Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / the suns gonna blow up!

the suns gonna blow up!
16:56:25 Apr 8th 07 - Sir Salaracen:

we gotta get our hiny's off this planet before it gets fried

17:04:09 Apr 8th 07 - Sir Drunken:

try frying your bum around the north and south poles alright?

17:04:39 Apr 8th 07 - Mr. IM Cools Got Rage:



17:05:08 Apr 8th 07 - Mr. IM Cools Got Rage:

salacen if you want we could make a space reseach lol

19:52:12 Apr 8th 07 - Sir Borazon:

Yeah, its terrible that in a few billion years the sun is going to blow up even though we will all be dead anyway.

20:06:24 Apr 8th 07 - Mr. Simba:

16:42:59 Apr 9th 07 - Mr. Thrawn:

the earth is not going to freeze, the earth is going to be sucked up by the sun because the sun is going to get bigger and bigger.

03:05:41 Apr 10th 07 - Lord Senturu:

bigger till it implodes

04:17:49 Apr 10th 07 - Sir Borazon:

Yes, then when it implodes it will create a blackhole sucking in the Earth with it.

04:35:58 Apr 10th 07 - Mr. Wolf Ruga:

Uhm, when the sun explodes its massive will expand to the point where Earth is engulfed within it. We aren't lucky enough to get sucked into a black hole.

Crap that was horrible. implode*, mass*

10:00:59 Apr 10th 07 - Mr. Dreadlord The Dressed:

lol if we can survive untill that time id be pretty dam satisvied :D

10:39:41 Apr 10th 07 - Ms. Minvera:

our sun is too small to create a black hole it will grow (turning into a red star i think) burning up everything it can (i.e. earth) then when it gets too big it will implode and turn into a useless little white dwaft.

10:42:58 Apr 10th 07 - Mr. Dreadlord The Dressed:

yeah we should fear interstelalr cllisions :p

12:15:49 Apr 10th 07 - Mr. Manuel Marulanda Velez:

Sir Borazon,  Go back to school mate. Like Mind said the sun will not implode.

Its GCSE science.... however i did find you a link for you.

13:27:44 Apr 10th 07 - Ms. Minvera:

do you mean stars altogether don't implode or just our sun?

23:08:23 Apr 10th 07 - Lord Oya:

depends on a stars mass and gravity to be whether it would implode, most stars become black dwarfs...the dead core of the star after its had its little moment as a super nova, most stars create super novas cos they simply arent big enough to implode, the bigger something is the more unstable it becomes, if stars became black holes more often, we would have much more problems in the universe (this part atleast) as it happens it dont and black holes are a rarity.

01:15:31 Apr 11th 07 - Mr. Benito:

there is a black hole in our solar system

03:31:54 Apr 11th 07 - Sir Rhade:

There are many black holes in our solar system, inadvertantly caused by smashing particles together.  Many die off immediately, but according to some the others survive.  Also, I'd be more worried about the massive object that's going to pass by/collide with Earth in 2020 something.  It's been compared to the asteroid that created the moon.

09:45:48 Apr 11th 07 - Mr. Dreadlord The Dressed:

there is a black hole in our ''solar system'''

lols you guys are mixing the wrong things lol.

solar system :D

13:10:36 Apr 11th 07 - Mr. Brannigans Law:

there is a super massive black hole in our solar system, i watched it on the documentary channel when i used to skive from school!

15:33:37 Apr 11th 07 - Mr. Manuel Marulanda Velez:

Everyone believe brannigan, hes the captain of a spaceship.

(Although he is incredibly stupid)

21:17:26 Apr 11th 07 - Mr. Brannigans Law:


Brannigan quote of the day:

"If we can hit that bull's-eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate."

03:07:48 Apr 13th 07 - Mr. Manuel Marulanda Velez:

Haha, i saw that ep :D


Futurama is hilarious. BTW i am over the age of 18 too :P

07:38:01 Apr 13th 07 - Mr. Anderson:

"If we can hit that bull's-eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate."

I didnt know that was from Futurama. Why did they take that show away?!?!

15:33:16 Apr 13th 07 - Lord Oya:

lol, no there isn't a black hole in our solar system, we would all have been sucked into the singularity by now, however there is a black hole relatively near to us in the galaxy, however relatively near in the universe is sevral thousand lights so no worrys there eh

16:16:06 Apr 13th 07 - Mr. Dreadlord The Dressed:

exacly ive been trying to say that nobody understands :(
solar system galaxy whats the diffrance :D

18:21:31 Apr 13th 07 - Mr. Manuel Marulanda Velez:

whats the diffrance :D
To put it simple

Solar System - The Sun and the planets (among of things).

Galaxy - Contains thousands upon thousands of Solar Systems. Ours is the Milkyway.

Universe - Contains thousands upon thousands of Galaxies.

