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other games
02:45:35 Oct 9th 08 - Mr. Einskaldir:

anyone tried Tagoria? its a free rpg thats browser based. seems ok so far but i'm curious what other people have thought about it. if you haven't played it yet copy and paste the url below and give it a shot. its fun

03:05:59 Oct 9th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

nice one...almost got me to click it...

03:17:51 Oct 9th 08 - Mr. Mozart:

The website's Ok, but dont go from the link. It's a trick.

03:18:04 Oct 9th 08 - Mr. Brainiac:

Lol, how'd you know charley?


hey thanks for the link farmer >:)

Lol, jk

03:18:09 Oct 9th 08 - Mr. Rumpnissen The Evighetsmaskin:

this is a good website!

03:19:27 Oct 9th 08 - Praetorian Wyzer:

Einskaldir, what is your number for recruiting?

03:46:54 Oct 9th 08 - Mr. Einskaldir:  297667 i think; the rest at the end is the world[ 2 engli*beep*hink

04:09:25 Oct 9th 08 - Mr. Devildriver:

damn, i clicked

04:12:50 Oct 9th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Mr. Brainiac


10/8/2008 10:18:04 PM

Lol, how'd you know charley?


If you hold your mouse over the says the real website it leads to...

04:20:43 Oct 9th 08 - Mr. Opportunity:

i clicked lol

04:29:19 Oct 9th 08 - Mr. Einskaldir:

its no trick; it leads to the web site but it says i refered you. lots of games [including this one] use a referal system

04:41:48 Oct 9th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

We are talking about the clickable link...

06:48:51 Oct 9th 08 - Mr. Einskaldir:  this is the right one

06:55:17 Oct 9th 08 - The Farchitect:

Just click Here!

07:09:27 Oct 9th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Yeah Farchitect actually has the right thing to click...

20:26:23 Oct 11th 08 - Mr. Brain:

There is NO OTHER GAME except VU.

Believe it or not.

Everything else is a segment of your imagination, based on the dream of Utopia.

20:43:38 Oct 11th 08 - Lord Wolven Warrior:

Halfling farmer there are some pretty young kids playing this game; you would do well to remember that when posting such links. And you could offend some people on this site, anyone who may be a christian or believe in some other religion.



20:51:06 Oct 11th 08 - Lord Incognito:

Naked people + nature's calling = against Christianity? o.O

Tell me, if thats offensive to Christians then how did Adam and Eve make us? :)

20:54:15 Oct 11th 08 - Lord Wolven Warrior:


yes got created us how we are, but people in this world have twisted it. God created sex, yes, but for marriage, not something that is used in the ways people do use it, such as in the case of pornography and prostitution.

anyhow, my first point still stands, there are some pretty young people on this site, d you would do well to take that into consideration when posting.

20:57:43 Oct 11th 08 - Lord Incognito:

Yea, I agree with the bit about young kids but if God didn't want us to do that, he wouldnt have made it pleasurable for us :)
Sorry, just had to. I suggest we both stop now :p

20:58:40 Oct 11th 08 - Lord Wolven Warrior:

lol yeah...but...just one more post...

Yes god made it pleasurable, but he made it as something that was to be shared between a husband and wife, not in any other way

21:00:48 Oct 11th 08 - Lord Incognito:

¬.¬ I said that so that we don't go into this discussion. I could see it a mile away >.< And if thats so, then he should have seen what we fun loving people would use it for :p Now seriously, stop :p

21:03:15 Oct 11th 08 - Lord Wolven Warrior:

meh, he didnt...*tries to resist*...

God created us like that, and he gave us a choice whether to obey him or not. The fact that people have twisted it, thus disobeying god, is not his fault, it is the people who are disobeying what he says...

how did you know I was a christian anyhow, I only said it may offend some christians and people from other religions, not that I was one of them :P

we need to agree to disagree on this...

21:05:27 Oct 11th 08 - Lord Incognito:

Ahh, but how do you know what God wanted for us to do with what he gave us? He never said it was for a man and his wife.

And I know alot of things, my friendly meatshield ;)

21:15:43 Oct 11th 08 - Lord Wolven Warrior:

LoL you obviously havent read squit in the bible then...

there are several references to it, you want em I will find them and give them to you

21:40:05 Oct 11th 08 - Lord Incognito:

I knew you'd say that. ;)
The Bible was written by MEN in bad times. They wanted to usurp Rome and take power, and that is what they did. Look throughout the Middle Ages and later on. Popes had concubines and even if you are 13, I think you know what they are ;)

21:43:27 Oct 11th 08 - Lord Wolven Warrior:

eh, Im not sure I want to know what it means, and yes it was written by men. They did not wish to unsurp rome, they simply wished to follow jesus. It was written by men, but it was what god had told them to write, or accounts of what they had heard jesus sat.

