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Donating as a Roleplayer
19:18:20 Jul 21st 08 - Duke Argyle:

If I donate the big ammount because I want all the game advantages: scouting colony size, seeing path's etc etc.. (and support the game of course)

Will I still be able to use my RP title? can I change each era back and forth? will I be able to get more RP points even if I have donated for a custom title?

Have anyone encountered any problems donating as a roleplayer?

19:42:44 Jul 21st 08 - Sir Gonzo The Great:

Lewatha is also a Lady, she wants to be able to do the same

But she cant...
You must stick with that title forever unless perhpas you asked ZeTa too change it...

19:46:40 Jul 21st 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

you can change back to your old title but you cant change back to the donated one after that afaik

19:58:54 Jul 21st 08 - Sir Evans:

thats correct osi, shezmu tried it, and we found out he couldnt go back

20:02:47 Jul 21st 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

it sux, I wanna be a a lady for an era or 2 but I can't :(

20:04:26 Jul 21st 08 - Prince Insomaniak:

well...I'm hell mad that ZeTa didnt let it change back...also there is no warning the custom title will vanish if you change it at restart... :(

20:35:14 Jul 21st 08 - Mr. Old Greg:

hmm that does sounds unfair. it would be good to be able to switch to your old RP title for a few eras and then back to the donated one, you did pay money for it after all, surely Zeta could change it back if you asked?

16:54:31 Jul 22nd 08 - WolfLord Durza Floyd Pepper:

Well, that is pure stupid! Once you donate for a custom title you should be able to keep it forever, even if one era you wishh to change to something else!

06:07:33 Jul 23rd 08 - Wolflord Karac:

^^ i agree


Pirate is a woman??!!?? Sorry lewatha, ive always refered to you as him..... :s

06:36:18 Jul 23rd 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

Wolflord Karac


7/23/2008 1:07:33 AM

^^ i agree


Pirate is a woman??!!?? Sorry lewatha, ive always refered to you as him..... :s

Wow even I knew that and I think you have been here a LOT longer than I have -_-

21:01:03 Jul 23rd 08 - Wolflord Karac:

never dealed with lewatha much until this era :s

09:56:05 Jul 24th 08 - Sir Gonzo The Great:

What do you mean Deal?


/me ram raids Karac's house and takes the druggs

09:58:44 Jul 24th 08 - Wolflord Karac:

NOOOO not the drugs!!!!


I need those for my mental condition.... you wont like me angry....... **Gets all big and green**

21:23:44 Jul 24th 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

hah, I've never seen you call me a him... strange :P

01:00:40 Jul 25th 08 - Wolflord Karac:

thats cause i always refer to you as Pirate ;)



09:56:11 Jul 28th 08 - Sir Chucky:

Pirate Lewatha


7/22/2008 5:02:47 AMit sux, I wanna be a a lady for an era or 2 but I can't :(

you will never be a lady =]

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