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Attack prep and merging
06:16:15 Jul 4th 09 - Mr. Penor The Large:

Quick question. I had, lets say 45% chance to take a city and then I merged in an army and my chances went down to 40%. What happened? morale stayed the same. He did not put any more troops into the city.

06:25:50 Jul 4th 09 - Mr. Barny:

What does it say when you click the army? As in, what is the message it gives?

When attacking a city, if it says "We have prepared 1 days for this attack, it will take another 9 days before we are fully prepared" then you have 1/10 of the total power. Siege attacks are automatically twice as powerful as other attacks. I believe that what happened to you was you merged more troops in, and due to higher prep times on cities with walls/more buildings/more of your own troops, the time needed to prepare increased but your time prepared on the city did not. IE: you were 3/10 prepared, merged, and are now 3/11 or something.

06:31:17 Jul 4th 09 - Mr. Pure Ftw:

also does it have GT in it did the seige chang aswell

08:13:01 Jul 4th 09 - Mr. Penor The Large:

The city was not seiged and there were no GTs pure. No walls either.
I think Barny is right, but my prep restarted without me being attacked and without locust being casted :(

08:16:21 Jul 4th 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

i guess you merged the army that had prepared in an unprepared army, giving you the chances of the unprepared one?

09:14:55 Jul 4th 09 - Mr. Penor The Large:

I think its cause i tried to cast spells from the army and prep time restarted or something :(

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