Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / What the fck

What the fck
17:27:30 Dec 30th 09 - Mr. Wtf:

Your account is temporary banned for using more then one account.
You will be able to login again after 92155 minutes.


Thought you were aloud to do it on diffrent worlds !!!


What the f*ck happend to warning !!

17:28:59 Dec 30th 09 - Mr. Wtf:

This is f*cking pathetic, seriously I would like to know what g*y person has decided to just go and ban me !!!

17:30:26 Dec 30th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

You are not allowed to have more than one account. It does not matter if they are on different worlds or the same world.

During the sign up, there is a box which says "this will be my only account", did you forget to read that?

What was the name of your main account?

17:31:14 Dec 30th 09 - Mr. Wtf:

I would just like to say I havnt got annoyed about somthing like this for a while but when you dont get a warning and everyone seems to multi on diffrent worlds, its just plain hipocritical

17:32:34 Dec 30th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

Well if others break the rules, that does not mean that you are allowed to break them too. Zeta and the mods are doing the right thing. If you multi, you get banned.


17:33:13 Dec 30th 09 - Mr. Wtf:

I have to say I now hate this game and vow never to play it again

17:34:41 Dec 30th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

Ok. Bye. You will not be missed :)

17:36:53 Dec 30th 09 - Lady Katie Holmes:

See ya, was nice knowing ya...can you leave the other IGNs you had in the various worlds so I know who will now be inactive and I can plunder, thanks!

17:40:26 Dec 30th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:


18:19:37 Dec 30th 09 - Lady Jade:

The worlds are connected.

If I'm not mistaken the games makes you say that this will be your only account

18:32:56 Dec 30th 09 - Mr. Super Saiyan:

destroy those multies,


good bye, and go play another game

20:04:55 Dec 30th 09 - Mr. Abdulla Ulla Raaj:

no it actually is retarded there dishing fucking bans out like nothing iv played vu for over 24 era' well past experimenting and the only one who uses this computer in the house non the less my brother is here atm and shares the internet connection cause hes here on holiday to get online from his laptop....this multi system is retarded its not even accurate

20:20:06 Dec 30th 09 - Dr. Kevorkianism:

I love how multis in all games think everyone multis.  (rhetorical love btw for the challenged)

20:26:23 Dec 30th 09 - Lady Jade:

Not only that but multis scream the loudest when they are caught.

20:28:55 Dec 30th 09 - Duke Pesterd:

Upon sign up you recieve your warning.

It says. "You understand that this will be your ONLY VU account"

You have been warned and this cased is closed.

Also, for future reference read the Guide and Articles section. I made a stickied topic. Read before you play.

20:58:18 Dec 30th 09 - Duke Random:

Tell zeta and he'll unban you justaniass :P

21:20:54 Dec 30th 09 - Sir Chee Cat:

Perhaps to remind ppl have it so every era you have to recheck the box?

21:25:25 Dec 30th 09 - Mr. Abdulla Ulla Raaj:

...hope zeta dont take too long

21:38:28 Dec 30th 09 - Mr. Super Saiyan:

i hope he takes forever... :) i hate you multi's with passion, you are my worst VU nemesis... follow me everywhere

21:47:45 Dec 30th 09 - Mr. Barny:

Charley and Pesterd (moderators) made a post recently about multiple accounts. You are a moron for multi accounting, let alone ignoring the ambigously foreshadowed multi sweep. At sign up, you agreed to have only 1 account. Also, "differnt worlds" is a comical excuse because both of your accounts are no doubt in different realms, but on the same world.

Here is a token example of how NOT to handle the situation:

1. Register a new account
2. Make a rage post on the forums:

Author Message
Mr. Wtf


08:27:30 Dec 30th 09

Your account is temporary banned for using more then one account.
You will be able to login again after 92155 minutes.


Thought you were aloud to do it on diffrent worlds !!!


What the f*ck happend to warning !!

Mr. Wtf


08:28:59 Dec 30th 09
This is f*cking pathetic, seriously I would like to know what g*y person has decided to just go and ban me !!!

22:45:11 Dec 30th 09 - Mr. Arion:

He didn't understand/know that the worlds are connected. He thought they were separate "worlds".

22:49:44 Dec 30th 09 - Lady Katie Holmes:

Even if the worlds were not connected he's not supposed to have more than one...

22:55:05 Dec 30th 09 - Mr. Gauntlet:

'The lady doth protest too much'

22:58:23 Dec 30th 09 - Lady Katie Holmes:

'ello Bill Bird :)

04:01:47 Dec 31st 09 - King Charley Deallus V:

/me reads post and cries lots over pointless discussion.  Accidentally pokes lock button and bans heathen complainer.

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