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Can u answar this Admin?
15:28:35 Apr 16th 09 - Mr. Overcome:

What science depends on the merge leader when we assemble a merge?

Ive heard so many different things now, and it has been a never ending story.

Ive been told from the start that its military and magic science, but recently a veteran (and i mean veteran, played since 4th era or so) told me that it was only military.

For those who think they know this, please just bump the page instead of giving your answar, cause there will always be someone that think its something else. Lets here what the admin have to say.


15:32:47 Apr 16th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

Magic and Military doesn't affect the attack % but it does affect the injury rate.

not sure about medicine.

15:35:27 Apr 16th 09 - Sir Bob The Builder Smurf:

I've heard the magic defense is based on the merge leader's magic level, but haven't really tested that

And I can agree with Lew on the attack %; a week ago, a member had a 62% on an attack with the merge with military 6; I was handed the merge with military 0 (hooray elves!), and still had 62%

15:52:45 Apr 16th 09 - Lord Whoop:

a week ago, a member had a 62% on an attack with the merge with military 6; I was handed the merge with military 0 (hooray elves!), and still had 62%



Yes... that's true.. but what happened... Of course the guy with military level 0 didn't killed a lot of troops but only injured them..(still a lot of those did died..)

And I know what you mean Overcome.. It would be nice to hear an awnser by the admin himself..

16:23:01 Apr 16th 09 - Mr. Pure:

i just spoke to zeta on msn he said that he will look at it later and post the right answer

16:42:33 Apr 16th 09 - Mr. Overcome:

very well=)

17:26:39 Apr 16th 09 - Mr. Josef:

The merge leaders mil sci only counts when losses are calculated, it used to actually count in the battle %s but that was fixed quite a few eras ago, the same holds true for cities/blockers, if the holder of the blocker has lvl 0 mil sci, people that attack the blocker will suffer less/no dead/injured even if the attack fails, while the defenders inside will suffer high dead losses and low injured.

For magic, the leaders magic sci overwrites that of the people inside the merge, that's why people have elves move armies, since they have high magic level.

EDIT: As for medicine, it is unknown if the merge leaders med sci applies to the entire merge, but it's possible, maybe even probable.

And this brings to an end your question and answer round.

18:45:39 Apr 16th 09 - Mr. Overcome:

actually its not=)

i would like to have the admin answar this, specially since we dont know about the medicin

19:01:55 Apr 16th 09 - Dark Lord Osiris:

well the mili and magic sci are correct as the admin has said it before. as for medi do some testing ffs. ppl want everything too easy (note magic sci overwrites all others sci yes but doesnt change the O/D of the Archmages before you ask)

21:59:48 Apr 16th 09 - VU Admin:

Everything posted in this thread is correct.

22:19:25 Apr 16th 09 - Mr. Overcome:

allright, thank you for your time=)

23:08:58 Apr 16th 09 - Lord Leon Carnage:

Very enlightening.

23:14:07 Apr 16th 09 - Mr. Pineapple:

VU Admin


4/16/2009 9:59:48 PM

Everything posted in this thread is correct.

Brown nose..

00:35:48 Apr 17th 09 - Mr. Ddles:


02:33:40 Jul 6th 09 - Mr. Flamez:

Cats are better then dogs. *With Admin saying everything in this thread is correct, so is this =P*

03:25:55 Jul 6th 09 - Demonslayer The Confused Demon Farmer:

Everything before his post...and reviving it just to say that is rather...sad.

03:34:35 Jul 6th 09 - Mr. Flamez:

I know, and i honestly have no life.

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