Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / how do you attack armies

how do you attack armies
22:49:17 Aug 3rd 13 - Mr. Zlz:

As the title implies, HOW do you attack armies?i have an army camping outside another army so how do I attack it?

23:03:50 Aug 3rd 13 - Dark Spawn (Lord Dark Spawn):

The armies need to touch if they are in the open field.
If an army is attacking your city, and you have army in town, then you can attack.

Attacking is done simply by clicking on enemy army
Then you will see option, something like
Generals of "your army name" are waiting for your commands

Then you can see what percentage you have for attack.

23:06:51 Aug 3rd 13 - Elite (Mr. Elite):

Click on the opposing army, on the bottom there is an option saying *youarmyname* await your orders... click on it.

23:09:31 Aug 3rd 13 - Mr. Hellosmarttoownneverever:

Ah. So I can't do it on mobile, DAMN

00:33:03 Aug 4th 13 - Mr. Ignis Pahgorim:

u can just go to look at the map and then touch the armie

01:53:18 Aug 4th 13 - Captain Common:

Ziz:  Just having troops in your city is not enough to attack a prepping army.  You must have an army in the city into which to put your troops.  Then when you click on the prepping army you will see your army's name displayed.  Click on that for your attack options.


04:51:41 Aug 4th 13 - Yukan (Mr. Binh The Supernova):

I'm pretty sure he meant an army on top of another army...

05:31:09 Aug 4th 13 - Polydeuces (Sir Valkyros XVII):

Hellosmart, you can do it on mobile using the mobile website, if you have a touch screen.

12:54:29 Aug 4th 13 - Mr. Zlz:

Yes, I do have a touchscreen, so I just can't tap the enemy army because my own army is in the way

18:10:42 Aug 4th 13 - Captain Common:

Just move your army, don't refresh your screen.  You should now be able to click on the army you want to attack before your army actually moves (before the tic change).

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