Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / Understanding Centuries

Understanding Centuries
20:40:05 Dec 19th 23 - Lady Jasmina:

So I watched a game show, three contestants were answering a question.

The question goes: 
What date does the 20th century start.

So, its January 1st 1900. All three contestants put that. 
All were wrong. What the hell? 

20:41:46 Dec 19th 23 - Mr. Sixsixsix:

Jan 1 1901

21:09:35 Dec 19th 23 - Princess Yasmina:

Why, explain please

22:32:30 Dec 19th 23 - Mr. Bala:

They didn’t start counting at year 0, they started at one. The first 100 years, aka first century, were years 1 to 100. Therefore 2nd century is years 101 to 200. 


1901-2000 twentieth century
2001-2100 twenty-first…

Always starting on a 1

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