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mount and blade 2
11:56:27 Mar 30th 20 - Polydeuces (Duke Valkyros XLIX):

The game is set to release in the next few minutes, anyone else as excited as I am to finally get to play this game after nearly 10 years of waiting?

15:50:57 Mar 30th 20 - Dakarta (Lord Dacarta):

I have no idea what that game is...

16:22:06 Mar 30th 20 - Lord Jellybean (Mr. Crixus Prime):

Yeah this is probably the only new game I've been excited for in years, been waiting a very long time for it :)

Mount and Blade was everything I love about rpg/stratergy/action alltogether

17:01:27 Mar 30th 20 - Polydeuces (Mr. Valkruul):

Oh yes, as well as I.  Having now played for about an hour, I'm very impressed.  They have added so much to the game that has made it more in-depth.  It's 100% better than Warband, and I played that game for hundreds of hours.  On top of everything, the graphics are just beautiful.  I bought the game as soon as it came available on Steam, lol.  I was waiting in the store page until it popped up ha, ha.  1 day early release with a 10% discount beacause of Covid-19 and another 10% discount for having owned Warband.  Can't complain there :)  I'm in love.

18:04:54 Mar 30th 20 - Mr. Bigfield:


23:06:31 Mar 30th 20 - Mr. Don Kichotas:

I will play :) 

05:50:09 Mar 31st 20 - Jack Daniels The drunk (Dragonlord Jackdaniels The Drunkard):

Fuck yeah been waiting for this looks like its gonna be epic

07:13:01 Mar 31st 20 - Ryan the Archion (Duke Ryan The Archion XXXVI):

from its original size the first time I played it to x100. haha taking so long to dl.

08:09:45 Mar 31st 20 - Matthew (Chief Rmzn):

This game is good!

So was M&B Warband.

10:05:19 Mar 31st 20 - Mr. Learner:

500 hours on the first one. We'll see how this one goes :)

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