Forums / Questions and Answers / Bonus for 90k cities

Bonus for 90k cities
18:27:16 Jul 26th 10 - Mr. Yogi of Yogi:

Considering a city the size of 90k city you have to place it far enough away from whatever you are going to be doing right? Such as mining or whatever in order to be able to have the room to grow.. But since you placed it that far away you wont get that bonus at first, how long does it actually take for you to get the bonus for the resource that you are trying to get for a city that you can not place right up on the source due to growth factors?


19:47:12 Jul 26th 10 - Fire Lord Nova The Sleeping Dragon:

Depends where it is placed. It's not set in stone where and when you will get max bonus for cities. Assuming a 90k spot, could be 1k buildings for max bonus, could be 50k . It takes era's of exp to know where the good spots are as well as the bad ones.

23:50:07 Jul 26th 10 - Clown Wankin Between Ticks:

or to be donator :D

00:06:56 Jul 27th 10 - Mr. Ignotus:

It seems like being a donator has its benefits but really I see no point cuz a 90k city is the best kind except for humans its 200k.

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