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End of Era scores
22:55:57 Jul 17th 09 - Mr. Monkeydust:

How was the scoring done for the players in the disconnected realms? because my placement doesn't make much sense... there are a few people i was a lot more powerful then who placed better then me and i don't understand how.

Troll464.Mr. Nathaniel The Great
Total land: 5482Battles won: 0Cities captured: 0
Total killed: 611Science lvls: 4Total troops: 0
F: 0%M: 0%Z: 0%S: 0%N: 0%V: 0%A: 0%T: 0%M: 0%

Dwarf469.Mr. Monkeydust of Sol Invictus
Total land: 65987Battles won: 7Cities captured: 2
Total killed: 5232Science lvls: 20Total troops: 48891
F: 0%M: 0%Z: 0%S: 0%N: 0%V: 0%A: 0%T: 0%M: 0%

we were both on Fensteria.

01:47:45 Jul 18th 09 - Ms. Eignaj:

Well, I think a lot of the scoring had to do with your resources (gold especially) on-hand at the time...
I was in the top rankings when I came to check in the mornings, but when I spent all the gold on buildings and such, my rankings just dropped.
So I suppose if he's inactive, but has income, he would have a lot of gold on-hand, and that's what gave him his score this era...

02:17:43 Jul 18th 09 - Mr. Monkeydust:

man, if i had had 5 more ticks i would have plundered him again...

03:08:19 Jul 18th 09 - Duke Pikachu:

Human5.Duke Pikachu of Chocolate
Total land: 16128Battles won: 62Cities captured: 51
Total killed: 518107Science lvls: 26Total troops: 797255
F: 100%M: 0%Z: 0%S: 0%N: 0%V: 0%A: 0%T: 0%M: 0%

why didn't i win?

03:13:38 Jul 18th 09 - Mr. Monkeydust:

it was fixed for me

Dwarf438.Mr. Monkeydust of Dynamite
Total land: 65987Battles won: 8Cities captured: 2
Total killed: 9438Science lvls: 20Total troops: 21205
F: 0%M: 0%Z: 0%S: 0%N: 0%V: 0%A: 0%T: 0%M: 0%

Troll476.Mr. Nathaniel The Great
Total land: 5482Battles won: 0Cities captured: 0
Total killed: 611Science lvls: 4Total troops: 6825
F: 0%M: 0%Z: 0%S: 0%N: 0%V: 0%A: 0%T: 0%M: 0%

03:15:34 Jul 18th 09 - Mr. Monkeydust:

although my total troops drooped :( that should not count, it was an after end of era battle! i did Kamikazes with my 2 largest armies :( and my rank dropped because of it =(

03:34:59 Jul 18th 09 - Mr. Barny:

I placed #3 on Latha; and I placed 450 overall because the separate world is not ranked separately.

09:59:50 Jul 18th 09 - Mr. Penor The Impressive:

Even on connected... There are people i should have beaten and visa versa

18:20:17 Jul 18th 09 - Mr. Monkeydust:

i'm really kinda annoyed that my after end of era fighting effected my score, my # of troops was cut in half!

23:46:31 Jul 18th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

4.Mr. Gawaine of Hellbunnies
Total land: 227236Battles won: 27Cities captured: 15
Total killed: 120045Science lvls: 26Total troops: 121321
F: 7%M: 0%Z: 0%S: 23%N: 21%V: 10%A: 37%T: 0%M: 0%

65.Mr. Crazycrissxcross of Phi Factor
Total land: 493121Battles won: 79Cities captured: 52
Total killed: 404722Science lvls: 23Total troops: 172851
F: 3%M: 0%Z: 0%S: 8%N: 89%V: 0%A: 0%T: 0%M: 0%

compare the two, it's about resources probably, I had about 28mil gold handy at end era. And for us two Fant land, but I've only got 4% more than him...

02:01:06 Jul 19th 09 - Sir Belmont The Avenger:

217.Sir Belmont The Avenger of Chocolate
Total land: 44988 Battles won: 5 Cities captured: 9
Total killed: 25625 Science lvls: 17 Total troops: 218222
F: 0% M: 0% Z: 0% S: 0% N: 0% V: 0% A: 0% T: 0% M: 100%

i had troops in starta nirvana and fantasia and even moe troops and yet it doesnt counts? i had even cities and armies in Zetamania

02:39:38 Jul 19th 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

05:28:05 Jul 19th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

WOW it says 4. My bad, it should say 64. LOL no way I made 4th!

20:59:54 Jul 19th 09 - Mr. Explorer:

Ah I see now.

Yes, on Latha and primarily counted towards the HoH ranking. It seems ZeTa must of updated the scores and made it the same as how it used to be, before connected worlds, on these two worlds.

Gawaine, that scoring seems right to me, its not based on resources there. The amount of points you get from the 4% extra on Fant outweights his double land and 50k more troops. I assume so at least :)

21:09:53 Jul 19th 09 - Mr. Barny:

That, and the 28 million gold plays into it heavily. The moment I realize how far gold weighed into scores; I stopped doing anything and sat on mu gold.

21:17:35 Jul 19th 09 - Sir Water:

gold doesnt count in scores? atleast last era it didnt

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