Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / oh, hai!

oh, hai!
14:18:52 May 17th 08 - Mr. Pedobear:

14:41:11 May 17th 08 - Sir Slade:



14:58:28 May 17th 08 - Mr. Recluse:

Thats disgusting...

If you think thats funny it means you are not likely to get many women in the future.

15:42:00 May 17th 08 - Ms. Penis From Venus:

why the need for women, when romania sends a cow with 5 udders for miss-universe each year?

15:44:17 May 17th 08 - Mr. Pedobear:

Oh my somebody disagrees on the internet, you've made me see the light. From now on I'll stop having sex until I get married and even then just once per year and only in the missionary position.

15:45:39 May 17th 08 - Duke Dale Thickey:

Don't forget condoms and gloves.

15:48:11 May 17th 08 - Mr. Pedobear:

Biohazard suit you mean.

15:49:02 May 17th 08 - Duke Dale Thickey:

No, condoms and gloves...

15:53:48 May 17th 08 - Mr. Pedobear:

15:54:34 May 17th 08 - Mr. Dreadlord:

everybody knows 18 = HOT   17= NOT  its just sick..

16:37:00 May 17th 08 - Mr. Gilth:

I was definately hot when I was 17..

16:54:46 May 17th 08 - Dark Lord Finwe:

16 is the legal limit here so not jailbait :)

16:58:50 May 17th 08 - Sir Oscar The Grouch:

13 In Spain  O.o

17:01:24 May 17th 08 - Mr. Pedobear:

15 here.

17:13:38 May 17th 08 - Sir Oscar The Grouch:

Mr. Pedobear


5/17/2008 2:18:52 PM

Dam shes fine  =p

18:22:06 May 17th 08 - Mr. Oya:

Mr. Dreadlord


5/17/2008 2:54:34 PMeverybody knows 18 = HOT   17= NOT  its just sick..

wow... so a 17 girl the day before her 18th birthday is sick? thats just alittle screwed up :P

18:24:35 May 17th 08 - Dark Lord Finwe:

i think he might commit suicide out of disgust if he leaves America :D

18:59:21 May 17th 08 - Mr. Vincent:

Come on, stop throwing 4chan content around on other forums.

20:43:46 May 17th 08 - Sir Slade:

Well i can gor for 17 and 18 caz IM ONLY 17


22:15:49 May 17th 08 - Mr. Pedobear:

wat is this 4chan you talking about?

22:34:11 May 17th 08 - Mr. Spoon:

I can go for 15,16,17 because I'm 15, and close to 16! bwuhaha!

22:34:31 May 17th 08 - Mr. Spoon:

I can go for 15,16,17 because I'm 15, and close to 16! bwuhaha!

23:06:43 May 17th 08 - Sir Wraith:

I actually am 16. =P

01:34:58 May 18th 08 - Duke Argyle:

is it illegal for a 20 year old girl to date a 25 year old boy? that's why I think it's ok for me to go out with a 14 year old girl, as long as we don't go to bed together until she is legal at 15, it's not illegal nor bad.

Just cast happines if you are low on morale

02:27:59 May 18th 08 - Duke Elmo The Opmonkey:

I wonder if control time will make her age a year.....

05:47:08 May 18th 08 - Sir Oscar The Grouch:

Duke Argyle


5/18/2008 1:34:58 AM
is it illegal for a 20 year old girl to date a 25 year old boy? that's why I think it's ok for me to go out with a 14 year old girl, as long as we don't go to bed together until she is legal at 15, it's not illegal nor bad.

Just cast happines if you are low on morale

So your like... 19/20 then  :/ ?
Sorry but that..
Thats just not...

05:52:26 May 18th 08 - Mr. Shahal:

ITT:  VU transforms into /b/


06:09:27 May 18th 08 - Mr. Pedobear:

We can only hope. This forum is almost as dead as a corpse.

06:48:04 May 18th 08 - Mr. Pedobear:

Sure it is, you just need to have a perverse sense of humour.

09:28:24 May 18th 08 - Sir Peter Abby Jackson:

im with a 16 year old, but im 17....

11:01:57 May 18th 08 - Mr. Dreadlord:

lol who deleted the foto's?

13:55:06 May 18th 08 - Sir Oscar The Grouch:

Lol, Mod been taking a peek  XD


22:08:12 May 18th 08 - Duke Argyle:

Someone must have violated the "Do not post offending (as in disgusting) content." rule. Gogo mod :D (Im offtopic, so this entire topic should be locked and removed ;P)

22:09:17 May 18th 08 - Mr. Recluse:

Pedo, my gf just turned 17. Met her, and started doing her, when she was 15. She is 7 years younger than me. I dont see any problem at all with age differance.
But posting pictures of babies in that context and displaying that kind of attitude towards women, that disgusts me.

And for the record. She is way more mature than anyone in this thread.

23:25:53 May 18th 08 - Mr. Pedobear:

Let me assure you I don't give a *beep* of your girlfriend(read: right hand) or when you first tapped her, all those pics were jokes and every single one of them was not only legal but neither of them broke any forum laws. The mod that deleted them is just a *beep* without a sense of humour.

08:27:22 May 19th 08 - Sir Peter Abby Jackson:

calm down, just because you were busted :P

08:32:28 May 19th 08 - Mr. Pedobear:

O hai Peter! Did you have a a nice +1 post? Going for biggest post count in an era this time? GTFO of my thread if you can't post something that's even remotely relevant to the thread.

