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the holocaust
03:17:28 May 17th 10 - Mr. Secret Agent Onslaught:

If the Jewish people didn't feel the need to steal money from the Germans, would the holocaust still have been necessary?

03:30:35 May 17th 10 - Lady Patches Ohoulihan:

They still owe money to the Egyptians, too!

03:32:29 May 17th 10 - Mr. Rylee The:

well they didn't really steal money from the Germans it was more like how in many other Countrys women started to take over the jobs that the men once did but in most Countrys when the men came back from the great war the women went back to there homes to make room for the men in the workplace but the jews kept there jobs.

the Germans also had to pay reparations to the allies so the econ was a mess which added to the of large groups of angry unemployed men which hitler preyed on and he blamed the jews for everything when they where only partly to blame.
but if the German jews had supported there country more in the Great war then the holocaust may not have happened.

06:22:29 May 17th 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

The holocaust.. is that some kind of movie? :o

06:31:52 May 17th 10 - Ice Prince Aureola:

The Holocaust is worlds biggest genocide in the world I may say.

07:29:49 May 17th 10 - Mr. Theophilus XX:

You cannot blame a people group who, for centuries have been frowned upon, for not being patriotic about a land they were having to stay in. Their King was not Wilhiem and was not Hitler. Their King is YHWH.

You can't put any blame on them for not supporting an unnecessary war.

07:45:11 May 17th 10 - Mr. Rylee The:

bite me! you should love your country or leave.

10:02:17 May 17th 10 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

"The Holocaust is worlds biggest genocide in the world I may say."

Not true. Mao got around 70 million people killed, and Stalin some 23 million. These number are not that accurate but still the Holocaust by a lot.

The Holocaust was only the most horrific due to the way it was done. Like a huge machine with a network over whole Europe with only one purpose, to kill people.

13:54:12 May 17th 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

Actually the U.S. probably has highest genocide. At 100+ million Native Americans. Most people don't know this..

00:19:27 May 18th 10 - Mr. Secret Agent Onslaught:

I personally don't think that the Holocaust was a real event. I think it could easily have been a hoax, a conspiracy perhaps, to make Fuhrer Stalin look bad, and ultimately lead to his untimely demise. 

01:27:49 May 18th 10 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

13:54:12 May 17th 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

Actually the U.S. probably has highest genocide. At 100+ million Native Americans. Most people don't know this..

^^^ why we all love america !-_-!

02:49:45 May 18th 10 - Lady Megan Fox:

19:27:49 May 17th 10 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

13:54:12 May 17th 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

Actually the U.S. probably has highest genocide. At 100+ million Native Americans. Most people don't know this..

^^^ why we all love america !-_-!


Well, to be fair, a VAST majority of those killed were because of the Europeans secret weapon....Small Pox!  And Vuggy is actually incorrect in that most of them died during the colonization era (ie. Pre-US) and not after formation :)

(PS. We don't care if you hate us...)

03:04:17 May 18th 10 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

yess you do because i own america so i am aloud to hate it :P
and i am gunna set my dogs out on america :P

they are huge mann!!!
on two feet they are 1ft tall :O

you guys better run!!

03:26:48 May 18th 10 - Mr. Winters:

Mr. Secret Agent, my only question for you is this:

If the Holocaust was a hoax to make Hitler look evil/despicable/inhuman, why would the Nazis be the ones to have fabricated the countless documents that survived the war? Also, (I lied, two questions), what happened to the six million Jews, Poles, Gypsies, etc. who were alive in 1939 and had vanished by 1945? I respect the fact that you believe that, but I have to question the logic behind it. If you could better explain your position, I would be happy to hear your arguments.

03:28:14 May 18th 10 - Duke Rensmauth The Meek:

Just about every genocide that happened in the New World was started intentionally or not by European colonists.  Why people are quick to say "I hate you America" is beyond my comprehension; I thought we were the country full of morons?  :P

03:29:04 May 18th 10 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

03:26:48 May 18th 10 - Mr. Winters:

Mr. Secret Agent, my only question for you is this:

If the Holocaust was a hoax to make Hitler look evil/despicable/inhuman, why would the Nazis be the ones to have fabricated the countless documents that survived the war?

so they just so happend to servive the war and not be moved but found by the U.S O_o???

im not backing him and ikno what they did was wrong but there is a flaw in tht statement :P

03:32:09 May 18th 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

America doesn't care about you hating us.. we have easily one of the top military powers in the world. If you don't like it, here's a gun! Lol jk... but seriously.. here's a gun... go rob a bank. :D

03:33:30 May 18th 10 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

*takes gun from vuggy*
*puts the gun to vuggy's head*

now beg little piggy >:D

03:33:49 May 18th 10 - Mr. Winters:

Damn it Duke Some Fcked Dude...I was hoping he wouldn't notice...

