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End of the era points
23:32:04 Jan 30th 09 - Lord Whoop:

Most Powerful Rulers round 37
Rank Ruler Kingdom Race Score
1. Mr. Messiah Godlike Noobs Halfling 11539830
2. Mr. Sloth Retribution Halfling 11307669
3. Dark Lord Finwe Retribution Human 2436729
4. The Farmer Foundation Halfling 1857445
5. Mr. Barney Stinson Retribution Dwarf 1792059
6. Sir Wilberforce Pwner Prosapia Orc 1963185
7. Sir Farmer Mazvis Foundation Halfling 1974901
8. Mr. left hand of onuris Godlike Noobs Elf 1656614
9. Pirate Lewatha Retribution Elf 1461452
10. Mr. Dispater Godlike Noobs Human 1458344
11. Mr. Righthand of Onuris Godlike Noobs Orc 1739009
12. Mr. Farmer Von Darkmoor Foundation Troll 1267442
13. Mr. Toutatis Godlike Noobs Elf 1232361
14. Lady Hazel Retribution Human 1075527
15. Mr. Farmer Snarfy Foundation Troll 1068433
16. Mr. Makedon Retribution Orc 1013727
17. Mr. Linetwist Retribution Troll 988752
18. Mr. Qassim Retribution Troll 1048275
19. Mr. Volturnus Godlike Noobs Human 1000614
20. Mr. Edward Adams Dorian Empire Human 1216295


Why do some people with less points end up higher on the list then other people which have more points? For example... I have picked the first 20 players. Number 6 & 7 have more points then number 4. I don't get it.


151. Mr. Vrag FriendsForever Orc 11962
152. Mr. Edd The Chompers Human 3791
153. Mr. Pie Maker The Chompers Troll 191
154. Sir epyon the executive producer Halfling 29
156. Lord Whoop Dark Human 1236227

And what about this one... i am 156th of the list. I have a score of 1.2 milion. And someone with 29 points is higher then i am.

Can some one explain this?

23:37:10 Jan 30th 09 - Mr. Shmeh:

151. Mr. Vrag FriendsForever Orc 11962
152. Mr. Edd The Chompers Human 3791
153. Mr. Pie Maker The Chompers Troll 191
154. Sir epyon the executive producer Halfling 29
156. Lord Whoop Dark Human 1236227
also the nos are mucked up 154 - 156 :S that happens more and more the further down the list you go

23:42:13 Jan 30th 09 - Sir Perkunas:

its counted by what you have on fantasia :)

23:45:30 Jan 30th 09 - Lord Whoop:

Yeah i don't get it :P the 155 is gone :P And... I even see more people with more then 2 milion points. They are lower on the list than I am...


Spoon, score = 2.9 milion at place 162, was a winner on.. I believe it was Zetamania.

Mr. Rhade, score = 2.3 milion at place 163, was a winner on Starta.

 Can some one explain it?



23:45:56 Jan 30th 09 - Mr. Pie Maker:

I think it has something to do with the world differences.  Players located on Fant are automatically ranked above the other worlds, then Mant, zeta etc...  Total points are still added up but it's only the ones you have on the higher worlds that get you a decent ranking

23:46:29 Jan 30th 09 - Lord Whoop:

Sir Perkunas


1/30/2009 11:42:13 PM
its counted by what you have on fantasia :)


Ehh... I have nothing on Fant.. so why did i have ended on the 156th spot ?

23:47:38 Jan 30th 09 - Sir Perkunas:

Its counted by fantasia :) if you had something in fantasia you go up ;) you dont have anything your problem :) Zeta isnt the best man to make everything allright

23:54:19 Jan 30th 09 - Mr. Killer:

Even if it is done by what you have on Fantasia and higher worlds, it still looks messed up. I'm sure at least some of the lower spot players with fairly high scores have something on Fantasia, etc. or at least more than 29 points.

23:57:41 Jan 30th 09 - Lord Whoop:

I dont think that's fair to count. Some people have fought big wars in the lower worlds and fought hard for it and now they get this useless score. For example, PKS didn't attacked anyone on Fant, but did attacked Valhalla, Nirvana and maybe some other worlds


And what about FF, their highest member i on spot 120. but they have conquered Nirvana and had other wars, including a war on Starta. So this score is not really fair.

00:00:57 Jan 31st 09 - Sir Farmer Mazvis:

I tried to warn you this would happen, but you didn't listen... you didn't listen...

00:09:11 Jan 31st 09 - Ms. Hawt Babes:

602.Sir Justanius FontainiusDark Rider EmpireDwarf88
604.Mr. ElsinLegacyHalfling84
610.Mr. Atreides
614.Mr. StympalotFallen ANGELSDwarf56
627.Mr. Cyprian
632.Mr. VlahahasInternal Primates ForeverOrc33
635.Mr. Lillagnarp
659.Mr. Ton Fon
674.Mr. MilitaryThe MilitaryHalfling23

somebody cant count...

00:12:28 Jan 31st 09 - Endless Delerium:

Whoop, what do you have on Mant?  could be you're just overall one kick ass dude  (knows this is so) who should have been placed higher but got screwed by not having a city on Fant

00:24:49 Jan 31st 09 - Sir Spoon:

I got 3rd most points of this round, and I'm ranked 162th. The irony! haha

00:33:48 Jan 31st 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

I apparently was the weakest player in FF...yay

01:04:51 Jan 31st 09 - Dark Lord Finwe:

the moral of the story? Only fant counts now so suck it up and stop hiding ^^

01:18:14 Jan 31st 09 - Sir Sky:

So basically everyone in the lower worlds should just NAP each other and war on Fant? The system makes no sense... in this situation, Fant is no longer unique. Fant starts at the same time as four other worlds, and players can't even choose where they want to go, they are placed.

