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Virginia Tech Shooting in US
23:43:44 Apr 16th 07 - Mr. Sanoh II:

33 dead.

29 wounded

gunman killed himself

23:59:22 Apr 16th 07 - Mr. Benito:

absolutely shocking, do you know the killers motives?

00:39:08 Apr 17th 07 - Mr. Roxbury:

media should kill the story, not embrace it.

01:50:27 Apr 17th 07 - Mr. Super Sloth:

Reminds me a lot of the shooting in Montreal, Canada last year at Dawson College.. lone gunman on a college campus, shooting 20 people and then himself.

But that shooter only killed 1 of the 20. He used a semi-automatic rifle, but it was a 9mm peashooter. The person that died wa*beep* 9 times.

This V-tech guy must have had some more serious firepower to kill 32 and hit another 30.

02:31:22 Apr 17th 07 - Mr. Tom From MY Space:

He went on two shooting rampages. One in the morning about 7 a.m., and then later on during the day he went on shooting more people. The school didn’t alert the students about the first shooting so everyone went on with there every day activities.

06:07:17 Apr 17th 07 - Mr. Ignis The Scholar:

What's scary is that the shooter was so accurate, he killed most in 1 shot.

10:16:05 Apr 17th 07 - Mr. Benito:

what i find scary is that no-one has actually wondered why he did it, its like nowadays were just used to *beep* like this happening, and it shouldnt happen!

11:20:08 Apr 17th 07 - Mr. Cobra:

What I find annoying is that the media is like a circus about it. They should just shut up and let the families alone.

12:49:09 Apr 17th 07 - Mr. Half Baked:

It started as a domestic fight between boyfriend, and girlfriend. The RA ( dorm advisor) came to calm things down and he shot the RA and his girlfriend. He pretty much knew he was screwed, and went nuts afterwards. Although some elment of planning had to go into this, he chained the doors shut, and reports say he was calmly walking the halls kicking in doors.

He had 2 9mm handguns, and had to be an incredible shot to get such a high kill ration.

The lesson to be learned is, dont ever let some chick get so deep under your skin that you consider something like this as an option. There are millions of girls and not any single one of them is worth this mess.

18:20:20 Apr 17th 07 - Mr. Crash:

They also say there is a possibility of another shooter.

19:12:05 Apr 17th 07 - Mr. Manuel Marulanda Velez:

that poor 76 year old romanian jew teacher/lecturer who wedged himsel*beep*ainst the door while the gunman shot through it...

21:18:48 Apr 17th 07 - Sir Fizban:

Well, the majority of the injured is those that jumped two stories to get out of the classroom, and then the bullet wounds of course but I keep hearing (not sure of the validity of this) is that one classroom of students, they were lined up and shot execution style, so no accurace be required.

21:34:28 Apr 17th 07 - Mr. Justainius Fontaini:

wierd a guy running into ur school with with a gun in his hand and shoots a load of ppl dead u wudnt c me i wud be gone

21:37:23 Apr 17th 07 - Mr. Super Sloth:

i'm sure the details will come out soon enough

01:52:09 Apr 18th 07 - Mr. The Viking:

Heh, just read the news. this is scary, the biggest school shooting in the us or north america. It's fascinating to see how someone can go nuts and end his life like this... but he must have been wicked up to have the gun in the first place. Maybe he was under drug influence and he was an asian guy too.. what is written in the bible is getting true every day : ''Yellow men will lead the world one day''

02:53:43 Apr 18th 07 - Mr. Stewie:


He had multiple clips of ammunition so if he ran out he just reloaded his weapon so that explains why he shot so many people. He also wrote grotesque stories. One of his stories was a boy fighting his stepfather which ended in the boy grotesquely killing his stepfather with a Rice Krispie. A Professor urged him to get pyschiatric help but he didnt listen.

10:20:15 Apr 18th 07 - Sir Drunken:

Blame it on the police and stupid head of school if you ask me. How can the authorities allow a gunman running around in a school campus during the day somemore... Over 2 hours for them to react after the first shooting!

10:36:54 Apr 18th 07 - Sir RA Enlightens You:

i didn't know that yet ... but , yes, Drunken, ... that sure makes you wonder ...

maybe the cops were just waiting for him to kill himself?  (they call that a judgemental error)  (and yes, the media should give less time to things like this, this event is not really representational, although the fact remains that these things seem to happen more in the US than elsewhere ...)

