Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / Wanna be confused

Wanna be confused
22:09:41 Sep 2nd 11 - HorusPanic (Sir Father of Twins):

Ms. Hippolyta Hall  	Themyscira          	Starta              	Alive
Lady Endless The Insane Todropagain	Ladybugs Taste Awful	Fantasia            	Alive
Ms. Nada            	-no kingdom-        	Tutorial X          	Dead
Mr. Corinthian      	-no kingdom-        	Tutorial X          	Dead
Mr. Barnabas        	-no kingdom-        	Tutorial X          	Dead
Lady And The Tramp  	Coffee Break        	Mantrax             	Alive
Ms. Rose Walker     	-no kingdom-        	Tutorial X          	Dead
Mr. Auberon         	-no kingdom-        	Tutorial X          	Dead
Ms. Unity Kinkaid   	-no kingdom-        	Tutorial X          	Dead
Mr. John Dee        	-no kingdom-        	Tutorial X          	Dead
Mr. John Constantine	-no kingdom-        	Tutorial X          	Dead
Mr. Lucien          	-no kingdom-        	Tutorial X          	Dead
Ms. Mad Hettie      	-no kingdom-        	Tutorial X          	Dead
Ms. Thessaly        	-no kingdom-        	Tutorial X          	Dead
Mr. Daniel Hall     	-no kingdom-        	Tutorial X          	Dead
Mr. Haroun Alraschid	-no kingdom-        	Tutorial X          	Dead
Mr. Puck            	-no kingdom-        	Tutorial X          	Dead
Ms. Titania         	-no kingdom-        	Tutorial X          	Dead
Mr. Cluracan        	-no kingdom-        	Tutorial X          	Dead
Mr. Remiel          	-no kingdom-        	Tutorial X          	Dead
Mr. Cuckoo          	-no kingdom-        	Tutorial X          	Dead
Mr. Fiddlers Green  	-no kingdom-        	Tutorial X          	Dead
Mr. Yahweh          	-no kingdom-        	Tutorial X          	Dead
Ms. Eve             	-no kingdom-        	Tutorial X          	Dead
Ms. Mazikeen        	Susuwatari          	Nirvana             	Alive
Mr. Destruction     	-no kingdom-        	Tutorial X          	Dead
Mr. Duma            	-no kingdom-        	Tutorial X          	Dead
Mr. Matthew Cable   	-no kingdom-        	Tutorial X          	Dead
Mr. Pharamond       	-no kingdom-        	Tutorial X          	Dead
Mr. Robert Hob Gadling	-no kingdom-        	Tutorial X          	Dead
Ms. Nuala           	-no kingdom-        	Tutorial X          	Dead
Ms. Endless Death   	-no kingdom-        	Tutorial X          	Dead
Mr. Goldie          	-no kingdom-        	Tutorial X          	Dead
Mr. Basanos         	-no kingdom-        	Tutorial X          	Dead
Mr. Dream           	-no kingdom-        	Tutorial X          	Dead
Mr. Cain And Abel   	-no kingdom-        	Tutorial X          	Dead
Mr. Brute And Glob  	-no kingdom-        	Tutorial X          	Dead
Ms. Desire          	-no kingdom-        	Tutorial X          	Dead
Ms. Despair         	-no kingdom-        	Tutorial X          	Dead
Mr. Gate Keepers    	-no kingdom-        	Tutorial X          	Dead
Ms. Delirium        	-no kingdom-        	Tutorial X          	Dead
Ms. Delight         	-no kingdom-        	Tutorial X          	Dead
Mr. Morpheus        	-no kingdom-        	Tutorial X          	Dead
Mr. Prodigal        	-no kingdom-        	Tutorial X          	Dead
Mr. Mervyn Pumpkinhead	-no kingdom-        	Tutorial X          	Dead
Mr. Gregory         	-no kingdom-        	Tutorial X          	Dead
Mr. Caesar Augustus 	-no kingdom-        	Tutorial X          	Dead
Mr. Destiny         	-no kingdom-        	Tutorial X          	Dead
Ms. Ishtar          	-no kingdom-        	Tutorial X          	Dead
Ms. Johanna Constantine	-no kingdom-        	Tutorial X          	Dead
Mr. Orpheus         	-no kingdom-        	Tutorial X          	Dead
Ms. Zelda The Legend	-no kingdom-        	Tutorial X          	Dead
Ms. Rejected Donut  	-no kingdom-        	Tutorial X          	Dead

22:26:11 Sep 2nd 11 - Ms. Blues Clues:

I did it before with dog names. lol Had tons and tons, until I realized it was a headache with how it would throw my active characters in random places in the list. ;P

23:57:08 Sep 2nd 11 - Princess Bloodrayne:

She's only using four characters really :)
Others are just there for no reason ^^

00:18:18 Sep 3rd 11 - Mr. Dam Dog:

Hippolyta Hall is Endless? I thourght Neverending Endless was Endless. I am confuse. If Hippolyta Hall is Endless, then I no longer like her.

00:20:04 Sep 3rd 11 - Ms. Blues Clues:

Princess Bloodrayne


16:57:08 Sep 2nd 11
She's only using four characters really :) 
Others are just there for no reason ^^

She's keeping those names to herself... she's greedy! 

02:00:59 Sep 3rd 11 - Endless (Ms. Mazikeen):

how exactly did you get those Horus? you hacking the game or just my account?