01:20:31 Jan 31st 09 - Dark Lord Finwe:

well the winner comes from fant. so the hoh is based first on what you have on fant. then mantrax. then zetamania etc. the hoh shouldnt be in one long list but still split into maps i think. either way someone who is weak on fant will always be ahead of someone strong on mantrax

01:27:16 Jan 31st 09 - Sir Sky:

Only reason I'm where I am, then, is cuz I moved one of my armies onto Fant this morning. Lmao.

05:31:08 Jan 31st 09 - Prince Valan Septim:

I looked at it at first and thought "WTF", but then I realized that they are split into different worlds, without reset places and titles telling you which world it is. Really confusing. =P

06:20:09 Jan 31st 09 - Mr. Sloth:

Zeta clarified that only points on Fantasia would count. So... there you go. You can have a billion nazgul on Starta and your score might be 1e30 but you're still going to be 500th if you have nothing on Fantasia.

12:40:35 Jan 31st 09 - Lord Whoop:

Endless Delerium


1/31/2009 12:12:28 AM
Whoop, what do you have on Mant?  could be you're just overall one kick ass dude  (knows this is so) who should have been placed higher but got screwed by not having a city on Fant

@ Delerium.    I have absolutely nothing on Mant. I was only playing on Starta and Nirvana and valhalla (I did had some cities in Fant which i took over from RET... but i got whiped out so i had nothing on fant anymore)

Sir Farmer Mazvis


1/31/2009 12:00:57 AM

I tried to warn you this would happen, but you didn't listen... you didn't listen...

Lol i have just saw your topic.. :P And i have to say your formula is better then Zeta's one... :P



It's just not a fair calculation.



19:33:53 Jan 31st 09 - Sir Wilberforce Pwner:


4.the farmerfoundationhalfling1857445 barney stinsonretributiondwarf1792059
6.sir wilberforce pwnerprosapiaorc1963185

meaning i have 200k points on starta eh?
lets look what i have on starta.. if you ask me, this isn't worth 200k points.

settlers 100% 100% 0% 100% +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 1 nothing
cmonman 100% 100% 0% 100% +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 1 nothing & 915 wall

  ready: 954
injured: 35
  ready: 126
injured: 0

19:38:40 Jan 31st 09 - Dark Lord Finwe:

did you train your armies on starta tho

19:41:02 Jan 31st 09 - Sir Haribs The Small One:

it is terrible wrong these highscores, having 2 mill points and seeing lots of dudes (including ryan wich i was happy taht i had more points) defeating me.

19:50:05 Jan 31st 09 - Endless Delerium:

I had cities and armies on Fant, Mant, Starta, Nirvana, Valhalla, a scout on Arma (never could find Zetamania tho ^_^) , so I was happy to place where I did.  Good to know for next era what needs to happen to get to where you want to be...

20:11:43 Jan 31st 09 - Dark Lord Finwe:

your 2mil points on a random map are worth a lot less then points on fant. the highscores should have still been split between the kds

20:14:16 Jan 31st 09 - Sir Wilberforce Pwner:

I didn't train the troops on Starta. My arms was on Fant.

22:04:54 Jan 31st 09 - Mr. Pie Maker:

Wilber the two guys above you might not have had pure points on Fant either.

22:43:24 Jan 31st 09 - Sir Wilberforce Pwner:

Thus that makes me more likely to be 4th, does it not? I had a city or two on Mant at one point but were lost.. that shouldn't affect it...

Only thing I can see being equal to the 200k (min) to about 300k (max) is the 220 odd million gold I had. Which means all my gold was stored on starta? Even with the lack of mines, warehouses or any buildings what-so-ever apart from 2 GTs.

I don't mind losing out (as such), the buggy scores is what I'm trying to investigate.

01:57:21 Feb 1st 09 - Mr. Pie Maker:

Yeah not sure what I was getting at, it does seem a bit fecked.  Looks like even just being on other worlds lowers your ranking

06:45:07 Feb 4th 09 - Mr. Barny:

Yet another reason seperate worlds do VU a great service.

07:00:23 Feb 4th 09 - Mr. Valkyr Van Amos:

If the worlds are going to be one big world, everyones points should count the same, it only makes sense and is only fair... At least the first 5 worlds should match up equally as they all start at the same time.

09:22:20 Feb 4th 09 - Mr. Iridium:

That wont work. Otherwise you'd get fant kds starting on lower worlds for a easy era win... Seperate worlds will always be awkward...

10:10:15 Feb 4th 09 - Sir Gilth:

Its perfectly fair as it is right now.
Before the connected worlds, you could only win on Fantasia. Why should that change. Fantasia is right a the centre and does have the most chance of getting invaded. Therefore it is most likely the hardest world to play on.
It's possible there are very fierce wars on the 'lower' worlds, but overall it will be Fantasia with the biggest forces most of the time.

The layout should definitely change though. Using the old separate worlds in the endscores and give everyone a spot on every world they play on should be possible I guess.

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