21:43:25 Apr 13th 07 - Mr. Lithos:

I believe in the geocentric solarsystem

22:06:54 Apr 13th 07 - Mr. Brannigans Law:

Another Zapp Brannigan quote:

"Wow, one day a man has everything...,then the following day he blows up a $40 billion space station, and the next day he has nothing. It really makes you think."

Im sure the documentary said there is a huge black hole in the solar system but it isnt active or something!

22:18:39 Apr 13th 07 - Lord Osiris:

supermassive black hole at the center of the galaxy probably every galaxy not the solar system :p

03:05:24 Apr 14th 07 - Mr. Twamao:

This sums up this thread.  courtesy of SoundGarden

In my eyes Indisposed In disguise As no one knows
Hides the face Lies the snake The sun In my disgrace
Boiling heat Summer stench neath the black The sky looks dead
Call my name Through the cream And Ill hear you Scream again

Black hole sun Wont you come And wash away the rain
Black hole sun Wont you come Wont you come

Stuttering Cold and damp Steal the warm wind Tired friend
Times are gone For honest men And sometimes Far too long For snakes
In my shoes A walking sleep And my youth I pray to keep

Heaven send Hell away No one sings Like you Anymore
Hang my head Drown my fear Till you all just Disappear

03:09:56 Apr 14th 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat:

Chris Cornell lol :)

15:23:05 Apr 14th 07 - Sir Crom:

bomb the sun!

17:34:32 Apr 15th 07 - Duke Sobek:

that movie 'sunshine', the trailer sux ... you cannot pick any interesting points at all from this movie ...

17:42:05 Apr 15th 07 - Mr. Smuff With A Shemale Shlong:

it looks emmmmmmmmmmensse dont crit! i cant wait to see it.

17:37:11 Apr 18th 07 - Mr. Yuran:

You guys are retarted lol

1. the sun won't implode it wil explode.

2. It will happen in billions of years, you will be long dead by then.

3. Captain Crunch.

4. By that time we will be living on different planets.

05:36:40 Apr 19th 07 - Duke Sobek:

You guys are retarted lol

1. the sun won't implode it wil explode.

2. It will happen in billions of years, you will be long dead by then.

3. Captain Crunch.

4. By that time we will be living on different planets.

How old are you yuran?

14:43:20 Apr 19th 07 - Mr. Bernhardt:


14:44:57 Apr 19th 07 - Mr. Yuran:

15, but that was me just being retarted, i actually do know alot about the sun.

09:59:59 Apr 23rd 07 - Mr. Shadowdragon:

i don't think you can learn alot about the sun just by staring at it

12:50:37 Apr 23rd 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

I learnbed that the sun can make spots apear if you look at it o.0

13:05:13 Apr 23rd 07 - Mr. Brannigans Law:

you looked at it didnt you!

 i know its pretty

06:23:12 Apr 24th 07 - Sir Salaracen The Dancer:

woah i made this forum?
well we better get off this planet soon, because acording to ciron in 2050 theres gonna be revoults and the planets gonna be dam hot, and theres spartans for some reason, and the spartans want the plans for gas weapons but they dont get them and they seige the city of the good guys, and the main character dies. :(

15:25:50 May 3rd 07 - Sir Verteccio:

4 1/2 hours baby.

ends at 11 AM Pacific Standard Time.

00:57:20 Jun 19th 07 - Mr. Dwolf:


Once I want the world to end, it will end because the world will end when I die, Because if what I SEE, SMELL, HEAR, TOUCH, TASE, AND BELIVE, is true, then the world will end once I die, and how could you prove to ME that it dosent?

You couldnt, so you should all belive that when you die the world will end, because theres nobody to prove other wise, or to go against you, and you never know, it might happen.

01:05:09 Jun 19th 07 - Mr. Dwolf:

Plz dont kill yourselves let the world die when it needs to and dont worry about it .

this is one of Dwolf's many suggestiong to a healthy live:

Dwolf, putting the smile back in that godlfish!

02:03:57 Jun 19th 07 - Mr. The Mighty Hammer:

You might be interested to know that I, myself, am a white dwarf

18:49:18 Jun 19th 07 - Mr. Shadowflash:

yeah there is supposed to be an asteroid coming in like 2017 or somthing and it is supposed to come between our satelites and the earth. and depending on our gravity it could hit us later. btw it comes on friday the 13th. and this is all true its on the discovery channel in one of its shows. so we should start worrying bout this and not the sun.

19:42:20 Jun 19th 07 - Mr. Dwolf:

you got the date wrong sucker, its not that close, I love discovery channel cus is interesting and shut but nothing about an asteroid coming friday 13th in 2017, why do people lie and try to make it look real???

yes mighty hammer, your a white dwarf, just keep away from the black dwarfs lol, they might jump you, or the mexican dwarfs,

and worst of all.... THE WOLF DWARVES!!!! MWAHAHAHA.

19:47:13 Jun 19th 07 - Mr. Shadowflash:

i thought it was then i could be wrong

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