Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / world bankruptsey

world bankruptsey
18:06:34 Sep 29th 08 - Mr. Samual:

Id like to know what is everyones opinions on the world/US bankruptesy do you think the plan will work what is everyones opinoin on it

18:08:24 Sep 29th 08 - Mr. Samual:

Myself i am rather worried that our wworld could fall into economic disatser, but there is the 700 billion economic plan but were are we going to get that money from??

18:38:29 Sep 29th 08 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius XV:

lol hahahah americans r *beep*ed and slightly the rest of the world but its nice seeing americans suffering aint it

18:58:11 Sep 29th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

...Americans can take the rest of the world with it you nub :p  All we need is a president to say "our situation is that bad...well then...initiate plan: Kamikaze...lets show the rest of the world what it feels like...even more"

18:59:49 Sep 29th 08 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius XV:

lol c them americans gonna soacide

19:16:53 Sep 29th 08 - Mr. Milk And Cereal:

We'll if the world does fall into economice disaster then atless we get the change to introduce a universal currency :)

19:16:54 Sep 29th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

..."suacide?" Nah...we are gonna just start armageddon and be the only survivors besides a few pockets around the world that have good defense systems

19:19:16 Sep 29th 08 - Mr. Samual:


19:48:18 Sep 29th 08 - Mr. Brain:

The bloody disaster here is nobody being able to spell >_>

Neways. How did the USA get out of depressions? By starting/joining wars...
Guess that will happen next :(

19:53:37 Sep 29th 08 - Mr. Milk And Cereal:

Hong kong becomes english again!

20:02:51 Sep 29th 08 - Mr. Dreadlord:

its just the very rich getting screwed bye the UBER rich ...
but obviously the goverment will get into dept adn help the very rich+Uber rich..
bye loaning money adn putting US citizens into dept.
where do you think they get the money? they will loan it from national bank.
and the national bank will just print the money and loanit to the US government/citizens for a *beep*load of interest.

01:01:59 Sep 30th 08 - Mr. Doctor Strange:

 lol hahahah americans r *beep*ed and slightly the rest of the world but its nice seeing americans suffering aint it

lol c them americans gonna soacide
- seriously this is just painful, you sound like an un-educated gorilla desperately trying to unravel the secrets of a keyboard.

It's nice to see that we really aren't the dumbest country in the world.
    I'm sure yours is proud of you.

01:23:51 Sep 30th 08 - Mr. Basch:

Hardly anyone relises just how f*cked the whole world would be if USA was to crumble.

And Australia isn't in debt, in fact we have a large budget surplus and cash reserves. So the world isn't bankrupt just yet ;p

02:41:24 Sep 30th 08 - Mr. Mpesh:

all empires rise then fall... ive been saying for years that the us is in big trouble within my lifetime... which is why ive been stockpiling guns and ammo.. i suggest you all do the same.

02:50:31 Sep 30th 08 - Mr. Pimp:

you're all're about to loose your homes and your parents will never see a pension and you're cracking and every banker should be dragged into the streets and crucified by the testicals...fanny lips for females

02:56:59 Sep 30th 08 - Mr. Doctor Strange:

   every empire does rise and fall.(yay world history) .By the average, U.S has at least 150-200 more years as a significant power. Although all the alliances and technology of modern day, as well as the vast increase in migration, means that when U.S goes down, it's Europe for me :) Mpesh, meet you in Amsterdam? :D

03:15:33 Sep 30th 08 - Mr. Silent:

Blame the democrats... Their the ones who wanted to let everyone take out loans they shouldn't have in the first place because they an't pay the mortages.

Did you guys know Bush, and PLENTY of republicans tried to stop this in 2004-2005? Here's a link...

Also Obama was along with plenty of other politicans taking bribes from freddie and mac so they could keep giving out "false" loans.

Though I support ANARCHY.... ITS THE ONLY WAY!!! Lol, jk

seriously though ANARCHY!!!!

People need to be going to jail the ones who were breaking the law. BTW the reason that $700 billion dollar bailout wasn't passed was because Pelosi that dumb bit0h had to start blaming the economy on bush, when the reason is a lot more complicated than just bush, bush, bush.....

So many factors play in, but that piece of $hit b!tch had to make it all bush's fault.... she doesn't no $h!t about the economy hell she has an approval rating less than half of bush's rating..... Shes just trying to endorse Obama, fu0king c0cksucking wh0re... Lol


seriously though ANARCHY!!!!


seriously though ANARCHY!!!!