21:45:19 Oct 11th 08 - Lord Incognito:

You are 13 and don;t know what it means... make a new thread for this so we don't disturb anyone or better yet, drop it :p

21:46:03 Oct 11th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

yeah well if thats what god told them to write why does it contradict itself so many times and why was it edited loads of times? either way beliving the bible is the work of god is nieve to say the least

21:46:26 Oct 11th 08 - Lord Wolven Warrior:

Why should I care if I do not know what it means if I do not want to? :P

anyway, I think I'll stop posting here now...

21:52:01 Oct 11th 08 - Lord Incognito:

Why should you know what it means? Because the Popes said one thing and did another throughout the Middle Ages. Besides, its knowledge and an increase in your vocabbualry ;)

And yea, Osi says the truth! Besides, what about all the gospels that aren't mentioned in the Bible? Gospel of St. Thomas, Gospel of Magdalene, Gospel of Bartholomew....

21:52:52 Oct 11th 08 - Lord Wolven Warrior:

as I said, I dont think I will post anything more on this subject...

im 13 and lack the knowledge to defend this properly :P

22:02:35 Oct 11th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

then why did you enter :)

22:07:12 Oct 11th 08 - Lord Wolven Warrior:

*declines to comment*

05:06:25 Oct 12th 08 - Sir Sonicx:

Hey this is a good one, a strategy game.

It gets better for Elves at Lvl 3 >.<

13:30:52 Oct 12th 08 - General Ezatious:

god does not exist. read it and weap!!! ahaha

13:40:05 Oct 12th 08 - Guildmaster Drenthinio:

Lord Wolven Warrior


10/11/2008 8:58:40 PM

lol yeah...but...just one more post...

Yes god made it pleasurable, but he made it as something that was to be shared between a husband and wife, not in any other way


Yes wolven warrior, there's some pretty young kids around here and i would like to ask u not to fill their heads with christian propoganda like this. Keep our young pure, don't make them bigots like yurself.

12:13:03 Oct 13th 08 - Mr. Little Halfling Farmer:

first off that galieo dude. he said that the earth revolves around the
sun, but that went against the teachings of the church so they placed him
under house arrest untill he died. GUESS WHAT?? the earth revolves around
the sun!

2nd christianity says that god created every thing, but who created god?

3rd christianity says that you should love every body and treat them
fairly...hmmm lets see weren't the nazis chritian? Also the crusaders who
raped,killed, and looted from tones of people did it all in the name of
"god." Slave drivers that were devoted chritians treated thier slaves like
nothing. what a way to follow ur religion

4th the whole adam and eve thing. the bible states that god created adam and
eve first, but fossil records clearly show that things where on the earth be
for humans.

5th the virgin birth. right...just think about it and you will realize how
stoopid that is. how can a virgin give birth?? that just goes against all
science except the type of lizard that can clone itself. if you still belive
in the virgin birth are you implying that mary was a lizard?

6th noahs arc 2 of every animal ehhh lets see...a boat that can hold 2
elephants, rhinos, giraffs, hippos, kimono dragons, apes, wolves, and etc.
is just im possible. it would take a genious to design a boat able to do
that and noah wasn't a genious.

7th again bout the noah story. god loves you right? well then how come he
drowned everything on the planet except 2 of each animal?

8th Ahhh Noah. A few questions for you too then - where did he get the polar
bears, penguins, etc from? Noah sends a dove out to see if there was any dry
land. But the dove returns without finding any. Then, just seven days later,
the dove goes out again and returns with an olive leaf. But how could an
olive tree survive the flood? And if any seeds happened to survive, they
certainly wouldn't germinate and grow leaves within a seven day period. When
the animals left the ark, what would they have eaten? There would have been
no plants after the ground had been submerged for nearly a year. What would
the carnivores have eaten? Whatever prey they ate would have gone extinct.
And how did the New World primates or the Australian marsupials find there
way back after the flood subsided? Noah kills the "clean beasts" and burns
their dead bodies for God. According to the bible, this would have caused
the extinction of all "clean" animals since only two of each were taken onto
the ark.

9th "Love your enemies."
Well, it's a nice thought. But it seems strange coming from someone who
damns his enemies to hell.

12:20:39 Oct 13th 08 - Mr. Little Halfling Farmer:

Also God can't be completely good. If he was, then why did he create evil?

