Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / What would you name VU

What would you name VU
21:54:17 Nov 29th 12 - Ms. Szeph:

I came across the "keeping the new players" topic, and thought about why i decided to keep playing and the things that didnt make me want to stay.

The thing that seems to put most off my friends is the name, being a new player myself i have to admit it sounded a little weird at first but I am used to it now. My friends on the other hand, look at me like im an idiot or laugh when i tell them what its called..

Anyway back to business, I dont expect to get the name changed or anything like that, just thought it would be fun to see what the people of VU would change the name to given the chance

I'd name it "World at War" or something

What would you name it?


22:06:57 Nov 29th 12 - Zephyr (Marquess Roland III):

I thing this was mentioned before, but every opinion and suggestion counts :)

19:38:55 Nov 30th 12 - Mr. Bounce II:


19:53:44 Nov 30th 12 - Kobuskan (Mr. Style):

Middle Earth

19:59:48 Nov 30th 12 - Mr. Shinsei:

Utopian Survivor.... I DON'T KNOW!

20:44:41 Nov 30th 12 - Joker (Mr. Konstance):

People I know that play games like this don't play this game because of 1 the name 2 the learning curve 3 the commitment needed to succeed(their problem I know).

21:02:33 Nov 30th 12 - Mr. Kiseki:

Yea but if someone came up to me and told me I should play "Visual Utopia" I would probably think of a game where everything is nice and peachy *cough*boring*cough* where I try to make everything perfect for my little people... :/

21:10:50 Nov 30th 12 - SWIFTRY (Mr. Jimmy Savile):

world at war? lol

like we havent heard that in 1000's of other online games

21:16:02 Nov 30th 12 - Mr. Shinsei:

The name shouldn't try to be grand (imo) because when I hear something like that it makes me chuckle and not take it seriously... sorry.

21:22:03 Nov 30th 12 - Electric (Electric Phenomena):


21:30:10 Nov 30th 12 - Zond (Mr. Horus Beater):

Land of All The Woman Not Sending Nudes

21:32:30 Nov 30th 12 - Electric (Electric Piro):

Perverted Munchkins. 

21:41:40 Nov 30th 12 - Zond (Mr. Horus Beater):

tbh, i just found out you female the other day :p 

23:18:50 Nov 30th 12 - Emperor Tiberius Septimus Cidellus:

I can't honestly think of a name that likely hasn't been used by at least one other mass-produced piece of crap out there on the web. Plus, at this point, a lot more than the name needs to improve. >_>

00:42:26 Dec 1st 12 - Crowley (Mr. Dokken Odins Unchained Knight):

Valor Unclaimed ...just to keep it VU

00:43:35 Dec 1st 12 - Crowley (Mr. Dokken Odins Unchained Knight):

then again velvet unicycle would work as well ^_^

00:50:59 Dec 1st 12 - Emperor Tiberius Septimus Cidellus:

Victorious Undergarments

Virtuous Uganda
Vicious Ulcers 
Villainous Utensil 

Hmmmm...this may take a bit of work...

01:04:46 Dec 1st 12 - Mr. Shinsei:

VU... VU... uhhh... hmmmm...

I give up. A picture of a map with kingdoms warring each other would be so much more attractive than any name we would come up with :|

07:04:02 Dec 2nd 12 - Electric (Electric Piro):

14:41:40 Nov 30th 12 - Zond (Mr. Horus Beater):

tbh, i just found out you female the other day :p 

Who is passing this around!

07:07:48 Dec 2nd 12 - Muffin Man (Mr. Crypt):

VU? Here we go..

Vasectamy Urgency.

Vyeing Uterus.

Valor Unknown.

Vinnie's Underdark.

Various Usurpers.