That said, I seriously doubt that even the U.S. government could have fabricated that many documents that quickly. Nor could it have kept that a secret for this long (not with a free press). So while I suppose the statement is flawed, the spirit of the question remains intact (IMO).

03:34:40 May 18th 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

Obviously aliens did it.

03:35:54 May 18th 10 - Mr. Winters:

DAMMIT! How am I supposed to argue with Mr. Secret Agent if you and Duke Fcked are gonna keep poking holes in my questions??? :)

03:37:34 May 18th 10 - Mr. Rylee The:

ok i think it was real but there is no real evidence to support that, its all more or less hearsay.

who said the nazis did make the documents do you think that the allies could not have fabricated the documents?
they captured everything they needed, all the letterhead, seals, stamps and whatever else they would need.
why did all the Nazis get off with only a couple years in jail if they had killed six million people?
as for where the six million people went, who knows where did the other 50-70 million go?

03:38:38 May 18th 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

Because alot of the Nazis weren't happy with what they were doing. Only really the SS were sadistic.

03:41:12 May 18th 10 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

aliens took them!!!
the u.s has put billions into UFO looking ships and mind control!!!
put them 2geva you get a ship with humans able to plant images in your mind so you think they are aliens :O!!

(P.S they stole the UFO plans of the germans ;)

03:41:19 May 18th 10 - Mr. Rylee The:

btw America has one of the most controlled press in the Western world.

its just not all that free. 

03:43:04 May 18th 10 - Mr. Secret Agent Onslaught:

>Also, (I lied, two questions), what happened to the six million Jews, Poles, Gypsies, etc. who were alive in 1939 and had vanished by 1945?

They weren't burned and killed due to Mr. Stalin's will, as many of the false stories claim. If they were, where did the bodies go?

03:43:55 May 18th 10 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

they piled them into a ditch and burned them!!!

03:46:48 May 18th 10 - Mr. Rylee The:

then the UFO came and moved them to the US and then why do you think they tried so hard to get to the moon?

thats where the bodies are!!!

04:02:11 May 18th 10 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

:O you are right :O
and to burn them they only did it recently when the crashed some sh!t on it :O

wow we are so smart >:D

11:00:18 May 18th 10 - Lady Patches Ohoulihan:

what happened to the six million Jews, Poles, Gypsies, etc. who were alive in 1939 and had vanished by 1945?

They ran back to Ethiopia, to live in slavery again under the pharaohs.

12:50:21 May 18th 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

Lol. I bet there was someone on that satellite.. they were probably like, FCK YOU OBAMA. And he was like, Oh hey, want a free trip to space?

13:22:59 May 18th 10 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

lol XD

14:51:21 May 18th 10 - Lady Patches Ohoulihan:

02:28:14 May 18th 10 - Duke Rensmauth The Meek:
Just about every genocide that happened in the New World was started intentionally or not by European colonists.  Why people are quick to say "I hate you America" is beyond my comprehension; I thought we were the country full of morons?  :P

We all know the NWO is behind it.

22:00:09 May 18th 10 - Mr. Will Kellys Husband:

not really sure what Stalin has to do with the Jewish Holocaust, he was too busy killing his own Jews amongst others. he killed plenty of his own(including Jews), around 20 million which yes makes the holocaust look smaller. there is a forest here where 6000 polish officers were shot, and all dissenters were taken to be is littered with bodies..

you ask where the Germans put the bodies, the answer to that is very easy:

World War II

The remains of Jews and other concentration camp inmates who were exterminated were disposed of by the Nazis using this method. This method was considered to be deeply offensive to Orthodox Judaism, because Halakha, the Jewish law, forbids cremation and additionally holds that it is painful to the soul of a cremated person. This is because the soul of recently dead person is not fully aware that they died, and they experience seeing their body burnt (this is also one of the reasons autopsies are forbidden under normal circumstances). In a normal burial, as the body decays, slowly the soul moves "farther" from it. Since then, cremation has carried an extremely negative connotation for many Jews.

22:59:11 May 18th 10 - Grumpy old Bastard:

What a weak trolling attempt. Onslaught - jews/jesus in one thread and another "is the holocaust a hoax" thread? Really? Did you shave your head this morning and decide to test the waters in the afternoon or are you just so damn bored? :->

23:09:30 May 18th 10 - Endless Destruction:

he's that bored

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