13:02:06 Oct 13th 08 - Lord Wolven Warrior:

Galileo was tried by the CATHOLIC church; they have different views to other christians

Who created god; that is a question that cannot be explained if I am totally honest, he was just there :P

Nazis Christian; well thats the first I have heard of it. And many people do things in the name of god, this does not mean it is from god, it is simply people using god as an excuse for their actions, same for the crusades

fossil records. well, a lot of the things they use to calculate that is based on assuptions, not fact

virgin birth- it was a miracle of god, if you dont want to believe it thats your choice :P

noah- you have to remember although there are millions of animals, the majority of them are insects, and almost all animals are smaller than a cow, cant remember the site i got that off was a while ago :P

he drowned everything on the planet because the world had become evil, those who followed him were spared

the next one I will have an answer to later after ive done some research lol

He does not damn them to hell. God gives us a choice to follow him or not, if we do not then we give in to the devil, it is the fault of the devil that people go to hell.


16:24:36 Oct 13th 08 - Prince Tiber Septim IV:

Lord Wolven Warrior


10/13/2008 5:02:06 AM

Galileo was tried by the CATHOLIC church; they have different views to other christians

Who created god; that is a question that cannot be explained if I am totally honest, he was just there :P

Nazis Christian; well thats the first I have heard of it. And many people do things in the name of god, this does not mean it is from god, it is simply people using god as an excuse for their actions, same for the crusades

fossil records. well, a lot of the things they use to calculate that is based on assuptions, not fact

virgin birth- it was a miracle of god, if you dont want to believe it thats your choice :P

noah- you have to remember although there are millions of animals, the majority of them are insects, and almost all animals are smaller than a cow, cant remember the site i got that off was a while ago :P

he drowned everything on the planet because the world had become evil, those who followed him were spared

the next one I will have an answer to later after ive done some research lol

He does not damn them to hell. God gives us a choice to follow him or not, if we do not then we give in to the devil, it is the fault of the devil that people go to hell.


So God has a reset button? Well, if that world was evil, I'd hate to see what Detroit is classified as...

16:38:30 Oct 13th 08 - Lord Incognito:

Or Scotland... Have you seen the weather there? o.O

Oh, and who created the Devil in the first place? Thats right. God. Hence the everlasting loop of god creating evil, if you believe in one to begin with.

16:48:38 Oct 13th 08 - Lord Wolven Warrior:

Yes God created the devil, but not in the form of the devil. The devil was an angel who wanted more power, and decided to go against god.

so god did NOT create evil, one of gods creations BECAME evil.

16:59:21 Oct 13th 08 - Lord Incognito:

God DID create Evil. He created what would become evil... you can see where I'm going with this

Besides, hes all-knowing, right? So he knew what the Devil was going to do. And if he knew the Devil was going to make US do evil, why not just smite him with some godly lightning bolt?

So either God is NOT all-knowing, or hes NOT omni-potent or he just wants to f*ck with us before killing us anyway. Pick one... or more

17:00:37 Oct 13th 08 - Lord Wolven Warrior:

he let the devil do what he did because god wants us to have a choice. He does not want to force us to believe in him, so he doesnt.

17:09:16 Oct 13th 08 - Mr. Reddragon:

thanks sir Sonic the game looks well, im going to try it beteewn the end of this era and the start of the next one.

06:15:43 Oct 15th 08 - Mr. Opportunity:

Ok, not christian, but i went to a christian school 4 about 8 years.

The bible states that god has no beginning and no end.

Virgins can technically get pregnant with bad enough luck. If the sperm gets near the opening, they can still swim upstream i guess you could say ☺

If you truly believe in god, then you must trust that his power helped noah build the boat like a genious lol.

The bible says that the world was becoming very corrupt, so god decided to destroy all of this corruptness.

8: This is a good point. If god does exist and the bible is telling the truth, then god could send down food from heaven like the manna that he sent the israelites while they wandered in the desert for 40 years led by moses.

Nice lol. They are not his enemies, simply his "children" gone astray. They are given the choice whether to follow or not.

In the book Angels and Demons, the late pope's hand servant, who is no higher than an average priest otherwise, was talking with Robert Langdon about God's omnipotencey. He asks something like this:

"Father, it seems that god is either omnipotent yet does not care, or that he cares, but can do nothing about it. " 

The priest replies something like this: "Mr. Langdon, do you have any children?"


"Lets say that you have a son. Would you want to protect him from all harm?" 

"Of course."

"Would you protect him in any way possible?"

"Of course"

"Would you let him ride a skateboard?"


That's the best response i've ever heard, so thought i'd share.

Again, i'm not christian, but i know a decent bit about the point of view. I used to be really religious, but things happened that convinced me that god is a fake. Oh well


06:36:03 Oct 15th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

HEYYYY I have a great idea...let's take the religious debate to the correct topic! :D

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