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Armoriessemi related moaning
15:05:48 Jun 29th 11 - Mr. Urist Mcminer:

Armories.. how the fudge do they work. Ive read that 200 armories half lvl1 troops cost but i have 300ish armories and my troops cost the full price, 250 gold. Have armories been changed back to halving training time?

Some what related - is there a reliable guide or page on how this game works? It seems changes are made but they're not documented anywhere. Im following guides that are made for old versions of VU.

15:09:36 Jun 29th 11 - Sir Horus XVI:

armories do not reduce cost, they reduce training times (up to half), 7500 - 8000 armories always gives maximum bonus, but ratio of armories:homes also contributes to reduction%

keep in mind each lvl of mili science add 1 tick to training times

where did you read this it needs to be corrected, that is very old information

16:08:48 Jun 29th 11 - Mr. Soul:

Ratio is 1-5, so 1k homes and 5k arms will give you may discount on training time, but will not make troops cheaper. You cant get cheaper troops, unless if admins change something in one of the next eras. If you have 1500 homes then you need 5500 armories to keep the discount. Having 7500 armories gives you full discount no matter what, so you can have 10k homes and 7.5k arms and it will still be max discount. Ratio is the same with resource buildings, 1-5

credit aisha

16:26:35 Jun 29th 11 - Mr. Urist Mcminer:

I must have misread somewhere then. Thanks for the quick help, guys.

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