. Celendrum Cikayson:

I believe that somewhere out there is "life."

Perhaps not what we'd call life, as in eat, drink, *beep*, mate, and make babies.  The life out there may not use DNA at all.  They could be like very advanced viruses or something.  Or moving rocks.  Who knows?

As for there being intelligent life... there is another matter.  The human has been around for what, 1 million years?  And then advanced, technology-using humans only for some 40,000.  40,000 years, in a Cosmological sense, is like a single grain of sand in the Sahara.  So if there is life out there, it is probably already dead, frozen in cryotubes or dormant in some other form, or simple microoranisms that will needs hundreds of millions more years to evolve.  Then consider how humans are a young species even.

And there's the fact no life has been completely PROVEN to exist anywhere else on earth.  Speculation, yes.  Right circumstances?  Yes, a "parallel earth" has already been discovered with ideal temperatures for life.  Earth is a freak planet.  Life is a freak occurance.  (I don't believe in creationism but this type of thing does make me wonder about God or some sort of supreme being.)

As for aliens coming to earth with the concepts of conquering it...  who is to say that?  Is it impossible for a race to advance as far as humanity without falling into warfare?  I think so.  Only a few select species on earth have the concept of war.  (Humans and several kinds of ants, pretty much.)

It would be damn cool if they discovered some alien ruins from millions and millions of years ago though :)

02:31:13 May 7th 07 - Mr. The Gladiator:

Yea, I remember some ant wars from a documentry, they used to fight like 1 hour a one on one ant If I remember well =)

13:09:39 May 7th 07 - Mr. Dreadlord:

mach 7 omg lol wich superfuel will tehy use and how high. lol.

just send a space rocked tied to an aircraftonto space and let it come back down and just before it (or whatever is left) hits the ground you might get close to it :p.

19:00:10 May 8th 07 - Duke Erunion Telcontar:

We have already reached mach 6, ever heard of the Aurora? The problem is it cost about a billion or so dollars for one.... Then again, since the aliens lent us the money...

11:39:23 May 9th 07 - Sir Salaracen The Slightly Tired:

ive allways had this kind of idea. what if we went to one of these planets and it has alein bacteria, and the bacteria reacts to humans and humans mutate or get realy sick or something.

16:08:27 May 9th 07 - Mr. Dreadlord:

there could be bacteria who we havnt been exposed to ever and dint develop an immune system for it for like hundreds of  millions of years so it could kill all life on earth.
but that could only be the case if we visit a planet simular to earth since othervise the bacteria probably cant survive.

17:24:59 May 9th 07 - Duke Erunion Telcontar:

Erm... That's a 1950's really weird horror movie you have there Salaracen. In fact it's a mini-series set in London. It's even black and white. They electrocute the weird thing that grows from it, if I remember, it's basically 1950's version of Alien/Aliens.... Also flip it and you get H.G. Wells War of the Worlds, also set in england, and the recently released more modernized version set in America. Soooooo.... Not very original thought there Salad.

03:50:50 May 10th 07 - Lady Tantulii:

there could be bacteria who we havnt been exposed to ever and dint develop an immune system for it for like hundreds of  millions of years so it could kill all life on earth.

Of course, there is a chance that that bacteria won't even know how to use earth life forms as a host.

"Erm... That's a 1950's really weird horror movie you have there Salaracen."

I was thinking the same.

18:15:09 May 10th 07 - Lady Erica Brahmins:

You dont have to go as far as another planet... Venom came from the moon ^.^

18:44:50 May 10th 07 - Mr. Knight The Round Table:

Sir Wolf Ruga


5/6/2007 9:21:10 AM
Of course the aliens are handing us plane schematics so when they invade we're simply that much more advanced in a military fashion... Right...

He was joking.

Sir Wolf Ruga


5/6/2007 9:21:10 AM

If you think about Area 51 hard enough, and an alien spaceship really did crash, don't you think the aliens first priority would have been to get that kind of technology out of our hands or something? Were they just like, "Oh, look, Ol' Farmer Jack crashed his spaceship into a foreign planet again... Anyone up for some vodka?" or something? I don't understand how an alien spaceship can crash into a planet and the aliens just shrug it off.