Vlasic's Undergarments. :)

07:16:14 Dec 2nd 12 - Zond (General of Love):

This is VU ;)

Word spreads fast about anything, important or not important hehehe

07:19:33 Dec 2nd 12 - Mr. Badder Than Wilbad:

Farm For The Win

18:58:11 Dec 4th 12 - King Damian Deallus The Ceiling Cat:

Virgin Universe

19:13:53 Dec 4th 12 - Dragon (Prince Apple Pie):

How about Visual Warlords

20:12:21 Dec 4th 12 - Mr. Elsin:

Era of Fred the Terrorist since it's permanently written across the top of the play screen...

22:07:55 Dec 4th 12 - Zond (Mr. Horus Beater):

Even when you look up info on VU it says Era of Fred the Terrorist is name xD 

22:30:21 Dec 4th 12 - Tyr (Sir Tyrgalon):

lol XD

03:35:10 Dec 5th 12 - Muffin Man (Mr. Crypt):

Vermin University.

03:36:15 Dec 5th 12 - Zephyr (Marquess Roland III):

Visual Era of Fred.

03:51:38 Dec 5th 12 - Muffin Man (Mr. Unf):

Era of Visual Fred.

04:04:01 Dec 5th 12 - Zephyr (Marquess Roland III):

Fred Era of Visual.

04:04:26 Dec 5th 12 - Muffin Man (Mr. Depressed):

Fred's Visual Era. 

04:05:02 Dec 5th 12 - Zephyr (Marquess Roland III):

Era's Visual Fred.

04:08:55 Dec 5th 12 - Muffin Man (Mr. Depressed):

The Visual Fred of my Era of Fred. 

04:09:45 Dec 5th 12 - Zephyr (Marquess Roland III):

The Era of my Fred's Visual.

04:12:55 Dec 5th 12 - Muffin Man (Mr. Depressed):

Fredding the Era out of my Visual Era.

04:14:22 Dec 5th 12 - Zephyr (Marquess Roland III):

Out of Era, Visual Fredding.

04:18:53 Dec 5th 12 - Muffin Man (Mr. Depressed):

Fred May Out my Era of No Visual Utopia, because Fred, Being a Terrorist, Made this Visual Reality No Longer a Utopia.

04:24:29 Dec 5th 12 - Zephyr (Marquess Roland III):

i give up you win. :P

04:25:20 Dec 5th 12 - Zond (Mr. Lucrative):

I like that name, it seems most do that now days. 

04:35:24 Dec 5th 12 - Muffin Man (Mr. Depressed):

I always win >:) Except in the actual game, I always die. ;~; 

07:52:04 Dec 5th 12 - Sir Stewie:

Muffin Man and Zephyr, can you two get a  room already?

08:20:49 Dec 5th 12 - Zephyr (Marquess Roland III):

Are you paying for it Stewie?

09:06:28 Dec 5th 12 - Tyr (Mr. Mothership Deathlaser):

haha XD

00:34:38 Dec 6th 12 - Muffin Man (Mr. Unf):

It's not illegal unless it's filmed and distributed. :)

And, also, I could buy us house or an apartment and we'd have multiple rooms. :D

04:00:43 Dec 6th 12 - Duke Stewie Griffin:

Sure Zephyr. Anything to get you two out of here :D

04:16:14 Dec 6th 12 - Muffin Man (Mr. Crypt):

We're the only thing that made this topic entertaining, and now you want us to leave? I think you sure, should be purged of this forum, not us :)

04:57:51 Dec 6th 12 - Zephyr (Marquess Roland III):

Then I expect for you to pay the room, drinks food, you typical butler and internet so we can log into VU and report our '' discussion ''. 

05:02:07 Dec 6th 12 - Muffin Man (Mr. Crypt):

Zephyr, our smartassery might get us banned ;)

05:26:55 Dec 6th 12 - Zephyr (Marquess Roland III):

Not really, we are ON-Topic, we've been discussing possible names for VU.

And I was just asking if Stewie would pay a room for us to discuss.

Nothing to worry about.

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