I'm going to make 99 of them now, all with Horus in the name now

02:03:59 Sep 3rd 11 - Wilberforce (Mr. Wilberhorse):

/whois in the chat, does that now Julie :D

02:05:16 Sep 3rd 11 - Mr. Dino:

Half tempted to do it again...... and break the guide page... :P

02:05:43 Sep 3rd 11 - Princess Bloodrayne:

That is bad bad bad..
I dont like that!
Very bad...

So now I cant make an incognito account!
Thats bad... I wanted to have a name that will be not known...
This is a bad update, takes out the mysterious side...

02:05:51 Sep 3rd 11 - Endless (Ms. Mazikeen):

Horus should spend more times thinking about his twins then about /whois Endless :p

02:06:56 Sep 3rd 11 - Mr. Dino:

Princess Bloodrayne


19:05:43 Sep 2nd 11
That is bad bad bad..
I dont like that!
Very bad...

So now I cant make an incognito account!
Thats bad... I wanted to have a name that will be not known...
This is a bad update, takes out the mysterious side... 

I bet more people want to kill me than you!! 

Besides, I think he either wanted more accountability or less confusion... idk. lol

02:08:55 Sep 3rd 11 - Endless (Lady Endless The Insane Todropagain):

I bet I want to kill a Puppy for telling me about his endless characters and then doing it too  and then having a twat post mine up ... I feel so exposed :p

Nah maybe I just want to kill a Horus now :|

02:19:42 Sep 3rd 11 - Mr. Ensign Xlviii:

A horus head makes that distinctive crunch when you bash it REALLY hard with somethin' :|

02:32:39 Sep 3rd 11 - Endless (Mr. Horus Twat):

one, 98 to go :)

03:09:12 Sep 3rd 11 - Ashe Annie Fortune Lightshield (Ms. Fortune):

Mr. Horus Twat      -no kingdom-        Tutorial X          Dead

09:42:46 Sep 4th 11 - peter jackson (Mr. Youll Never Know):

i see the childish topics havent changed...

13:56:02 Sep 4th 11 - Wilberforce (Mr. Ninja Pirate Killer):

Oh God it's PJ.

08:53:52 Sep 5th 11 - peter jackson (Mr. Youll Never Know):

dont worry lol i dont have the time to annoy everyone now

21:48:55 Sep 5th 11 - Wilberforce (Mr. Milkbags):

You've never had enough time to annoy anyone in years!

21:55:37 Sep 5th 11 - Endless (Ms. Mazikeen):

this thread is still annoying me, can somebody with Mod Abuse Powers please delete it :)

23:53:55 Sep 5th 11 - Zond (Mr. Hysteria):

Might wanna ask Zeta. He might do it.

00:39:26 Sep 8th 11 - SFD (Ms. Slim Fast Diet):

zond that was a low blow mann >_>

this thread is still annoying me, can somebody with Mod Abuse Powers please delete it :)

Might wanna ask Zeta. He might do it.

00:58:22 Sep 8th 11 - Endless (Ms. Hippolyta Hall):

Zeta hates me, it will just have to annoy me :)

01:04:39 Sep 8th 11 - Zond (Mr. Hysteria):

Guess it will then :p

01:08:16 Sep 8th 11 - Endless (Lady And The Tramp):

I could care less Zond.  Kids will be kids and this thread proves it :)

01:13:39 Sep 8th 11 - Zond (Mr. Hysteria):

Exactly, i just think its funny people have point it out :P

02:47:05 Sep 8th 11 - Endless (Ms. Hippolyta Hall):

they're stupid kids :|

06:42:03 Sep 8th 11 - Idiot First Class (Mr. Noooobhammer):

I do not see the big deal, this is all public knowledge now with the new /whois option... just saying.

12:05:13 Sep 8th 11 - Grandmaster Of Imperia (Duke Jas Asagba of Astarac):

^^^Yeah thats whats being complained being public knowledge.

14:38:10 Sep 8th 11 - Idiot First Class (Mr. Ogrim Doomhammer):

Some people are, yeah, but others are pissed at Horus it seems...

14:50:56 Sep 8th 11 - SFD (Ms. Slim Fast Diet):

Mr. Horus Twat      -no kingdom-        Tutorial X          Dead

nice new addition XD

23:55:07 Sep 10th 11 - Mr. Skinny:

if you start the video and then close the window it keeps playing till you open some other window.......... freaked me out

23:57:58 Sep 10th 11 - Megamasturbs (Mr. Hiroshima The Troll):

the power of my trolling...thanks for feeding me, I appreciate your time in the Hiro troll business, please take your time to look around a bit more...

02:39:48 Sep 11th 11 - HorusPanic (Mr. Panic Lucky Number XIII):

public apology to endless, from me!

10:32:12 Sep 11th 11 - Endless (Ms. Hippolyta Hall):

Its ok Horus I was teasing you :p

idc you looked at my undies :p

13:44:23 Sep 11th 11 - Ms. Acaviser:

*covers eyes*

01:20:45 Sep 12th 11 - Percy (Mr. Percy):

How do you get so many characters?

01:26:23 Sep 12th 11 - Puppy The Kitten Squisher:

Sponsor/guide feature

03:25:36 Sep 12th 11 - Percy (Mr. Percy):

Oh lol that would make sense

00:29:39 Jul 30th 21 - Endless (Ms. Edited Byadmin):

This was fun, I should make more. Not. 10 years worth of ideas 

21:11:13 Jul 30th 21 - Percy (Mr. Percy The Range Test Officer):

Damn, forgot about Puppy! Anyone know where he/she is these days? Was one of the most active players I've ever been around, and at the time was one of the best mages (in my opinion). Super solid team player all around and always made the game more fun.

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