People need to be going to jail the ones who were breaking the law. BTW the reason that $700 billion dollar bailout wasn't passed was because Pelosi that dumb bit0h had to start blaming the economy on bush, when the reason is a lot more complicated than just bush, bush, bush.....

So many factors play in, but that piece of $hit b!tch had to make it all bush's fault.... she doesn't no $h!t about the economy hell she has an approval rating less than half of bush's rating..... Shes just trying to endorse Obama, fu0king c0cksucking wh0re... Lol


seriously though ANARCHY!!!!

" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">

03:49:17 Sep 30th 08 - Mr. Mpesh:

lmao.. amsterdam it is!

03:57:08 Sep 30th 08 - Sir Mingan:

look, the plan that finally gets approved will work.

in time all of this will be forgotten. everything will work out OK.

04:02:28 Sep 30th 08 - Sir Mingan:

Neways. How did the USA get out of depressions? By starting/joining wars...
Guess that will happen next :(

please stop showing your ignorance to American history. Look up the New Deal and banking reforms after the Great Depression. Take a look at the economic and fiscal policies of FDR. You don't know *beep* about any of it.

Americans help the world with their global genorosity, and the world offers nothing to America. *beep* all of you *beep*s.

04:05:37 Sep 30th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Mingan shut are giving such a crappy view of Americans and your representation only makes us look like complete *beep*s who whine and b*tch...keep your stupid comments to yourself.  You and your "*beep* all of you *beep*s" can go right back down your throat.  Actions speak louder than words...

04:12:00 Sep 30th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

hmm...didnt know that word was bleeped <_< well it is very similar to 1diot <_<

04:23:15 Sep 30th 08 - Sir Doomsday:

Id have to say the american policies are preaty damn corrupt... i mean why would the democrates make it so people, anyone, take out a morgage they cant pay for? is that Bush's fault? no. since 2004 who has had congress? democrates. so can a republican do much in that situation? no. how is it that we have to export like ( i cant remember the exact number) a couple billion dollars worth to VIETNAM and they dont have to do anything back? yeah for those that dont know we actully made that deal with them back in 2004, i believe well sometime in Bush's term. we buy from them, they dont for us. WTF is that? why dont we worry about keeping those jobs in America? Their are a few problems with jobs while im at it. 1) to many people want money from the goverment and not work like usale. Back in the depression people WANTED jobs, now we just want money, for free and thats what people get. 2) out sourcing jobs to china or to trade with anyone else. really why cant we create jobs here where OUR people make the money and not some communist ba$tard? which is 3) Why are we out sourcing jobs when we need the money domestically? all such good questions... raise the DAMN TARIFFS

04:29:33 Sep 30th 08 - Mr. Mpesh:

sir doomsday, are you an American of voting age?
im just curious..

04:31:32 Sep 30th 08 - Sir Mingan:

lol hahahah americans r *beep*ed and slightly the rest of the world but its nice seeing americans suffering aint it

this is the ranting of a first class jerk, stupid, stupid jerk

11:52:52 Sep 30th 08 - Mr. David:

Global generosity? I rather would call it a black hole that sucks everything in. America only knows how to consume, consume and consume even more. The consequences of that are showing off now with the current crisis.

12:05:42 Sep 30th 08 - Mr. Samual:

Oh i like bush his accent is cool :) but most govements are bad and make bad choices and then some good guy turns up and turns it around like winston churchill : )



looks nice dont we think!! : )

12:23:37 Sep 30th 08 - Mr. Pimp:

Pimp stands to attention....*beep* the world...the Empire is back...God save the Queen

12:24:29 Sep 30th 08 - Lord Incognito:

I can't believe I just agreed with Pimp o.O

12:36:32 Sep 30th 08 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius XV:

Oh i like bush his accent is cool :) he dosnt lol he sounds like an american

12:39:03 Sep 30th 08 - Lord Incognito:

Thats probably, just maybe, because he is American -_-

12:49:55 Sep 30th 08 - Sir Doomsday:

Mr. Mpesh

you dont have to be of voting age to give your opionion on whats going on. just cause im not 18 doesnt mean i cant have an opionion or even follow any of it

14:27:52 Sep 30th 08 - Mr. Samual:

