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crazy shit in vegas last night
14:15:13 Oct 2nd 17 - Mr. Bling The Puppy Killer:

all you liberal left fuck wits should go shoot yourselves in the head

14:32:17 Oct 2nd 17 - Sprout (The Sprout):

dont you live in Vegas?

14:39:09 Oct 2nd 17 - Mr. Bling The Puppy Killer:

yeah, though locals dont go to events on the strip, we go downtown to Fremont Street to avoid the tourists.

The dude had this well planned because you wouldnt have gotten a hotel room on that floor last minute, it would have been booked out months ago

14:47:48 Oct 2nd 17 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Heyzeus):

I appreciated the girl on Snapchat blaming Trump before the bullets had even stopped flying.

14:56:19 Oct 2nd 17 - Bran (Mr. Bird Person):

who was the shooter? nowhere ive read about the story has told me, although i have my superstitions

15:04:44 Oct 2nd 17 - Xerxes The Great (High King Xerxes The Zombie):

Wait, what happened?

15:08:20 Oct 2nd 17 - Sprout (The Sprout):

Stephen Paddock, opened fire from the 32nd floor of hotel down on 22 thousand people at a concert.

15:08:41 Oct 2nd 17 - Bran (Mr. Bird Person):

by superstitions i meant suspicions

16:09:40 Oct 2nd 17 - Ms. Earthly Divine:

Wasn't this a lone wolf attack? What does it have to do with liberals?

16:39:00 Oct 2nd 17 - Xerxes The Great (High King Xerxes The Zombie):

50 dead and 400 injured is what they're saying. That's just crazy...

16:51:26 Oct 2nd 17 - Nayoke the Kid (God Meaty Orc):

16:53:46 Oct 2nd 17 - Mr. Uwer:

America is a crazy place.

Could be just an old man, having delusions about Vietnam.

Could be an old man, raging against immigrants and "what America has turned into".

Could be a classical CIA event in order to draw more attention to other stuff, rather than the "fake war" against N.Korea.

Could be an anti-gun group, "trying to point out" that guns are dangerous and should be restricted (the oldest America debate).
If I was an American, I would be lost.

Maybe this is the final goal...

17:09:41 Oct 2nd 17 - Bran (Mr. Bird Person):

thanks for bringing clarity to this event in a way only you could uwer. you missed the possibily that it was the communists however

17:13:58 Oct 2nd 17 - Mr. Bling The Puppy Killer:

17:14:53 Oct 2nd 17 - Mr. Uwer:

Communists would be the anti-gun group. It is far too complex for your brain, Bran.

For you its probably just another normal day in America.

17:18:32 Oct 2nd 17 - Mr. Bling The Puppy Killer:

he is a registered democrat too. public record

17:20:01 Oct 2nd 17 - Mr. Van Helsing:

If he was a muslim they would blame it on religion. Any info on what religion he is?

17:27:07 Oct 2nd 17 - Xerxes The Great (Mr. Xerxes The Guy Fawkes):

I bet he's a radical Christian. 

17:29:06 Oct 2nd 17 - Bran (Mr. Bird Person):

wouldnt you expect an extreme follower of the religion of peace to be extremely peaceful?

17:42:21 Oct 2nd 17 - Mr. Bling The Puppy Killer:

He's a left wing Hillary supporter who had a lot of unsavoury things to say about Trump, and finally decided to shoot at "Trump supporters" at a country music festival.  Nevada turns to a Republican state now, and I for one am buying more weapons for Hillary to try take away.

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