Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / Worst Players in VU

Worst Players in VU
06:27:28 Sep 22nd 22 - Matthew (Chief Trogdar):

I nominate Fred

14:32:54 Sep 22nd 22 - Jarl Ivar The Boneless:

i nominate myself

15:12:58 Sep 22nd 22 - Phat (Grand Moff Darkwing Duck):

I am at the top(or bottom?) of this list!

15:21:03 Sep 22nd 22 - Dark Lord Newb Bronzebeard:

Is it time for a FFA brawl with every player VU? First person to die can have the worst player title, last person alive the best player title. 

A no kingdom world where you cant spawn after cities can be built. How long do you reckon that era would be lol 

16:00:20 Sep 22nd 22 - Matthew (Chief Trogdar):

06:21:03 Sep 22nd 22 - Dark Lord Newb Bronzebeard:

Is it time for a FFA brawl with every player VU? First person to die can have the worst player title, last person alive the best player title. 

A no kingdom world where you cant spawn after cities can be built. How long do you reckon that era would be lol 
Most players would be dead by day 10-15
Almost everyone would be dead by day 30

As for worst players off all time I would like to also nominate Ivanho
He cheats AND he still never gets results! That means he's very low skill.
Cheating and still failing is nearly as bad as Fred being incredibly dishonorable and still being bad at the game

17:25:58 Sep 24th 22 - Matthew (Chief Trogdar):

Fred or Lawrence (probably the same person) wins the "worst player in VU" award

07:29:39 Sep 26th 22 - Matthew (Chief Trogdar):

bump for Mr. Lawrence

guy couldnt make it past day7 while backstabbing, pretty pathetic gameplay if you judge it by player skill

worse yet he has the mental fortitude of a crying baby- triggered by 'cyberbullying' and forever the victim

23:34:40 Oct 6th 22 - SFD (Mr. Soft Feet Dude):

I would nominate me tbf, I have gone inactive many times over the last idkno 15+y half way through an era.

Orrr. Endless because I spanked her on my return era :3 <3

00:23:00 Oct 7th 22 - Jarl Rahzalgul:


I would nominate me tbf, I have gone inactive many times over the last idkno 15+y half way through an era.

Orrr. Endless because I spanked her on my return era :3 <3

You coming back?

00:27:13 Oct 7th 22 - SFD (Duke Hybrid):

Not sure, noticed mantrax is ending though

10:33:45 Nov 2nd 22 - Prophet Hanky Panky:

I can teach you the best math & make you the best farmer

But fighting like me will make you the worst

I don’t think 

I make decisions too quickly

I give in too easily

I also toy/play with my enemies & don’t go for the kill often

I also play to only survive first 72 hours then dominate after

I’m the best worst player in VU😂

10:43:32 Nov 2nd 22 - Prophet Hanky Panky:

Also my farming strategy ain’t like my guides anymore

I found better math

11:56:56 Nov 2nd 22 - Legend (I am Legend):

And you post the most random sh*t on FaceBook...

12:08:21 Nov 2nd 22 - Konspyre (Mr. Misterious):

hanky's also famous, he was in the news:

12:21:45 Nov 2nd 22 - Prophet Hanky Panky:


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