08:52:31 May 19th 08 - Demonic One:

right...shes waaay hawt...Id do her if I get the chance...but heck then again Im also an  fool according to my friends...Im 28 and holding back on an 18-year old hottie who likes me very its all like...personal taste on who does what and at which age...

heres another scenario...gh3y I wonder what everyone would have to say about a minor-gh3y doing an older-gh3y...any laws on that?! :P
discuss and/or flame-on! :D

09:00:05 May 19th 08 - Mr. Pedobear:

Lets ask Val.

15:27:07 May 19th 08 - Sir Oscar The Grouch:

Mr. Recluse


5/18/2008 10:09:17 PM
Pedo, my gf just turned 17. Met her, and started doing her, when she was 15. She is 7 years younger than me. I dont see any problem at all with age differance.
But posting pictures of babies in that context and displaying that kind of attitude towards women, that disgusts me.

And for the record. She is way more mature than anyone in this thread.

So you were having sex with a 15 year old when you were 22?
That sounds plausable

Thats disgusting
You must be really one ..
Im not gona start.. But that is totally against ...
For god sake..
She was still a kid for god sake..

15:34:14 May 19th 08 - Mr. Dreadlord:

yeah she might look a little grown up but shes still like a kid inside
doing her the year u meet is is perverted and probably (forced or tricked) couse even convincein*beep*ear old isnt actualy convinceing at all even if she said yes.

btw are u planning to leave her when she turns 18? :p

ps. i dont know u or her and might be wrong occasioanaly but this is my general opinion with ppl of those 2 ages. (in the harshed way) :P

16:34:03 May 19th 08 - Mr. Clamps The Irreveran:

Yeah gotta love the "she's more mature than you guys" attitude. I'm sure what he meant to say was she was mature enough for him. Fack that's so gross. It's so easy to manipulate young people, young girls are always giving older guys the doe-eyes but that doesn't mean they are mature enough to handle a grown man. Her life is gonna be *beep*ed up now cuz when she was supposed to be having her first love and learning about boys she was just getting raped by a grown man. If you don't end up in jail I hope you at least have to foot the bill for the therapy she'll have to undergo some day.

18:45:53 May 19th 08 - Mr. Niko Bellic:

Mr. Clamps The Irreveran


5/20/2008 1:34:03 AMYeah gotta love the "she's more mature than you guys" attitude. I'm sure what he meant to say was she was mature enough for him. Fack that's so gross. It's so easy to manipulate young people, young girls are always giving older guys the doe-eyes but that doesn't mean they are mature enough to handle a grown man. Her life is gonna be *beep*ed up now cuz when she was supposed to be having her first love and learning about boys she was just getting raped by a grown man. If you don't end up in jail I hope you at least have to foot the bill for the therapy she'll have to undergo some day.

virgin alert

20:59:04 May 19th 08 - Sir Oscar The Grouch:

Mr. Niko Bellic


5/19/2008 6:45:53 PM
Mr. Clamps The Irreveran


5/20/2008 1:34:03 AMYeah gotta love the "she's more mature than you guys" attitude. I'm sure what he meant to say was she was mature enough for him. Fack that's so gross. It's so easy to manipulate young people, young girls are always giving older guys the doe-eyes but that doesn't mean they are mature enough to handle a grown man. Her life is gonna be *beep*ed up now cuz when she was supposed to be having her first love and learning about boys she was just getting raped by a grown man. If you don't end up in jail I hope you at least have to foot the bill for the therapy she'll have to undergo some day.

virgin alert

Twat alert, seriously, do you think thats ok too? 22 year old *beep*in*beep*ear old?

21:48:09 May 19th 08 - Mr. Blood Spill:

i cant believe people are agreeing with a guy called "Pedobear" i mean even the name suggests hes a pedofile forgodsake lol.

21:52:08 May 19th 08 - Mr. Blood Spill:

oh and ye the mod who deleted the pics of THE LITTLE GIRLS who Mr.Pedofile posted had all rights as you were posting them with sexual comments and thats just RLY sick. Go fall off a cliff or sumtin and make the world a better place, k?


22:29:54 May 19th 08 - Duke Argyle:

I though pedobear was a famous character in manga culture.

[picture of pedobear]

23:35:56 May 19th 08 - Mr. Pedro Al Bear:

23:37:36 May 19th 08 - Mr. Pedro Al Bear:

Omg I got pwned by zeta ...

Pedobear is not amused.

02:18:11 May 20th 08 - Mr. Recluse:

I actually agree with you, there is probably plenty of cases of abuse etc. I would never have thought would ever do anyone that much younger untill I met my gf. Thing is, I didnt seduce her at all - it was the other way around! - she decided to try to get me into bed the first time we met, took her a few months but when we finally got there I figured we might as well keep doing it. In the beginning I cared about her age, but since then I've fallen in love with her and I say to hell with convention.

And the part about her being mature isnt an excuse, its factual. She is very much into politics and pwns ppl alot older than her both in intellect and rethorics.
And furthermore, here in Sweden its far from uncommon to have your sexual debute when you are 14-15. I dont understand why it would be better to have it with someone in your own age, actually, most ppl of that age are really immature and that if anything can cause emotional distress. I on the other hand, am not her first, but I am now her longest relationship and the first one she feels she can really trust.

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