Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / large group of inactives

large group of inactives
19:31:48 Aug 20th 09 - Mr. Dragonknight:

there is a large group of incatives on fensteria

i will list the names i have not seen them move for two days


Lionel,Kohan,Zaka,Darkagess,Darkages,(maybe multis)Fat Pure,Thomas,Rocco,Tybalt,Komutan,Warrior,Buck,Drakkula,Gilgalad,


please vu look into this something is not right why would there be that big of a gathering of them and they not even move

19:54:08 Aug 20th 09 - Sir Big And Tasty:

lawl. ever stop to think that maybe they're new and decided they didn't want to play?

21:15:31 Aug 20th 09 - Demonslayer Charley Deallus IV:

Kill them, it is good stress relief.  Just wait until they pop OOP.  There was a pack of players like that on Midgard but not anymore ;)

21:29:11 Aug 20th 09 - Mr. Dragonknight:

if thats the case big and tasty why did they not delete their accounts

21:31:06 Aug 20th 09 - Hentai Yellow:

Who could be arsed to delete their accounts?

15:50:40 Aug 21st 09 - Mr. Dragonknight:

vu can delete them which he should so there is less clutter plus it is just annoying

people should not play this game if they are not going to stick to it

10:53:12 Aug 23rd 09 - Sir Santa:

You need to be inactive for a certain period of time before getting deleted as most of us tend to go on holidays or away for a weekend orso ;)

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