Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / dear swifty

dear swifty
21:45:32 Oct 5th 10 - Duke Random:

get skype.

branniguns is waiting for you

luv frum random

21:52:51 Oct 5th 10 - Mr. Osiris:

everyone else. get irc

22:03:29 Oct 5th 10 - Mr. Petite Penois:

half of this forums topics seems to be addressed to me

skype is 4 faggots. get on irc pls


01:33:00 Oct 6th 10 - Sir Hnodri:

you don't need either of that! just click the community tab on your game screen and it will bring you straight to the game chat! You can even browse the forums while you're there :o

10:31:41 Oct 6th 10 - Mr. Pure The Morning:

Irc is like a great wonder of VU which no one visits anymore I checked it out like a couple days ago and no one was on whereas like 10 eras ago it would of been packed

19:54:22 Oct 6th 10 - Mr. Petite Penois:

ingame chat rocks :)))))

i use it all time it so gr8

21:18:46 Oct 26th 10 - The Architect:

Is the old IRC still running?

21:23:51 Oct 26th 10 - Mr. Hope:

Which IRC? Where? How? What?

I wanna know!

21:44:21 Oct 26th 10 - Mr. Windscar:

randyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!! im backkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!! :DDDD

02:47:00 Oct 31st 10 - Mr. Shamus Mcteirnan:

00:22:52 Nov 21st 10 - Dark Prince Damn You Rox:

Where is swifty?

15:50:26 Nov 21st 10 - Mr. Friendly Forum User:

he got a 3 month forum ban for allegedly suggesting hitler wasn't a bad guy taking a stand against circumcision

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