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Armoury setup
09:42:09 Mar 10th 09 - Sir Gilth:

When population is a limiting factor to train troops (ie. Dwarf, Halfling or mage), is it more profitable to have:

  •  5 armoury cities with 1k homes
  • 1 armoury city with 5k homes. 

The second option saves a lot of land, but as I don't know the formulas for peasant growth, I was wondering if population grows faster in 5 separate cities or in 1 city.

11:00:11 Mar 10th 09 - Mr. Iridium:

Just ship pez in from your mines? Dont know the formula but im guessing more homes = more room for pez = more growth in terms of numbers.

13:53:49 Mar 10th 09 - Sir Death Proof:

I have found with Orc this era that to get full discount its pushing more like 1k homes to 7-10k armouries. Now with halflings last era I had 1k homes and 6k armouries to get full discount. I don't think the 1k homes for 5k armouries applies anymore.

14:17:20 Mar 10th 09 - Mr. Iridium:

Sir Death Proof


3/10/2009 12:53:49 PM
I have found with Orc this era that to get full discount its pushing more like 1k homes to 7-10k armouries. Now with halflings last era I had 1k homes and 6k armouries to get full discount. I don't think the 1k homes for 5k armouries applies anymore.
Nothing was changed... Dont know how but you managed to fail at building a armoury...

14:33:41 Mar 10th 09 - General Ezatious:

ya assens quit building 20k armouries !!!!

15:01:14 Mar 10th 09 - Commander Aligreat:

seconded ^^

altho i took 2 rev arms next to each other 9k and 11k arms,wtf?

15:16:47 Mar 10th 09 - Mr. Iridium:

Lol, this thread has gone slightly offtopic but... I want B&D back =(...

17:16:26 Mar 10th 09 - Sir Gilth:

shhs.. get out of my thread or answer my question..

and I got an armoury with 10k arms.. 6k homes.. the training limit is ok, but peasant growth is soo slooow.. moving peasants around helps a lot, but faster peasant growth would be nice too.

22:29:06 Mar 10th 09 - Duke Random:

i gotst 15k armouries :)

00:03:16 Mar 11th 09 - Ms. Coxy Reborn:

surely its best to have 1 armoury so you dont have to pay for 5 cities?

03:34:49 Mar 11th 09 - Duke Random:

ok seriouls answer now,

I use one armoury because if you have 5k homes then to get max discount on lvl 5's you only need 15k.... which means that you can keep on building houses without wasting land on armouries.....

even IF (i havent tried it) pez grows faster in seperate cities then the amount of extra houses you will be able to build for the land available will have to outweigh what you would need in multiple equivalent armouries.....

03:51:56 Mar 11th 09 - Praetorian Wyzer:

For max possible discount it is has been 1K Homes/5k Arms ONLY city, at least since I started 10 eras ago.

Yes you can have a 15K arms city, as that is supposedly the absolute discount regardless of other buildings in same city, but it's such a waste.

If you want more pezzies each tick you need Medicine Science.

Other than that, you need your arms near resource cities with "extra housing" or plenty of slaves so you don't effect your production when moving out pezzies.  Of course without "extra housing" you lose tax income.

07:57:52 Mar 11th 09 - Sir Gilth:

My armoury gives perfect -50% for my Archmages cost and thats with 10k armouries - 6k houses. I'm sure everyone can work out the connection with the 5k armouries - 1k houses.
The real 'ratio' behind the armouries is somewhere on this forum. Nnd its not: "build 1 to 5 all the way".

Now, My question but without the armoury part.
Will peasants come faster when you have 2 different cities with 1k homes or when you have 1 city with 2k homes.
Lets assume this setup:

1k homes - 5k mines
1k homes - 5k mines

2k homes - 10k mines.

Which option gives best population growth? Or are the equal?

11:58:16 Mar 26th 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

Can't answer your question Gilth - but the best you can do - fill your cities with slaves and use all pezies to train - so you dont rely too much on pezies from 5k home.

19:47:50 Mar 26th 09 - Mr. Killer:

Gilth, A has a better population growth, I'm pretty sure. The population growth is less as you have more houses(per house). I'm not definite about this though, and it wouldn't be by much anyway.

19:56:35 Mar 26th 09 - Mr. Midlle Earth:

if you have got 15k armories, then you have always full discount, even if you have 30k homes!

13:07:24 Mar 29th 09 - Mr. Seloc:

Ms. Coxy Reborn


3/10/2009 11:03:16 PM
surely its best to have 1 armoury so you dont have to pay for 5 cities?
See this is where farming doesn't pay off. The real players would just take 5 cities.

13:14:42 Mar 29th 09 - Mr. Earth:

Get more medicine science!

Meds 8 helps GREATLY

13:14:42 Mar 29th 09 - Mr. Earth:

Get more medicine science!

Meds 8 helps GREATLY

21:12:57 Apr 11th 09 - Mr. Abyss:

Having 2 cities with 1k homes would overall bring more peasants in because each city would bring in about the same growth of peasants while the 2k city would only bring in the growth of 1 city with maybe just a little above average growth but 2 cities still prevails, however, the downfall is that you must build 2 cities and pay the extra gold for that city then just building one city and spending the extra gold elsewhere like your economy.

Also medicine science helps greatly in increasing the growth of peasants the higher the science the more peasants that come in(they learn how to breed the right way) plus its cheap :P

Also having a large armory with 15k armories and however many homes is only worthwhile if you place the armory properly just plopping it down in any old spot wont do cause you have to march peasants their to be sacrificed for troops.

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