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Blockers Caps and Beginings
05:45:21 Feb 18th 12 - Mr. Foggle:

Is a kingdom's membership capped? Limited by a game parameter?

I landed on Mogrox, in a small corner blocked (intelligently) by closed gates belonging to the kinfolk of White Rose. Their kingdom does not come up as one I can join in the application menu.

If membership is capped and I can't join them under any circumstances there is not the remotest hope of growing enough to hold my ground.

In which case my first time here (total noob) ends swiftly. Before I get to settle in/enjoy my stay/fight my corner I'll be trounced. And if that's how it's going to be... I doubt I'll come back. Which would seem a shame. It sounded like this would be fun.

Any bright ideas welcome and gratefully received.

Best wishes


06:29:33 Feb 18th 12 - Mr. Niod:

Only solution I can see is for you to contact White Rose and ask for a NAP (non-agression pact).  If they have any sense they will accept because they cannot gain much from taking your cities and it would not be good for the game to chase away a new player.

Good luck


06:35:53 Feb 18th 12 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Jesus Left Toe):

Or join a kingdom with whom they already have relations.

07:22:04 Feb 18th 12 - Foggle (Mr. Foggle):

Both good answers, and I'll look into that. Thanks a lot.

So was I right? Are kingdom memberships capped? Comparing kingdoms and looking at the top kingdoms on this map suggests that membership is capped at 10.


10:16:33 Feb 18th 12 - Wilberforce (Lady Boooyyyy):

On lower worlds, the amount of KD members allowed is indeed capped at 10. It's unfortunate where you spawned, it seems the designated spawn point at the time is there. There does seem to be alot of people spawned there.

10:51:24 Feb 18th 12 - Stirlin (Mr. Stirlins):

ditch the lower worlds you will always suck as a player if you stay on them, looks for a decent sized fant/mant kd, join one of them and let a player take you under his/her wing

22:44:35 Feb 18th 12 - Dragon (Sir Guardian):

Mogrox has a Guide on it that are there to help you if you need help.

Mr. Moglolrox (Mogrox)  - 
Brotherhood of Nod5Mr. Moglolrox3268
may be able to take you in and help you

01:00:48 Feb 22nd 12 - Foggle (Mr. Foggle):

Thank you all. I have a kd to call home here on Mogrox till the world ends. Once I've found my feet a little I may take Stirlin's advice and leave the lower worlds behind.

Btw, fant/mant kd? Is what? I picked up on nap and map pretty quickly - no idea what fant/mant might mean....

01:13:36 Feb 22nd 12 - Princess Aisha:

This is the list of worlds in this game:

Fantasia | Mantrax | Zetamania | Starta | Nirvana | Valhalla | Armageddon| Talents| Midgard| Latha| Fensteria| Mogrox

Fant - shortcut for Fantasia, the first and largest world
Mant - shortcut to Mantrax, smaller but also important

They are suggesting moving to high worlds right away, though I would suggest stick around on lower worlds for a bit, try to get a Kd and learn about the game before going to higher worlds. Serious Kds will not accept anyone who applies, so you will need to know what you're doing.

10:20:58 Feb 22nd 12 - Polydeuces (Mr. Valkyros X):

No but serious kingdoms also love to have new, articulate players who are eager to learn the game.  Some leaders (myself) actually prefer to have newer players in the kingdom if they aren't foolish, they usually listen well and try very hard as they feel they've something to prove.  

In fact, one of my best era's to date was leading Sol Invictus' very first era around to victories thus having us forced to start on Fant the next era, back when we had cross worlds and that would happen.. Out of ~10 players at least 7 players never played before or were in their first or second era.

11:48:38 Feb 22nd 12 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

They are suggesting moving to high worlds right away, though I would suggest stick around on lower worlds for a bit, try to get a Kd and learn about the game before going to higher worlds. Serious Kds will not accept anyone who applies, so you will need to know what you're doing.

this is why theres so many sucky players. you dont learn anything in those worlds the only way you get good is by playing against and with the top players, playing against sucky players will totally prepare you wrong as you will learn their style of play. And all this nosense about top kds not accepting new players is tosh, a new player who communicates and is active is a good asset, skill can be taught.

11:04:25 Mar 13th 12 - Mr. Gloom Aloysius:

Join a Fantasian or Mantrax kingdom, you will learn everything the hard way and next time you know, you are an addict player of VU. :)

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