Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / VU APP

13:40:01 Nov 23rd 19 - The Wolflord (Wolflord Karac):

Hey y’all, been away for quite a while, but I’m wondering if there’s an app that’s coming, or being worked on for the mobile platform? It seems in this day and age that just the browser base is holding the game back a little. I work a lot and am in school, so I log in from my phone more than my desktop.

Just wondering, I’d be more than willing to pay whatever the cost the app would be on the App Store, to make it more easy for me to navigate from my phone. 

16:05:59 Nov 23rd 19 - Lord Caedus:

There’s been refusal to make an app as far as I can keep track. 

16:16:43 Nov 23rd 19 - The Wolflord (Wolflord Karac):

Is there a reason? Or just flat refusal? Seems a great way to entice new players and revenue

16:21:12 Nov 23rd 19 - Mr. Bigfield:

Just a refusal. No will to code it I reckon.

21:20:18 Nov 23rd 19 - Dakarta (Duke Dekarta):

I think someone offered to create the app, but Zeta wouldn't give the approval 

21:44:53 Nov 25th 19 - ZeTa (VU Admin):

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