Maybe it was just a probe they sent out that could of been lost in space for hundreds if not thousands of years, that slowly drifted...eventually crashing into Earth. After all, we send them out too, maybe ours have hit another planet (if they don't crash into a star or sucked into a black hole)

21:55:31 May 10th 07 - Mr. Crash:

It's all think you see them because you are drunk.

03:08:10 May 11th 07 - Mr. The Gladiator:

I never saw a video camera get drunk

18:11:41 May 11th 07 - Duke Erunion Telcontar:

I have however seen them get faked. Falsified, whether using electronics or even hand-drawn animation! Just need a simple computer, or pencil, to do it...

Having seen those videos, judging by the quality I could have done those in Appleworks, and some I could do with a pencil...

18:17:59 May 11th 07 - Duke Erunion Telcontar:

And the first one says on the video, " Please tell me you know what a spoof is...

02:35:04 May 14th 07 - Sir Wolf Ruga:

If it's just a space probe, what's the big deal? The problem with your guys response is that through the entire thing people have been saying a SPACE SHIP crashed and was taken to area 51.

"Maybe it was just a probe they sent out that could of been lost in space for hundreds if not thousands of years, that slowly drifted...eventually crashing into Earth. After all, we send them out too, maybe ours have hit another planet (if they don't crash into a star or sucked into a black hole)"

If it were a space probe, how would we be using it for new airplane designs? What, are the aliens space probes extremely aerodynamic now? THAT makes sense, because you know all that wind friction in space.

03:29:44 May 14th 07 - Mr. Ooog Splat:

If there is intelligent life out there that has the technology to come to us years before we are capable of traveling to them, I want to know a few things.

1st   If they are intelligent enough to travel through space and tackle problems that will be inherent in such (much of which we haven't even thought of in our very limited space exploration excursions), why are they abducting hicks and trash with limited learning and/or intelligence instead of going to the heads of the governing bodies.

2nd   Why do we always assume that they will come on friendly terms. I think we will only become really serious about space when we have outgrown this planet and we will be looking to expand. Finding a planet already inhabited by intelligent life will not be what we are looking for unless we are desperate or militaristic enough to just take it for our own.

3rd    Why would such a superior race even if friendly be willing to befriend us and share secrets with us. There would be no benefit for them and we would become a potential threat if given their knowledge.

In short, I believe we are all a little naive about what the intentions of an alien race would be and I think movies such as independence day and war of the worlds paint a more realistic picture of what it would be like if an alien race came to this planet.

07:05:39 May 14th 07 - Sir Wolf Ruga:

Mr. Ooog makes several good points. However, I must disagree on some others. There are a lot more movies about aliens invading the Earth then romantic chick-flicks about aliens. Why would they abduct the head governing bodies again? Something about intelligence? What? Did I miss something here? :P

And about finding uninhabited planets, when I heard about that new one by the red giant, I was like, "Well, what's the big deal unless it's not inhabited?" because if we don't go extinct first, our planet WILL die, and we're going to need another one.

Why can't the aliens be willing to share secrets? I can at least hope aliens aren't like humans in the sense they're selfish for anything like that.

"We would like to ask everyone to please not fire upon the alien spacecraft. You may inadvertantly start an intergalactic war." I laughed my ass off at that part of Independence Day. :P

16:38:55 May 14th 07 - Mr. Ooog Splat:

Tis just my opinion, in reality I find it increasingly harder to believe that there are others out there. Many are entranced by the idea, and I do find the possibility intriguing.  I am a very logical person and there is (as of yet) no solid proof of such. In a fairly in depth study of the matter, I am presented by a startling lack of evidence and am instead increasingly finding supposition, rumors, occult influences, and just plain superstition.

It would be great if there are others out there, but I need something a little more solid than fuzzy pictures and abduction rumors.

You do have a point about heads of state being intelligent though. (Brain fart on my part). I also misrepresented myself about the movie bit and true there are more movies about aliens invading. There is an increasing attitude assuming that aliens would be friendly and we have nothing to base that assumption on. We should not shoot first and start the 1st "intergalactic war" however we should be wary of their intentions.

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