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Help me please!!!
03:22:33 Jun 23rd 08 - Mr. Redfox:

i can't find training page.. where is that location???? i can't train troops for my vilages... anyone could help me please??

06:57:48 Jun 23rd 08 - Mr. Random:

the button that says train in the top right hand corner...

07:51:05 Jun 26th 08 - Sir Spud:

If you cant see it. Try going into your desktop settings and making your screen reselution bigger. Everything on your screen will get smaller then you will be able to see more.

22:27:31 Jul 18th 08 - Mr. Gandalf The Grey:

Help me plz, can somebody tell me why my city have no space for building?

22:30:38 Jul 18th 08 - WolfLord Durza Floyd Pepper:

This is most likely because you have filled the respective city with the max amount of buildings it can hold. The size that the city can possibly achieve depends on how close you build it to mountains, trees, and rivers or in how much open space you build it in.

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