Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / firefighting: are they........

firefighting: are they........
17:40:39 Jan 9th 08 - Mr. Vengence:

......payed enough?

Many times I have heard people say they are underpaid. anyone know this for sure, if so HOW badly underpaid are they and WHO is responsable? any opinions on this?

18:17:27 Jan 9th 08 - Mr. Vengence:

bugger off! im talking about the UK! IM BLOODY BORED, WHAT THE HELL DO YOU EXPECT

19:07:42 Jan 9th 08 - Mr. The Gladiator:

lol,  firefighters got nothing to do all day long, when there's no fire they chill out, if you don't have high expectations in life like me, then you can choose a job you like and work for someone for the rest of your life, however if you want more, you start your own business and put others to work, and when you're rich you have truly more freedom in life

22:13:21 Jan 9th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

I've seen firefighters drive on into a supermarket, in uniforms and with the fire truck, and they went shopping. My Sister worked at a video store and the Firemen rented videos almost daily... Darn lucky Matressbacks...
They have a dangerous job, but they spend very little time actually working. Pay the police more! Their job is more demanding, more dangerous, there's never enough of them and they spend their time actually working instead of watching videos...

02:17:26 Jan 10th 08 - Duke Luta Mor:

Well I can't say anything about UK's firefighters, but I know that in America many firefighters are volunteers.  They are paid for it, of course, though because they're volunteers who only work part time they aren't paid all that much.

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