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90k Cities
01:23:17 Aug 4th 11 - Princess Bloodrayne:

Do 90k Cities get full bonus for any resource no matter where they are located?
Do you get all bonuses or does it matter where the town is located?

01:35:29 Aug 4th 11 - Mr. Snoopy:

Yes, they get full bonus. Doesn't have to be fully built either, unless it's extremely far away from the resource. 

No, doesn't matter where the town is located. If you're closer to a resource, you can get the bonus before the town is completed. But maxed out 90k will get you full bonus, no matter what.
I've had a 90k get full bonus, once it get near 54k buildings, when rather close to mountains, and other times, had to finish it when in the middle of nowhere

01:41:33 Aug 4th 11 - Princess Bloodrayne:

So technically you could have a rainbow that would produce full bonuses on all resources?
Is it "ok" to rainbow 90k ?

01:46:26 Aug 4th 11 - Mr. Snoopy:

Oh sure, I personally like to add 10-30k farms in my 90/200k's, when I finally do the big "drop" to help with food costs later. (depends on race)

Anywho, simple non-ranty answer; yes. :P

01:58:42 Aug 4th 11 - Princess Bloodrayne:

Ok thanx ^^

Just asking cause in my 20+ eras of experience I have never build a 90k city

I suck I know ^^

02:04:14 Aug 4th 11 - Zond (General Tongue Whisperer):

its only cuz ur female though <3

02:05:11 Aug 4th 11 - Mr. Snoopy:

No probs; this is fulfilling my need to rant on about a subject I'm interested in, for once. lol

02:15:23 Aug 4th 11 - Princess Bloodrayne:

Zond, I am sure some guys suck too!

I made a 90k in the open on Latha, gonna make it a big rainbow :P

02:18:07 Aug 4th 11 - Zond (General Tongue Whisperer):

xD yes, yes. Nipples. i like them. :P

And u could have asked me about 90ks, i like building them :P

02:19:10 Aug 4th 11 - Princess Bloodrayne:

I dont know what you're talking about :O

Well that is what I usually do...
Wait for others to build the cities, then I come and take em :)

02:20:20 Aug 4th 11 - Zond (General Tongue Whisperer):

I build a 90k for oop, then take others :P

Then are nice :)

02:21:34 Aug 4th 11 - Mr. Snoopy:

I EQ 90k's...... and lulz. :P

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