15:14:21 Apr 18th 07 - Mr. Smuff With A Shemale Shlong:

they had an airport apparently at the college, therefore most were rich kids, maybe he was jealouse? still this is a terrible thing.

17:28:05 Apr 18th 07 - Mr. Yuran:

This kid was Demented thats alot of the reason. read the plays he wrote.

but whats sad is this has happened before... and im sure it will happen again. His name is Cho Seung, an asian 23 year old with a 3 year major in English, there was something wrong with him, he was obsessed with violence as most Civilian shooters are. With Family problems and all that, he really just needed help.

01:34:37 Apr 19th 07 - Mr. Bernhardt:

Reminds me a lot of the shooting in Montreal, Canada last year at Dawson College.. lone gunman on a college campus, shooting 20 people and then himself.

But that shooter only killed 1 of the 20. He used a semi-automatic rifle, but it was a 9mm peashooter. The person that died wa*beep* 9 times.

This V-tech guy must have had some more serious firepower to kill 32 and hit another 30.



He only had two 9mm handguns

03:23:25 Apr 19th 07 - Mr. Half Baked:

The reason the school did nothing is the police suspected the boyfriend of the first victim, and had him pulled over on the side of the highway questioning him when they got the call for the second round of shootings.

So they thought the police had everything under control, hence why they didnt do more.

11:41:22 Apr 19th 07 - Mr. Roxbury:

Heres the guy..

11:53:02 Apr 19th 07 - Mr. Andrei The Mad Farmer:

rox,that is not funny :(

12:25:55 Apr 19th 07 - Mr. Roxbury:

What? Those are the pics he took between the two shootings, theyre all over the news.

12:59:18 Apr 19th 07 - Mr. Super Sloth:

isn't media great? instead of sending these photos directly to police, they decide to send them to the world first... then hand them over to police.

13:28:03 Apr 19th 07 - Mr. Andrei The Mad Farmer:

In that case,maybe I'm the only one who finds that disturbing,else why would you post that crap on the forum?

16:25:29 Apr 19th 07 - Sir RA Enlightens You:

hmmm, it's not becuase you don't like it that it shouldn't be shown ...

16:47:47 Apr 19th 07 - Mr. Benito:

trust, your not the only person that finds that guy disturbing, but we all need to know more about what he was like so we can prevent *beep* like that from ever happenin again

16:56:34 Apr 19th 07 - Mr. Roxbury:

I think the interesting thing about him, is that he defies all
stereotypes. In some ways, we have all been ingrained that evil guys
have a mean look, lead a dishonest life and stick out from a crowd.
This one is just a regular guy, which makes it so hard to understand.

18:50:07 Apr 19th 07 - Lord Oya:

well he was admitted to a mental health institute a year before the shootings, so he wasn't that much of a regular person....

19:06:03 Apr 19th 07 - Mr. Benito:

"why was it so easy for him to get hold o*beep*un"?

a question i have heard so many times and is so relevent, but everyone ignores it, either because they feel its irrelevent or because they are ashamed that getting one is so easy

21:46:46 Apr 19th 07 - Sir Fizban:

Why is it so easy to get a gun? Because here in the states we have a thing called a 2nd ammenment, or a right to bear arms. I'm sure the guy that gave him the gun assumed that he was an ok guy and probably can't read weeks into the future and assume he's going to use the guns to blow people away.

Now then, with that out of the way. Should a more thorough background check be established to keep guns out of the hands of people with mental issues? Yeah, I'll agree with that, and of course laws should keep them out of the hands of criminals. However, one needs to bear this in mind. Gun control will NEVER help keep guns out of the hands of criminals, only out of the hands of responsible, law-abiding individuals. If some criminal or whack-job thinks it's ok to say, kill (which is against the law), I think the guy would have no trouble breaking the law to get a gun.

Let's also start thinking about this a little more. First-off, imagine if the VA. state legislature passed a law (which is actually being debated even before this incident), allowing people to carry concealed firearms. Say you were in there when whacko comes in and starts opening fire. You pull out your loaded gun and probably along with other students and the professor in there and *BANG*. Gunman's dropped, body count is alot less. Kinda doesn't make it appealing to go into a place with guns blazing, now isn't it?

