Forums / Questions and Answers / 500k nazzies

500k nazzies
20:19:06 Sep 22nd 08 - Mr. Brain:

1. Has this ever happened? 500k nazzies trained by a player?

2. Can this happen on Zetamania where you can't take small players' cities?

3. Around how much should the score be? Under or over 700k?

20:25:43 Sep 22nd 08 - Sir Binh The Avenger:

1. Yes, in fact there was 1M+ nazzies army running around on fantasia in this one era due to market feeding from mantrax to fantasia.

2. It can still happen, you just need to know how. It's made harder now with no market feeding between worlds.

3. 500k nazzie will give you much more than 700k lol. No precise number though.

20:34:10 Sep 22nd 08 - Mr. Athens:

I've heard of a 1.5m nazzie army + level 10 military science lol - era's and era's ago

20:38:19 Sep 22nd 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

I bet Binh accomplished it XD

20:48:00 Sep 22nd 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

t'was saint paul if I rmemeber correctly.

21:13:29 Sep 22nd 08 - Mr. Brain:

Forgot to say...

I'm talking about Last era.

21:48:40 Sep 22nd 08 - Sir Ice Ice Baby Ice:

Last era?


22:02:33 Sep 22nd 08 - Mr. Athens:

Lol - I couldn't agree more

23:51:21 Sep 22nd 08 - Mr. Brain:

That's my thought.

Anyways, apparently it was 300k shamans + 200k nazzies.
Plausible, but very hard IMHO... O_O

09:28:37 Sep 23rd 08 - Mr. Opportunity:

I almost had 10k nazzies last era lol

EDIT: I remember seeing that army. I was on the world with it and it was the first horde I have ever seen. I was scared lol

10:07:44 Sep 23rd 08 - Lord Random:

sir miller has 19k on mant right now.....

13:05:36 Sep 23rd 08 - Mr. Penguin:

its kinda easy when u know how to do it ;)

05:55:53 Sep 24th 08 - Mr. Opportunity:

*cough*land drop*cough*

04:20:20 Sep 25th 08 - Mr. Sanoh:

miller isnt land dropping right now

04:45:38 Sep 25th 08 - Mr. Bladedge:

Wow...I remember hearing of that 1.5 mil nazzy army but I wasn't around. The most I ever trained was maybe 10k...

06:34:05 Sep 27th 08 - Lord Random:

he was....

11:44:38 Oct 12th 08 - Ms. Auspice:

It was 8 million nazguls, with 8 million MUs (split into 4)

21:09:12 Oct 12th 08 - Ms. Auspice:

Oh and ironically, L0 military science as Saint Paul forgot to upgrade.  It wasn't really possible to have more troops without putting the effort into making a large unlimited mine.  That was -85m gold/tick, or 1 billion maintenance just while asleep/offline.  The most you could log out with was 2 billion due to money cap.

17:57:42 Oct 18th 08 - Sir Inactive Killer:

Last era, phah. Impossible on fant. I had 35k-40k naz, around 140k shamans. And it was like 3rd or 4th on HoH at end of era. I know for a fact 1st was a halfer army with a several hundred thousand advents.

I had 2,355,681 points and I hardly had a massive income. So i'm guessing it 200k naz alone would give you more than 2mill points. Probably?

18:46:22 Oct 18th 08 - Mr. Frodo:

lol maybe it was 500k gaia LOL. with that amount u would make hoh easily

18:52:07 Oct 18th 08 - Wolflord Karac:

200k naz is 30mil points.

18:56:08 Oct 18th 08 - Mr. Penguin:

wawowiwa auspice?

16:48:16 Oct 24th 08 - Mr. Elite Man:

1.Viceroy Saint PaulAgent SmithOrc136087885

16:48:59 Oct 24th 08 - Mr. Elite Man:


16:33:38 Oct 27th 08 - Mr. Caesar:

wtf?? my max nazzies is +/- 60k. how can you make 950K of that stuff??

23:03:21 Oct 27th 08 - Ms. Sloth The Girl:

Inter world feeding.. Explained above

21:14:53 Oct 29th 08 - Mr. Opportunity:

Its just insane

19:43:27 Nov 11th 08 - Ms. Auspice:

Yea interworld feeding, combined with a bug in static troop costs that resulted in infinite money/turns.  For the cost of ~10m gold in MUs, you could get 1 bonus turn on average through control time.  Hence at larger income it fed itself gold-wise.  With a large enough armory (>300k homes, 15k armories), MUs/peasants each tick were also sustainable through training max Gaia each tick and releasing them into peasants.  With ~200 armies hovering over the town, you would not lose all MU in one control time cast if you split them up (tedious, yes..).  Through efficient keystroke shortcuts, you could manage about +60 BTs/hour.  As I had 150m income a tick, this was also 9 billion gold an hour when online. Rather than spend a massive amount of gold on 8m Nazguls (this would have been 68b gold, or 34 maximum intraworld transfers), 8m Cavemasters were instead ownaged into Nazguls (L5 conversion bug).  This took about 8-10m MUs but they're cheap so it was manageable.

19:46:36 Nov 11th 08 - Ms. Auspice:

It was a combination of many factors (unlimited cities, static cost bug, no refreshes on each army transfer, BTs being stockpilable, gaia releasable into peasants, and linked markets) that made this possible only in era 16.

21:59:59 Nov 11th 08 - Ms. Sloth The Girl:

Lol, major bugs huh >.>

22:02:07 Nov 11th 08 - Duke Senturu God of Spam:

i remember that era :P

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