Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / challenge

05:39:00 Mar 31st 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

Crack the code!

3 . 42 . 24174 . 246770
0   13   31697   376298_

947 . 2757 . 9066 . 5424434 . 841 . 24
572   3264   1866   6734784   376   34_

105 . 30793424 . 05 . 184374
586   88918139   86   177897_

544871 . 102 . 439 . 9066 . 102_
641795   583   189   1866   583

Help Lines:

x xx xxxxx xxxxxx.

xxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxx xx.

xxx xxxxxxxx xx xxxxxx.

xxxxxx xxx xxx xxxx xxx.

14:55:44 Mar 31st 08 - Lord Seloc:

Is it suppose to be a message at the end?

15:00:46 Mar 31st 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

Not sure, I just found it at Yahoo answers and decided to show you all to see if you could get it...though, the answer is there now, so if you want to cheat you can...

15:14:41 Mar 31st 08 - Mr. Imma Chargin Mah Lazer:

It's probably some kind of substitution cipher, notice that the x's have the same layout as the numbers, only that the numbers are twice as many. You have to make the numbers fit the x's layout and figure out the substitution.

Considering the first line of x's is "x xx ..." I'd assume that's "I am ..." since that's the only thing that makes sense, from there you replace everything you know and try to figure out the rest of the words. Maybe I'll waste some time to figure out what it really says but I'm just not in the mood now.

15:29:59 Mar 31st 08 - Mr. Wraith:

0    only appears once so I doubt its an 'I'.... unless capitals and small letters have different codes..?

15:35:16 Mar 31st 08 - Lord Seloc:

Notice how their is only a _ on the second syfer of the 2 on all except the last. I'm asuming it's a full stop, if so it could mean one of the lines is actually a fake.

16:35:21 Mar 31st 08 - Mr. Imma Chargin Mah Lazer:

0    only appears once so I doubt its an 'I'.... unless capitals and small letters have different codes..?"

That could be it or it can be that some letters or even all letters have more than one pair of numbers associated to it to protect against an analitical attack.

16:42:20 Mar 31st 08 - Mr. Imma Chargin Mah Lazer:

"Notice how their is only a _ on the second syfer of the 2 on all except the last. I'm asuming it's a full stop, if so it could mean one of the lines is actually a fake."

I doubt it, it could mean that the last part ends in something other than a full stop.

01:27:55 Apr 4th 08 - Mr. Excelsior:

Get scratch sheets of paper wite the code ;eaving space on top for substitutions. Focus on 3 and 0. 3 is most likely I because 0 is at the end of a word and more words end in a than i. Focus then on 2 and three letter words. and the at on in etc. Once you get those it gets easier and easier.

12:52:54 Apr 4th 08 - Lord Seloc:

Can you just tell us the answer I gave up.

13:55:50 Apr 4th 08 - Mr. Imma Chargin Mah Lazer:


14:03:12 Apr 4th 08 - Mr. Imma Chargin Mah Lazer:

OK cracked it .. sort of...

I am Marco Moluci.
You must kill someone for me.
His nickname is (11)ranco.
Search him and kill him.

I wasn't able to get a sure fix on what 11 means since it only shows up once and it's a name, so it could lots of things, especially with such a weird nick.

15:28:58 Apr 4th 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:

Franco seems likey

Well done though =]

15:44:08 Apr 4th 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

Alright, this is the answer, Imma was close, very close.



15:48:31 Apr 4th 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:

Why can't it be Franco!


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