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VU banner
13:11:14 Mar 9th 08 - Mr. Zeus Ding I:

i was searching through old threads and found an old competition, i decided to create a banner 4 the competition even though it was ages ago. Here's the link:

Do you like it?

I found out zeta, last time, had to hire some guy to do the scripting but ive already done it so the link to VU works, try it!

Also if you do not like the "CLICK!!" sign, here this: it's proven that banners saying click! have faster click-through rates than ones which don't, bassiccly it attracts people!

21:54:09 Mar 9th 08 - Duke Altron:

lol thats cool but try and add some of the cities in the background or somethin cuz you dont really see the troops like that :P other than that, nice work ^^

00:00:09 Mar 10th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:


03:11:05 Mar 10th 08 - Mr. Plato:

man, why do my posts keep getting deleted?

Anyway, really. THAT LOOKS NOTHING LIKE VU!!!!!!!!!!

05:31:58 Mar 10th 08 - Mr. Spud:

Yeah, maybe you can get a big city on each side of the banner and have the little square armies attacking eachother while the words scroll down. Set it up like this.

{CITY} [*]-->  [*]-->  {{Clash of armies}}  <--[*]  <--[*]  {CITY}

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