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prince harry war or not
23:42:06 May 19th 07 - Mr. Peace DA Beast:

post what you think about harry not going to war try to keep it on subject pleace

23:46:32 May 19th 07 - Mr. Peace DA Beast:

i think its a good thing if he goes to war his unit will come under so much fire that and if he is taken hostige the country will show weekness infront of fear i think that the royals have no place on a battal field anymore they have no power within the country and so shuldent be given power on the battal field i my self lost a cuzen to war so i no what it feels like to lose someone that is a 1000 miles away because of some fat *beep* sat in a chair in whight hall, someone must ether pull the troops out or give them the funding and resorces to do there job

00:20:18 May 20th 07 - Mr. Knight The Round Table:

Absolutely not, if he was to be captured or killed, it would be a massive blow to our country.

I think well on him for joining the army, far to dangerous. If they were fighting a real army i would think its a good idea, for morale suport. However, against insurgents and suicide bombers.....

00:23:15 May 20th 07 - Mr. Peace DA Beast:

i think that it is a BAD thing if he goes to war, his unit will come under so much enermy fire, also IF  he was taken hostige the country would give in to the demands underming the progress that the solders are slowley making in iraq. i think that the royals have no place on a battal field anymore they have no power within the country and so shuldent serch for power, i my self lost a cuzen to war so i no what it feels like to lose someone that is a 1000 miles away because of some fat *beep* sat in a chair in whight hall, someone must ether pull the troops out or give them the funding and resorces to do there job

05:57:36 May 20th 07 - Mr. Haywood Jablowme:

what war?

13:04:58 May 20th 07 - Mr. Peace DA Beast:


03:47:35 May 21st 07 - Lady Tantulii:

Don't you mean "conflict?"


I think he should do whatever he wants.

11:07:47 May 21st 07 - Mr. Dreadlord:

hes not i jean ive seen like moth of news about him going to war....

and hes not going never heard that :D

13:06:58 May 21st 07 - Mr. Smuff With A Shemale:

i think he should do what ever he wants. its his life and he feels kinship to the others fighting there. however, i can see how his death/capture will be seen as a seriouse blow to our country adn a boom to the terrorists.

13:43:29 May 21st 07 - Lord Senturu:

no he shouldnt. ist it obvous that if he goes then its a very high possability he could be killed or captured? and if captured dont you think his country would do anything to get him back? like...i dunno give WMDS? i wouldnt id just nuke em and be like biach you is dead hahahahahaha

16:31:20 May 21st 07 - Lady Tantulii:

Of course it's obvious he will be targeted.  This is sort of an ideological clash, in a sense.  Nobility in the army... should the prince be treated any better than the common troop simply because he has a bigger name and more impressive bloodline?

Of course I wouldn't be about to throw my life away to make a point like that people stopped caring about some 200 years ago...

20:05:44 May 23rd 07 - Mr. Dreadlord:

shure and if some other soldier goes there he wont be targeted?

or does he deserve to live less then harry?

20:05:45 May 23rd 07 - Mr. Dreadlord:


22:12:20 May 23rd 07 - Lady Tantulii:

Of course other soldiers will, just not in the same manner.

What is your point, Dreadlord?

15:57:53 May 24th 07 - Mr. Dreadlord:

i tough you where for the war in iraq and dint want harry to go there?

17:33:57 May 24th 07 - Mr. The Gladiator:

If he dies, the his brother will become prince I think and everything will be just fine.. joking lol, well I know it will be a huge blow for the world but he has equal rights than everyone else and should do as he desires

23:04:06 May 24th 07 - Lady Tantulii:

Dreadlord, I am not personally in favor of the war.  I usually debate theaccustations that attempt to demonize Bush, Republicans, or America.

Last I heard, Harry does want to go.  And I think it should be his choice whether to go or not.

04:15:17 May 25th 07 - Lord Senturu:

/me slaps tantulii

ok think of it this way. it is his choice. but its the future of his country at stake not just his life. he has to think about his people. not just himself. tis the price of being in such a high place.

now would his country benefit from his death? or his being alive?

08:30:58 May 25th 07 - Mr. Peace N War:

lol i hate the royal family they do nothing for us the natinal anthum is only about them not about the ppl of the uk but anyway his death would be a victory for the ppl the seek to halm the west and a massive blow to the british army lowering moral even further its hanging by a thread as it is

11:27:43 May 26th 07 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

send the bastard to war !

07:10:53 May 31st 07 - Mr. Fireforge:

It really doesn't matter in the slightest bit if he goes or not. The royalty in England is of no real consequence to the coutry. The queen/princes are just figure heads who's only real job is minor diplomacy. I'm sure the nation would mourn if he died but it wouldn't really hurt the country like it would have before they became a democracy. It also wouldn't really effect their pressence in Iraq either because with the same announcement that told us the prince was joining the military, they also announced they were mostly pulling out soon. Honestly the Prime minister resigning will have more bearing on the country than the loss of a prince, especially one who's 2 generaations from becoming king

12:57:47 Jun 8th 07 - Mr. Peace N War:

yes but to the troops out there it would have massive implications the insergants would see this as a massive victory especily if they could capture him, if they did it would mean that the goverment would be presured into ither sending more troops to stop a surge in vilonce and to help find harry also alot of ppl in this country would be deverstated and moral would drop in the armed froces

11:28:12 Jun 9th 07 - Mr. Breadlord:

it could be terrible like people would be confronted with the fact that soldiers DIE in combat.

OR even worse that they still wont kill harry and jsut say that they wont harm him if UK pulls back sodiers for iraq i cant even imagine the consequenses of that.

17:19:49 Jun 14th 07 - Mr. Thomas Bell The Unclothed:

It doesn't matter. I don't think he's even in line to the throne anymore. The queen's going to outlive them all!

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