Let's also think on it another angle. How many cops were on the scene and they were all hiding behind cars, trees, shrubberies, whatever. There's people inside dying to one guy, you outnumber the fool out of him, where's the cops rushing in for a rescue? These are the guys that the gun-control lobbyists want to have protect you (as well as metal-detectors...wooooo. A little beeping sound before everyone up there's shot to death, and a hassle for law-abiding citizens). Where are the brave cops and firemen from 9-11 who charged into those buildings with no regard for self and saved lives? Bear in mind however, I'm a supporter of our cops and such. That is nothing against them, but a critique on how they handled it.

In summary, gun control and stripping away more freedoms won't solve jack. It'd only open the door for more violence.

22:47:16 Apr 19th 07 - Sir RA Enlightens You:

how about you have to have a lisence from the police?

a license that proves you've done tests and stuff and are capable in handling a weapon in a responsable way?

not like it is now (if that info is correct, as i'm not an american), you can buy a gun without any trouble, straight over the counter? like buying a bread?

it is not stripping away freedom, it is ensuring more safety for inocent bystanders ...

and ofcourse, this will not prevent this from happening, but if there are less weapons around, won't they be harder to come buy?

22:56:06 Apr 19th 07 - Mr. Benito:

yeah, but weapons and *beep* gets smuggled by gangs, and the NRA would fight for more gun!

23:17:30 Apr 19th 07 - Sir Fizban:

See? That's the typical response that I'm receiving from my european brethern (and sistern? if that is a word, lol.). Alright, let's talk guns.

Now as I established earlier, I'm all for background checks and things of that nature. By all means, check and see if we're sane or criminals. Now then, gun laws can vary state-by-state, so it's pretty difficult for me to make a blanket statement that'd cover all of 50 states in the US. However for the most part, a criminal background check is required for purchasing a firearm. So, it's much harder (obviously) than buying a loaf of bread. Other checks may be required as well (since I haven't bought a gun in a while, I can't give you the most up-to-date proceedures.)

Now, the problem as it applies to Cho was there wasn't any criminal background that'd warrant not issuing him a gun. Also, if you seen the first couple pictures of the ones he sent, you wouldn't know he'd be a killer just by looking at him. Now, there were some 'warning signs' prior to the trigger of this issue, but nothing that the system would be able to act on.

Now then, let's talk about innocent bystanders and protection. If you were a robber, and you knew everyone had the posibility of carrying a gun under their jacket pocket, would you want to risk your life trying to catch whatever's in my wallet? Probably not. However, if everyone WASN'T armed, and you had an illegal gun, you could probably steal stuff all day before someone notified the police.

Also, there's plenty of shooting ranges and gun-safetly classes out there, so there's no excuse for a responsible individual not to be able to attend one of those and know how to use their weapon in the right way.

"and ofcourse, this will not prevent this from happening, but if there are less weapons around, won't they be harder to come buy? "

Nope. Think about it, to successfully pull this off, you'd have to shut down EVERY SINGLE gun manufacturer, and gun retailer, in the entire world. Then you'd turn gun manufacturing into something like the moonshine runners were in the American prohibition period. In fact, that's a good example. Liquor was totally illegal across the nation, however secret clubs were made that'd sell it, people still made it and distributed it, and made a LOAD of cash because it was illegal. (Think other stuff like weed as well).

If you take weapons out of the hands of law abiding citizens, you're just making them weaker for people who could still get ahold of guns anyways. Besides, when your life is at stake, would you rather be able to defend yourself right then, or wait for police protection to arrive in 5-15 minutes?

23:24:02 Apr 19th 07 - Mr. Benito:

okay, lets just say you solved the gun problam, but how do we deal with people become mentally insane? Everyone knew Cho was gone in the head, but nothing was done to help him, yeah he was in a mental institute but he clearly wasnt cured so why was he allowed out where he could cause other people harm??

00:04:38 Apr 20th 07 - Sir Fizban:

Now please, bear in mind, I'm not a psychologist, or anything of that nature. There's a million reasons why that kid could get screwed up, and I honestly don't know a 'cure' for it. You could check his medical history and see if the kid was stuck on ridalin and thus lost the ability to 'cope' with stuff in the world.

