Forums / Questions and Answers / Defence

19:52:01 Jul 25th 09 - Mr. Barboa:

I am just starting out in the game, have past the time where I am no longer under protection, I have been trying to build up my army and I have set up my wall's tower's and mage tower's, currently at 80% n increasing, cuse I saw a brigade coming at me, my question is how well can my defences hold out and how much time do I have before they can attack?

20:02:21 Jul 25th 09 - Mr. Barboa:

I will ad a bit more, like I mentioned ealier I am first timer here and I am wondering just to be able to start out and make a settlement with out bigger armies coming in and destroying you is this a possibilty, or do you have to be here on day one to even stand a chance? Seems to me I have done everything possible to try and get started and try and get some where in the game.

20:06:41 Jul 25th 09 - Duchess Jasmina:

It all depends on how strong the attacker is. If you have many towers and full walls you should be able to hold the enemy till you can train some of your own troops.
Have you done any Science upgrades yet? You should do lots of Mining and Magic is very important too cause if you have magic science then you can cast Eye in Sky to see what troops the attacker has. Also with magic you can also freeze the army so they cant get to your city.
Since you're new I guess you did not do magic, well then I suggest build more towers and walls, and train as many troops as you can, if you have many strong troops with full walls enemy should not be able to take your city.
Walls give 100% more defense, so calculate everything you have to be double if you have full walls.

I sure hope you can survive, we need new players :) Do you know on which world you are, what Kingdom is attacking you? You might have 50% land protection but we cant be sure cause I dont know where you are.

05:16:29 Jul 26th 09 - Mr. Barboa:

I just started out maybee three nights ago, built up my city , built resources and before i was to be vunrable for attack i made sure my defences were at a 100 % or as close to it as possible, kept my population inside and along comes a brigade and takes me out,  with all respect to who ever desighned this game, it really stinks when you can not even have a chance to start out. Honestly dont think I will be wasting my time on this again considering I did everything I could possibly do to try n start out, building as many guard towers and mage towers and responsibly chosing science and armies to start with. For all I know maybee the guy that took me out was a cheat, for a realm to very close to be in the begining and to have that many fortress, and armies, seems a lil bit off to me.

Does anybody monitor that stuff or r some players getting away with what ever they want, well anyhows does not seem very fun  to play against odd's like that.

05:27:04 Jul 26th 09 - Mr. Awesomeman:

all you need to do is open the gates of your cities and i cant attack them anymore, your below 50%.

Also, as far as i know there is no way to cheat in this game.  Zeta is very good at making sure of fair play. 

As for the fast starting, that all takes practice.  In a few eras m sure you'll be the one crushing me in the first week OOP.

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