Forums / Questions and Answers / 50% rule clarification please

50% rule clarification please
08:01:51 Sep 8th 08 - Duke Spud:

Alright, I have a question. Im going to ask it in scenerio form.

Scenerio - Spud has 6 cities, Bob has 6 cities. The 50% rule in this situation would be 3 cities if im not mistaken lol. so Spud and Bob go to war. Spud takes 1 of Bobs cities. Now Spud has 7 cities and Bob has 5. Spud takes another city. Spud now has 8 cities and bob has 4. Can Spud attack Bob anymore? Or does the 50% rule only come into play at the beginning of the battle? And if Spud cant attack Bob can Bob still attack Spud. I think thats a bit homo... does that mean that everyone is immortal in the worlds of Zeta down? You cant kill off anyone.

If anyone knows exactly how this rule works, please explain it to me.

08:08:33 Sep 8th 08 - Mr. Pink:

isn't 50% not on the citys but on total buildings? if in the example each city has the same amount of building, and Bob isn't immortal, he can't be killed by Spud, but if Jonny (2 citys) comes and takes advantage of the fact that Bob has no more armies he can kill him. Btw if Bob attacked in the past douring the war Spud can actually kill him :)


08:09:01 Sep 8th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

I thought it was the total number of buildings...not just cities.  So let's say that the two cities you took from Bob were tiny cities that werent really good at all...and the cities he had left were like all 70k mines...then you probably could keep going =P otherwise I am just as confused as you, but luckily I plan on not worrying about the rule.

08:16:08 Sep 8th 08 - Mr. Ghost:

Ok spud this is how it works and i know it quite well cuz of last era. Lets say your fighting me. If you have 500k total land and i have 200k you cant attack me until i attack you. So if i attack you, then you have attack rights on me the rest of the era and same goes for me if you retaliate and attack me after i attack you. But the one with the lowest buildings are always the first ones to attack because you cant touch them until they do. Hope it helps dude =)

08:19:55 Sep 8th 08 - Duke Spud:

Thank you everyone. But what you said about the smaller guy attacking first may not be true. Example, One of the members in our KD set a scout on an enemy city, the enemy attacked and killed the scout, then our member went to attack the enemy and he couldnt because of the 50% rule.

Thats the reason I asked for clarification in the first place.

08:21:24 Sep 8th 08 - Mr. Ghost:

oh ya well army to army you can attack but its the cities thats wat the 50% covers. Thats wat we did we sent scouts out to armouries and forced them to kill the scout so we had attack rights. So if you go army to army and the one with less buildings gets his army killed before he can attack then that player has attack rights on the bigger player the rest of the era no matter how small he gets and vise versa

08:22:53 Sep 8th 08 - Duke Spud:

Ghost, your not understanding me, WE"VE TRIED THAT. We sent a scout, let them attack it (And kill it) and then tried to attack back, didnt work...

08:24:34 Sep 8th 08 - Mr. Ghost:

dude retyped. But if thats teh case then there is a bug in the 50% rule

08:39:07 Sep 8th 08 - Lord Random:

It is land total, I had both situations last era, I had 4 large mine cities and an armoury, and then i took a whole heap of cities after being attacked by smaller players, saved up and land dropped about 10 of them, i still had the cities but 12k land and I was able to take anyone on the map.

Last era it was if you attacked a scout you could be attacked by the owner of the scout, I don't see why this would be any different this era.

Unless its a bug the only thing i could think of would be that another player had an army in the city and attacked the scout.

04:16:01 Sep 10th 08 - Lord Incognito:

Ok, so a guy attacked me and then he w=got killed and ended up respawning near our core. Can I still attack him and take his cities or do I have to wait for him to attack me?

08:34:55 Sep 10th 08 - Mr. Opportunity:

I had this happen to me last era ( me being the smaller one). I got killed by the same guy OOP. So i'm thinking yes

14:46:41 Oct 12th 08 - Duke Darkfaith:

does arma has any effect upon the 50% rule?

like when arma is active, does the 50% rule still count?

22:44:11 Oct 21st 08 - Mr. Gilthas:

Arma has no effect on the 50% rule.
(I'm 100% sure)

And scouts don't seem to lift the rule any more.. Losing bigger armies still does however.
(I could be wrong about this though, but I really think I had scouts being killed and I still couldn't take over the protected cities)

22:46:48 Oct 21st 08 - Lord Incognito:

No Arma doesnt affect it. Its still up :\

17:07:03 Oct 26th 08 - Mr. Manwe:

aha! so it's land not buildings! thanks

17:16:55 Oct 26th 08 - Mr. Little Halfling Farmer:

manwe, land IS buildings. If you got 2 cities with 500 buildings in it for example, then it's going to say you got 1000 land in total.

09:43:38 Oct 27th 08 - Mr. Knish:

Duke Spud


9/8/2008 6:01:51 AM

Alright, I have a question. Im going to ask it in scenerio form.

Scenerio - Spud has 6 cities, Bob has 6 cities. The 50% rule in this situation would be 3 cities if im not mistaken lol. so Spud and Bob go to war. Spud takes 1 of Bobs cities. Now Spud has 7 cities and Bob has 5. Spud takes another city. Spud now has 8 cities and bob has 4. Can Spud attack Bob anymore? Or does the 50% rule only come into play at the beginning of the battle? And if Spud cant attack Bob can Bob still attack Spud. I think thats a bit homo... does that mean that everyone is immortal in the worlds of Zeta down? You cant kill off anyone.

If anyone knows exactly how this rule works, please explain it to me.


  1. It's not cities, it's buildings.
  2. If Spud has a total of 10k buildings and Bob has a total of 4k buildings, Spud can no longer take over one of Bob's cities. He can siege it though.
  3. Uh...
  4. Duh...

It's as EASY as that!

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