Mr. Pimp


9/30/2008 11:23:37 AM
Pimp stands to attention....*beep* the world...the Empire is back...God save the Queen
Lord Incognito


9/30/2008 11:24:29 AM
I can't believe I just agreed with Pimp o.O


14:28:15 Sep 30th 08 - Mr. Samual:

the queen : )

19:40:53 Sep 30th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Thanks for sharing that unique piece of evidence towards

I agree with Pimp :p gonna be there next year for awhile :p

20:17:26 Sep 30th 08 - Mr. Elmer Fudd:

....yumm englands hot queen....dont u want to *beep* her in all holes muhar can leave ur hat on baby =)

20:57:49 Sep 30th 08 - Demonic Shezmu:

w00t! yer all Queens! :P

as for the problem in the "USA"...can't they just fix it by paying with Visa or some other credit card?! :P

22:59:56 Sep 30th 08 - Sir Gallyon:

we're always all gonna die in the end..typicall...
its like banks going broke..then the government buying the looks like communism..government owning companies..

and its not only USA, its starting to spread out. but what do I know about it..

23:42:00 Sep 30th 08 - Prince Tiber Septim IV:

This may rock the VU market's economy! CR@P! SELL! SELL! SELL!!!

01:08:01 Oct 1st 08 - Duke Arzun:

Sir Mingan


9/29/2008 11:02:28 PM

Neways. How did the USA get out of depressions? By starting/joining wars...
Guess that will happen next :(

please stop showing your ignorance to American history. Look up the New Deal and banking reforms after the Great Depression. Take a look at the economic and fiscal policies of FDR. You don't know *beep* about any of it.

Americans help the world with their global genorosity, and the world offers nothing to America. *beep* all of you *beep*s.

..... You can not be serious... That is the most bull shi+ i've read since Revenge has been banned...

The ammount of money the obese population of the US spend could reduce global hunger by such a dramatic ammount it would probably give third world countries a figthting chance of crawling up the political and economical ladders.

This isn't to say that the entire USA is a corrupt fat nation, but the majority is, and it's these people that like to speak their (insanely undeveloped) minds and make the rest of the nation look so bad.

01:22:41 Oct 1st 08 - Prince Tiber Septim IV:

*Septim chucks his pea-sized American brain at Arzun.

(jk, it's walnut sized! ;-) )

01:26:22 Oct 1st 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

@Arzun - I actually think the USA GDP(Gross Domestic Product) could end world hunger if all people in the USA gave up like...some tiny percent...of course people are too greedy to do such a thing...

08:49:48 Oct 1st 08 - Mr. Duca:

... greed ...

09:31:20 Oct 1st 08 - Mr. Samual:


Just pray to god : )

09:31:51 Oct 1st 08 - Mr. Samual:

haha : ) : )

11:44:14 Oct 1st 08 - Mr. Trainreq:

pray to god and be ignored...

14:48:57 Oct 1st 08 - Mr. Samual:

yes but i dunno maybe all of us : )

14:50:06 Oct 1st 08 - Mr. Samual:

and if that dont work pray to


i dunno it a idea

06:57:58 Mar 29th 09 - Mr. Duneidinaman II:

you can't be serious. you mean pray to a idol that was made with human hands??? You are wasting your time!  Oh you of little faith!!! I would rather pray to my Father in Heaven.  He made everything from man in His image to the dinasaurs and sea creatures in the oceans, sea, lakes.  Even dragons that breath fire.   Check out  I would rather have a God who walks, talks, than just sit there.  Jesus Christ was God and came to the earth as 100% man and 100% God and died for our sins.  What idol, what prophet, what religion has a person like Jesus Christ who died for people sins and rose again on the 3rd day. Nobody.  They all died. Even when the Phillistines captured the ark of the covenant from Israelites and put the ark by there god dagon/idol, the next morning dagon the idol god fell forward and landed on the doorway threshold.  The Philistines woke up and saw it and put it upright again.  The next moring the same thing happened.  But this time the head and the hands of the stone god dagon were cut off as it fell past the doorway.  Then the Philistines knew there was power in the Israelites God.  So why would you want to pray to a idol.  They don't hear you because they don't have ears.

07:11:30 Mar 29th 09 - Ms. Jade:

That's just your opinion. People have the right to believe in whatever they want. Other religions have been around thousands of years before Christ even existed.

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