Forums / Questions and Answers / Great Walls

Great Walls
02:26:00 Jan 1st 12 - Mr. Zenchi Senkusha VIII:

Please explain, I have no idea how they work and can't find any guides.

06:17:25 Jan 1st 12 - Polydeuces (Mr. Marvin The Martian):

You need slaves and money to build them, they create a large wall that spans a certain area and you can't pass over the walls.  It builds a tiny city that you can't build very large if at all that you can use to pass through.  Enemies can't though.

16:36:52 Jan 1st 12 - kevdwayne (Mr. Vitate The Vile):

Wow, been a while since I built one of those but isn't the city 6K?  Or was it 2K?  Very small either way.

17:04:50 Jan 1st 12 - Iceworks (Mr. Nightsiayer):

i think its 2k..

12:50:57 Jan 2nd 12 - Mr. Master of Obsolete Technology:


16:41:52 May 8th 12 - Mr. Guy:

How does it determine the direction of the walls? and when the heck did this stuff happen? I don't remember seeing it before...

20:24:24 May 8th 12 - Endless (Ms. Nienna of Mercy):

click on your scout or army if you have one on Zetamania, you'll see a build great walls button... it asks you if you want a vertical or horizonal wall

04:23:27 May 9th 12 - Zephyr (Ice Prince Zephyran):

Go to the army and move it to desired spot, go to army page and look for the option that says ''Build Great Wall'', then you have to choose either horizontal or vertical.

You'll need lots of stone gold and slaves

The max building on a wall is 400.

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