Forums / Questions and Answers / Army Merge Travel Speed

Army Merge Travel Speed
14:07:28 Jun 16th 10 - Mr. Bonetroll:

What is the idea behind Merging ones armies ?

Can I only merge two armies together or more ?

Will the resulting army created by the merge move at the same speed as one of the original armies involved with the merge -(... I am assuming here that all armies involved are of the same makeup unit type-wise and same size)

14:30:03 Jun 16th 10 - Lord Gilth:

Merging your own armies is basically adding them together, combining both into 1 single army. There is no limit on how many armies you can merge. But you can only merge into the same army once / tick. And you can only merge your own armies.

Army A:
500 hobgoblins
1000 warlords

Army B: 
300 berzerkers

If you decide to merge army A into army B, army A will disappear and army B will now have 500 hobgoblins, 1000 warlords and 300 berzerkers.
If you merge army B into army A, army B will disappear and army A will have 500 hobgoblins, 1000 warlords and 300 berzerkers.

So all troops get added together in 1 army.
Your army size changes depending on the new amount of troops. 
If you army size changes, so does army movement speed.

16:46:29 Jun 16th 10 - Mr. Bonetroll:

Thanks for that Lord Gillth, much appreciated

I take it that this all happens out in the field (no need for a city) otherwise it would be a very pointless excercise

12:07:16 Jun 17th 10 - Lord Gilth:

It happens on the field. Make sure you set a new path because after a merge, your army stops moving.

It happens in allied cities, ie. blockers, because you can't use the city to transfer troops from 1 army to the other. (because you don't own it ofc.)

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