Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / historys

05:05:15 Jun 13th 07 - Mr. Apocalypse:

insted of hunting around just come here to see all the great history of the games players

Long long ago the greatest demond in the world had a son. Not with another demon, but with a humon girl! That son is me. I am only a half demon but i fight like a true blood thersty demon. By doing so I hope to show my father that I can kill just like him so that he will tern me into a true demon. But one day my father came to me and told me, "there is only one way you will ever get me to tern you into a demon son, you must kill some one of great power in the world." One thing he left out was who so iv killed king after king, but still no true demon in me. So know I know who I must kill, MY FATHER !!!!!!!!!! That lier i'll kill him he lied to me all this time! Inraged I took my swords all four of them and all of my equiment and went to my fathers castle to kill him. I killed gaurd after gaurd to get to his chamber. then sudenly I saw my mother. I almost killed her too, but befor I did she told me he was already dead. So we want to his chamber crying together. Why was I crying you may say, well he was my father after all and I alwas wished to be him I gess. When we got to his room I screamed out "who has done this." The gaurd answrd "it was you fathers brother." So I took my fathers sword The Dragon Blade and dagger The Apocalyptic Dagger out of the case near his thrown and said "mom i am going to kill him." she replied "son you can't hes too strong." But i was already gone out the door. I was off to kill the man that stoll my revenge!!!!!!!!!!

16:03:54 Jun 13th 07 - Sir Ironpick II:

This should go into the Role-Playing Forum.

23:57:00 Jun 13th 07 - Mr. Zakira:

hey this is devil may cry anime show stop copywrite lol

10:12:46 Jun 14th 07 - Mr. Apocalypse:

never seen it

*shrugs sholders*

ya ill move it to RP c ya there


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