The people 'knew' that something was wrong with him, and even some teachers were pointing out how screwed up the kids was, but the 'system' wouldn't allow them to do much about it. Counselling was advised, but 'couldn't' be enforced.

You could blame his parents for doing something or not doing something to him. You could blame some other teacher for teaching him these world views. You can point blame at just about anyone or anything, as the media is doing right now.

I'm not going to delve into this argument very much because since details haven't been revealed and this is really outside of my realm of knowledge, I'll let someone else take a stab at it.

00:07:16 Apr 20th 07 - Mr. Morgan:

He was a talented young man. Too bad he didnt write more before he killed over 30 people.

04:43:16 Apr 20th 07 - Mr. Super Sloth:

This guy was crazy. Has anyone considered, that the price of a free society is that occasionally, some whackjob is going to be able to go on a killing spree, whether it be in a hail of bullets, or being a silent dark alley killer.

06:25:14 Apr 20th 07 - Mr. The Viking:

Dang, aged 23... At that age I would like to be in boxing matches, now I'm 18 next week. Ending his life at a beautifuull moment, how sad.. He had some part of evil in his soul, let god cleanhis soul from evil spirits..

08:15:02 Apr 20th 07 - Mr. EW Its Crusty:

I love and respect most Americans I have met, but their gun laws are just f*cked. People are shot every day in the US, its crazy. Guns are too readily available in America, and the statistics on gun deaths for the US vs other Western countries supports this. It's time for a policy maker to stop being weak and at least look at altering the 2nd amendment for a modern age.

08:52:57 Apr 20th 07 - Mr. Oblivious:

''Where are the brave cops and firemen from 9-11 who charged into those buildings with no regard for self and saved lives?''

Why would u send average cops and firemen?

Send swat/army/airforce... anything with a good training could kill him without much problems.

08:54:53 Apr 20th 07 - Mr. Oblivious:

And the fact that guns are allowed is just so stupid.Guns provoke violence..

If you would compare victims of america with other STABLE europe countries.

You would see that the victims by firearms would be ALOT less.

The fact that every *beep* could get a gun just makes me sick.

09:28:23 Apr 20th 07 - Mr. Morgan:

I agree. If i had a gun there is a chance i might had killed someone. I have a history of getting über mad for 1 minute and then going calm for a month or two.

13:03:23 Apr 20th 07 - Mr. Super Sloth:

Access to guns isn't the reason - there are many countries in the world (e.g. Canada) where isn't much harder to get one, including handguns - as long as you have the permits and don't have a criminal record.

It is a reflection of their society, and has much deeper roots then a "band aid" solution like "stronger gun laws". You do know Americans have the constitutional right to gun access?

17:27:19 Apr 20th 07 - Lord Oya:

gun = weapon for killing

enough said......however educating people or helping people who have mental issues properly would stop such events happening as often as they seem to in america.

19:02:22 Apr 20th 07 - Mr. Santa Claus:

I think we need to change the law, NO firearms permitted. Only lawenforcement has them, but not at home, no, only at the police station where they pick them up before going to work. Every once in a while, without warning, check houses and people for guns. Give them jailtime if they have firearms. Ban firearms. Be strict, Ew its Crusty is right, there is no sissy politician needed. But a hard ahole, one that only thinks of his goal. Banning guns 100%, only police has them. Every one with guns, 3 years or so jail. Then soon enough everyone will trough away their guns...then the killing will be done with baseballbats, then at least you wont have 30 kills, but 3...

19:23:59 Apr 20th 07 - Mr. Benito:

EXACTLY! good idea santa, *beep*jections, lets do that!


20:36:16 Apr 20th 07 - Mr. Neratu:

Mr. Santa Claus


4/20/2007 1:02:22 PM
I think we need to change the law, NO firearms permitted. Only lawenforcement has them, but not at home, no, only at the police station where they pick them up before going to work. Every once in a while, without warning, check houses and people for guns. Give them jailtime if they have firearms. Ban firearms. Be strict, Ew its Crusty is right, there is no sissy politician needed. But a hard ahole, one that only thinks of his goal. Banning guns 100%, only police has them. Every one with guns, 3 years or so jail. Then soon enough everyone will trough away their guns...then the killing will be done with baseballbats, then at least you wont have 30 kills, but 3...


how would that solve anything? criminals would still have guns and killers would still be killing.

might reduce accidental killings...

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